>He plays as human in fantasy games
Elves and Dwarves aren't much better, either.
>He plays as human in fantasy games
Elves and Dwarves aren't much better, either.
Playing non-human is just a signal that you are not creative enough to flesh out a character. I have never once seen any non-human character with any degree of depth. They're just used as a shortcut to characterize without any actual effort.
If you don't enjoy burning down tree nigger homes and stomping gary stu orcs as a glorious member of the empire, you're fucking gay kiddo
>muh """deep""" characterisation
Yeah yeah, your character got raped as a kid, joined a mercenary crew, had her lesbian lover killed by orcs to give her racism that she overcomes anyway when it drives her to moral evil, good job, you fucking faggot. Your character still looks like a dowdy white woman dressed for a LARP. Go watch soap operas if you want to watch pinkskins feel bad about themselves for hours.
You sound like a fucking muppet
You see characters like that in weebs and furfags
Yes yes, good man-thing. Meanwhile, keep throwing much-more corpses into earth-ground, definitely good-best place for them.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, then. What was your last character's backstory?
Playing a heavily armored dorf with a two handed weapon is the pinnacle of the fantasy game experience, fuck off
Dwarves and humans are the only acceptable races, the rest are for literal furry faggots