The PS5 is coming, and they're going to add a new button. What do you think it's going to be?
The PS5 is coming, and they're going to add a new button. What do you think it's going to be?
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A dildo.
Unfortunately, it will be a 'Like' button
A couple of wavy lines.
All 4 of them combined
This. To be specific. A star of david
It's a button that closes your current game/app and takes you to the ps5 store. Looks like a PS logo right in the center of the four buttons.
The Move button.
A pentagon?
Diamond, like the card sign. but everyone will chuckle like a retard and call it vagina instead.
yellow diamond
The Doug button.
A coin slot so you need to pump money to continue playing. 4theplayers
>PS3 launched in 2006 and "lasted" for 8-9 years
>PS4 launched in 2013 and is still going strong 4 years in
>PS4 Pro and XboneX essentially delay new consoles for a few years
>Thinking the PS5 is soon
I give it until 2021.
What does the doug button do? I must know
It dougs.
>All the Jewish symbol is is two triangles turned the opposite way from each other
It's an action button. Like A.
they stole that button from dig doug
You know this shit.
What did I fuck up?
I'm an ESL fuck, have mercy.
Tangerine ""
Called left and right "V"s (informally) or "carat"s (officially). Used for fighting games, reversing or forwarding the text log/action log or in game menus.
Diamond is a self-explanatory shape, you don't need to reference playing cards.
You didn't fuck anything up. He's just a prick.
The signs on the cards are called "suits"
my bad, user. I thought you meant the square button on the controller. I figured you were implying that the square would be tilted to resemble a diamond
A officialy licensed press x to awesome button
It will actually be three new buttons, one aborts every nigger in the world, one gasses all the Jews, and the last one nukes Japan again, but you are only allowed to press one
The "Save the Vita" button.
they're definitely going to wait for 4ktv and television content and market penetration to reach a certain point and speeds in large file streaming to improve before releasing a PS5
publishers have found the sweet spot for micro-transactions so they don't want a new consoles.
the Pro and X1X are just there to push people into buying new TVs
and the stiffest competitor only does 1080p
as for the topic at hand Start and Select to replace the touch pad, Heart button to replace Share and Diamond to replace Options.
It's okay user, you got a smirk out of me.
The dollar button, you know, ps+ ain't gonna pay itself
A buzzer button that summons your mum to bring snacks
>lelling at another fag that can't into free 14 day trials
all you need is a valid mail account not registered yet
shouldn't be much of a problem for majority of Sup Forums
didn't get banned yet despite having made like 30 accounts for this purpose
Circle = 1
Cross = 2
Triangle = 3
Square = 4
Star/Pentagon = 5
O has one round side
X has 2 sides
Triangle has 3 sides
Square has 4 sides
X has 12 sides
A star would look better. At a quick glance a pentagon is gonna look similar to a circle.
What would a fifth button even do?
screenshot button
I'm considering doing this after my current subscription expires, I rarely play online and only care about a few "free" games
It's "X" you fucking third worlder.
we need like 10 more buttons to play devil may cry optimally and we could have them all if they would get rid of the dumbass giant rectangular monobutton pretending to be a touchpad.
a "P" (play) button, and it will be the only one.
>press P to play
I haven't ever heard anyone call it cross irl but I remember old PS1 games with voice acting would always call it cross.
The Dab pad. Press it and your character dabs.
Already has one
I need that space between the four buttons to rest my thumb and to be able to quickly press any of the four buttons. Don't be putting no silly extra buttons in there please.
Alternatively, they could have a button that's just black with no symbol
So a button that will be exclusively used only for turning on flashlights?
>O has one round side
Is the X button Christian?
I'll be contrarian.
I hope they'll change it quite drastically. Pic related imposed a new standard for controllers.
It will be a $ button to go to cash shop, you inbred mongrels
Am I the only one that wishes more companies made pads similar in style to this? I understand the need for analog sticks and triggers in the modern gaming world but holy fuck this pad is literal perfection for 2D games.
X is two line segments
But all the fagshitters who think the 360 pad is the definite joypad would collectively shit themselves user. Sometimes you have to let people who have shit taste continue to have fecal matter in their teeth
Hori's got your back
>MAX SCORE button
What's the point of playing if you can just press that?
All of the buttons symbols have a meaning in a gay Japanese way.
I do like the idea of a button being in the middle, perhaps it could just say "Games?"
>press it
>nothing happens because PS5 has nogaems
A very small dot.
>the occult Saturn symbol
>Sony designer Teiyu Goto said:
>Other game companies at the time assigned alphabet letters or colors to the buttons. We wanted something simple to remember, which is why we went with icons or symbols, and I came up with the triangle-circle-X-square combination immediately afterward. I gave each symbol a meaning and a color. The triangle refers to viewpoint; I had it represent one’s head or direction and made it green. Square refers to a piece of paper; I had it represent menus or documents and made it pink. The circle and X represent ‘yes’ or ‘no’ decision-making and I made them red and blue respectively. People thought those colors were mixed up, and I had to reinforce to management that that’s what I wanted.
Imagine him saying that in that weird, head down, nodding, talking softly way that all Japanese games people talk like.
no it would be a pentagram or a pentagon. the circle is 1 line, X is 2 lines, triangle is 3 lines, square is 4 lines. they would keep with the theme.
It's easy for me to mistake square and circle, and vice versa.
It's not going to be a face button. I know because I work for Sony.
What's it going to be then? And please don't say paddles.
Are you colorblind aswell or did someone jizz in your eyes when you were an infant?
>facebook button
Top or bottom row.
>playing fighting games with pad
A pentagram is 15 lines.
A new standard of shit
The H button.
Maybe a second fork button?
a self destruct button because everyone knows nintendo makes the best consoles
thanks based hori.
whenever I encounter pad playing scum I remove them from the tournament as quickly as possible without exchanging pleasantries or showing them any human decency. they are lower than dogs but higher than rats and uncircumcised men.
have this baby too, so good
It will be two lines like \ \
It will be \|/. A symbolic vagina for all the bitches out there
the M and Q button
Didn't know i had to get jizz in my eyes to cure my color blindness. Thanks for letting me know i was the only person in all of my upbringing who didn't get jizz in their eyes as infants.
a alike and subscribe button. introducing the new play station social network with twitter and twitch integration!
A button that lets you use an actual decent method of input for shooters and RTS
>Circle is 1 line
>X is two lines
>Triangle is three lines
>Square is two lines
Gee I don't know idiots gotta be 5 lines maybe?
Don't get cocky, Mario, a lot of people already said exactly that.
>implying that share button do not already does this
Morganites are dumb as usual.
trapezoid you heard it here first fuck you