While everyone was crazy about Diablo 2, I was in the basement playing this. /V


Get a life grandpa

,.................What was the point of this thread OP?

Diablo 2 is better gramps. Get over it, i couldnĀ“t say the same with PST, BG, NWN, but IWD? Come on.

IWD and BG were better than Diablo. True patricina taste my friend.

Diablo 2 had more replayability though.

IWD makes D2 look like a demo, kid.

You forgot that Demo2, as you call it, is still fairly alive, with a fucking ton of players around the world playing each seasson religiously.
On the other hand there is IWD, which is mostly dead unlike the rest of the 80-90 Crpgs.

Not playing both of these gems

And lifespan is the only basis of a better game?

D2 was even better

>IWD/BG series
>0 good active abilities for barbarians/fighters
what is the point in this game for real

Both games are super old and cheap now.

There is no reason to not have played both.

Diablo 2 is a superior game to Icewind Dale in every way.

Not the only basis but a very significant factor.

Diablo 2 sucked until they patched the necromancer to make him not suck. Also i was playing Ultima Online and it was better than d2 and iwd

Good for you. Did bragging about this make your day?

played both. enjoyed both.

If people still play it even after years, there must be a reason, and that reason isn't always nostalgia or nostalgia alone, it's mostly the game being good.

People still play Melee as well.

What good is a videogame if I don't want to play it?

>his family couldn't afford to games

Get out of here, peasant.

OP is from Poland, so he had to play what the only pirate CD stall in town had for sale.