*pip* *pip* *pip* *pip* *pip*

*pip* *pip* *pip* *pip* *pip*
*pip* *pip* *pip* *pip* *pip*
*pip* *pip* *pip* *pip* *pip*
*pip* *pip* *pip* *pip* *pip*
*pip* *pip* *pip* *pip* *pip*


I like it

2020 is still so far away.

>scout rifles are the most boring weapon class in the game
>still 100% necessary for end-game activities

Fucking WHY.

Because bungie can't balance shit

Bring back Hung Jury

>for the same game

Tell me about it. I got a hand cannon with outlaw (faster reload on precision kills), and use it on my gunslinger hunter, stack 3 precision kills, and it STILL reloads slower than the MIDA. Why couldn't they just leave it behind, it's the most boring scrub weapon in any game I've ever fucking played.

There are equivalents. Dead Orbit is coming back, so I'm sure we'll see it again anyway.

They bring back boring shit like mida but leave behind machine guns I just want thunderlord back

God the trials map is so atrocious because of this shit.

I'm by no means bad with a scout rifle, but it's just fucking boring when there's zero weapon variety. Kind of defeats the purpose of the game.

Grande launchers were not enough to numb to the pain of losing machine guns. Especially since they're all shit.

New Monarchy >=Dead Orbit > Future war cucks

I just ran a different faction on all three characters and just rotated them.

Lakshmi was the worst faction leader though.

Failsafe is the best waifu of 2017

Monarchy here, but lets be real, they were the wrongest of them all, right next to Dead Orbit.

dude but those shaders were nice as hell

>Sup Forums talking about destiny 2
wew lad

There were pretty choice. The lack of nice shaders in 2 is started to bug me, faction shaders better be back and plentiful.

>Bungie removed a reddit meme from their game
I don't see the problem.

lore wise future war cucks seem like the best choice

Guilty of running MIDA wombo-combo in trials, but come on, I have become the cancer to survive.

Except they didn't because those gloves dropped for me yesterday.


Jesus Christ these people and the stories they make up to scare their children.

>the only decent looking armor set and I can not wear it

kill me

The funny thing is that the item thumbnail still says kek on it

why don't they just fucking change the logo instead of changing the entire piece