How would you make an It video game?
How would you make an It video game?
>make an It video game
how can you into english
Five nights at Freddy style.
DDR clone
>doesnt post the .gif
Non linear open world game with real like npcs. There's no main goal, you can defeat it or wait until it comes for you while you enjoy your quiet life. If you decide to defeat it you have to cooperate with other children in the city, and adults ignore you.
Some office simulator with programming minigames.
whatever happened to movie video games anyway
Maybe you should try first faggot, his English is sound.
.gifs are DLC
some gay bullshit where you just run and hide in closets and under beds
guaranteed to rake in $$$
You made me lol
I got ya buddy
child orgy playable QTE at the end
Orgy at the end
I guess they started to cost more than they would make since everyone realized they were low quality cash ins most of the time. How many good movie games are there anyway? The only one I know of is Golden Eye.
I wonder if Todd ever sees these.
of course, he knows
Probably just make the game like the Friday the 13th game.
M-rated version of Sneak King except not completely terrible
I would be surprised if he didn't.
Ever since IT....we are in the Golden Age of Todd posting.
I wouldn't
what a shitty movie
Semi open world game where you have to survive different random encounters with Pennywise in different forms until you finally build up enough tolerance to man up and go slap his shit. You play as a group of 5-6 children and can switch between them at will. If a character dies you can still play as the others, but the less people you have for the final encounter the more difficult it will be. There's different endings depending on how many kids are alive at the end. Sequel or expansion has you playing as the adult versions.
That's the only way I can see it working.
Outlast clone with jumpscares and epic memes.
Be sure to like follow and twitter our game!
Why is this a meme all of a sudden? Did they announce a new movie?
It's been out.
>play as a monster in a small town/metro area
>you have to kill random NPCs to survive
>if its a small town, you get to know many of the NPCs and side charatcers
>their lives, their families, learn their routines so you can hunt them down
>can take bodies and mutilate and stage them so when they are found it causes maximum fear
>the more afraid people are, you get stronger
>also becomes harder to hunt people down as a trade off to you being stronger, they are aware there is something killing people and arent as stupid
>some other characters try to hunt you down and you have to fight them
>some main story quest, where you either embrace being the bad guy and fuck everyone up and try to get away with it or you are haunted by what you have to do to survive
>maybe you can shapshift as well, you can look like a normal person who is secretly a monster and has to hide it
What's been out?
He has seen them and he straight up said he doesn't get it.
new "It" movie came out two weeks ago. It's has gotten generally positive feedback, and has made a killing so far
The new movie that you asked if it was announced.
the gangbang scene was quite good tho
What has gotten generally positive feedback?
With 11 year olds having sex
Don't worry of anything - I'll handle this
Same shit as Dead By Daylight, Friday the 13rd, etc.
Free cash.
Make it like a mix of dbd and f13 where you have to search 5 tiny generatos hidden inside some furniture in some rng houses and need to press m1 for 50 seconds once brought to a car to activate it while the killer can teleport everywhere, turn invisible 1 hit you with melee/ranged attacks and place infinite 1 hit traps and rape your soul while making funny clown's noises also keep pumping dlc every 4 days while not fixing any bugs and adding a rain weather effect
Shut the fuck up.
so, a japanese dating sim / manga
Skyrim for the nintendo switch
I think the setting of Life is strange would have been a GOAT horror game if you change a few aspects
>keep in a small, idealic town
>you play as 1-3 teenagers or kids
>still dealing with highschool drama and pre teen issues
>but their is a monster or serial killer picking off local kids
>you have to solve whats going on and survive it
>youre not a badass, you can get killed easily which affects the story and none of the adults respect you or pay attention to what you do
lose the time traveling aspect and youre good to go