This is the comfiest console ever made

This is the comfiest console ever made.


I agree, this is what kid me dreamed the gba would have been dimensions wise. Took it's time getting here though.

>buy a stand
>lie down on my back on my bed
>put switch on my stomach
>remove joycons
>play Mario+Rabbids while lying down

Fact. Switch best console

Agree, but I need games for it.
Steamworld Dig comes out this week though.

When it gets more JRPG's I'll agree.


Indie-wise im really looking forward to Golf Story, they did say it was coming out this month.

Its getting XC2 in a couple of monthd
S, and Octopath Traveler looks like it will be a hit with a decent budget.

Cleary the best.

I'm waiting for the next model before jumping on. There are a number of games I'm interested in and it looks super comfy to use.

Even the Wii U is comfier.

This guy knows what's up.

It is if you like and think laying on manure is comfy, yes

>bought the Splatoon switch bundle 2 days ago
>haven't open it yet and I just keep on staring at the receipt
I don't know what to do I want to play it but at the same time I want to return it and wait for switch 2.0

It's fun, but I wish it had larger storage capacity

wtf you can change the background on the select screen?

top tier ergonomics (except the d-pad, which should be a bit larger). best looks too. I miss being nine and playing this at school

>no backlight
>ancient battery technology

Already pre ordered the Mario Odyssey bundle.

Cant wait to experience the comfy.

What stand my dude? I'm looking for a nice cheap one myself.

Bought this one on Amazon for $15. It's called the "Moko Nintendo Switch Case".

lol, ok.
I'm gonna wait for the next version if it gets rid of the shitty controllers, if not, I'm not too sad.

Too bad you cant back up your saves after the internal memory gets filled up after just some Switch game saves Its shit.

It's a handheld.

I'm heavily considering getting one, Sup Forums, what do?
Do I pull the trigger or wait for a revision of the system?

I just wish the pro controller's d-pad wasn't such utter trash. The shape is great, but getting unwanted up/downs are pretty rage inducing in Puyo Puyo Tetris.

Apparently there's an easy fix you can do which basically involves sticking two small pieces of tape on the contacts, but eh. I don't get how this shit got past QA.

Coming from someone whose Switch is slightly warped, I'd say wait for a revision. Or at least the Mario bundle if you can't wait.

Most game retailers usually do offers like "TRADE IN (x consoles/phones, probably including the predecessor) AND GET x AMOUNT OFF" so just play with it, man. Worst case you take a loss when you trade your old switch in for the revision which will inevitably come.

That's not the Vita

Not with that shitstain of a D-pad.

It literally is. My hands honestly feel better when I use Switch than when I use my 3DS.

mine sweat a lot. why the fuck do they sweat so much?

Being better than an ergonomic mess doesn't make it the best.