

fake and gay

This would be so much better without the horrendous plate armor awkwardly placed over her body. Atleast fix that disgusting color scheme.

Hots team is based as fuck. Deathwing is hilarious as well.

She comes in alt colors.

>those hips


It upsets me how much better the HotS team delivers on fan service in comparison to the other games. Like what the fuck.

hmmm... it's almost as if.... its based off of something.........

Is not fake is just not canon to wc just a hots skin.

WoW's Tyrande looks like complete and utter shit while HotS Tyrande is one of the hottest vidya characters in a while.

Their devs are not bound by any rules or lore, their only task is to deliver fapbait skins to get horny manchildren to throw money at them. And they been getting pampered by the OW ip, so they don't even need to come up with new an interesting characters, they just clone already successfull designs and adapt them to their unsuccessful game.

What new and interesting characters did HotS create?

>they don't even need to come up with new an interesting characters
That's against the whole point of the game.

I want to cum on those hooves

canon, genji is unit 01

Of what, Overwatch? No, the point was to make money with micro-purchases over a long period of time without the game requiring much maintenance and investment.

People keep complaining about Metzen's CORRUPTION fetish.
I think it's a great fetish!

are you colorblind? I want to know before bullying you
also respect his numbers
>there are no female nathrazim
this is a crime just look at that tummy

Applies to HotS too, and Hearthstone while we're at it. Blizzard went full-on with vehicles for micropurchases.

Is this the new qop skin?

nice moba skin goy, thanks for purchasing. don't forget to pick up all its variants

Works like wonders for Valve. I mean, why not go with the successful business model?

Best set of skins in the game, got one in a box luckily.

I'm ok with this


>got three dreadlord jainas, two death knight sonyas, a star nerd kel thuzad, and kel thuzad himself in boxes
Really glad I talked myself out of buying gems.

maybe if you vote for her arcana

Who is the most attractive HOTS girl?


Li Ming, Valla, Jaina, Tyrande, Valeera all of them are god tier.

It's true. She tried getting Varian to dismantle the horde so the Legion would easily win.

What's this from?


>Jaina is a dreadlord
>Arthas is dead
>Illidan is dead
>Cairne is dead
>Kel'thuzad died in vanilla and later on again

So what happened with Thrall, Malfurion and Tyrande and any other hero from WC3 that survived into wow?

top tier taste


But only with alt skin

Stock skin either Li-Ming or Tyrande, with additional skins definitely Li-Ming.
I think some standalones like Dreadlord Jaina give her a good run, but almost all the Li-Ming skins are really solid, like my dick.
Tyrande has some weird faces in her alt skins, which holds her back imo senpai.

Li Ming

Best design, best voice, best alts

Was just about to post this

>Pick Li-Ming for the first time
>Hear Azula
>Dick rises

>that awful, awful splash screen that looks like it's right out of newsground 2003

I think you used wrong pic, let me fix it

Because it bears repeating: Li-Ming.


>illidan is dead
have you seen a single piece of Legion artwork?
>Kel'thuzad died in vanilla and later on again
he's still alive because we didn't break his pot

Wasn't into the tummy fetish before but fuck me.

>fanart has to look super professional if it's used as a splash screen that only displays for 4 seconds


Illidan is "the chosen one" and literally immortal now

The call of Kel'thuzad intro

He was already immortal user and he is not the chosen one anymore he fucking killed the naaru.

COnfession, I sometimes play her just to hear her talk

>make new skin using an old community joke about Jaina being a dreadlord
>laughs, and boners, are had
>make new skin built on community ire and basically laughing at their playerbase


He rejected the chosen one label


HOTS has more of the veteran blizzard devs, particularly Samwise, who doesn't give a fuck about being PC

The WoW team went full Liberal, even Overwatch has cute girls, but just hides it under "diversity"

It's been 7 years now.

What's this now?


Deathwing DVA is super cute. I love her iron hairband. Just too bad that DVA is such a nothing character until level 16-20. Before then all she does is feed people their "kill x heroes" quests.


Bet she has a long and meaty surprise under that loincloth.

It's a real fan theory now

Can they make a WC4 already and just make it """"non canon"""" to wow already?

So many places to take it

confirmed thicc

>can they stop milking wow for a one time sale game

yeah dude

You're right, she's got huge flappy bat wings for labia.

Do you waifuposters take requests? Can you guys dump my in-game crush?


Confirmed fan theory


Like Broxxigar?

>HotS is B Team
>Hearthstone is C Team
>WoW is D Team
>HotS and Hearthstone are loaded with fanservice to essentially getting people back into WoW, but the current state of WoW just isn't very good

Is that elf huge or the tauren is a manlet?



It's a new skin for Jaina in HotS

I don't know, Argus has been pretty awesome

What's the big deal?

Legion has been a great expansion

Major spoiler for wow.

in what way?

It's a community joke that Jaina is a dreadlord because she turned into a bitch.


It's been trying way too hard to be like Destiny, but WoW's loot system just isn't built around it. Time-locked content aside, Legendaries are so fucking poorly implemented that it's unbelievable, and it's by far the most alt unfriendly expansion there is, right after WoD.

There's a fan theory that she is a dreadlord. The skin is a takeoff on it.


People want to believe it is canon because... Reasons.


>play it
>it's a boring moba with no depth and fan service to keep the real blizzdrones happy
huh, really makes you think (unlike hots)

if you're going to shitpost at least try.

There's nothing time-locked besides 5 quests out of 5 thousand. And that's only for questing.

Damn why she so thicc?


>unsuccessful game.
Its VERY successful

not that you specified, but you're either complaining that you can't slot 7 OP legendary items at once, or you're just unlucky as fuck and haven't gotten any.

To the first point, making it so you can just slot in whatever you want cuts down on complexity and doesn't give you with any considerations to make on your build and load out for the situation. They're asking you "This or that?" and you just want to say "yes".

as for the rarity of legendaries, the only answer is to play more. Yeah that's a bit of a pain if you have a fuck ton of alts, but not impossible if you just have one or two other characters. You'd really only be stretching yourself if you're one of those autistic addicts with 9 alts or something.

It's how blizzard rolls


Star Princess yu mean

I dare you to joke about this color

Same problem as Star Queen: technically the lewdest but the outfit's just a fucking mess

how about the new one?