What are some games to play when you are chronically depressed...

What are some games to play when you are chronically depressed? Tried playing Bloodborne but dying multiple of times is just bringing up those feels of how shit my life is for not being good enough.


Final Fantasy.
4/6/7/9/10 and maybe 13.
Chrono Trigger too.

try exercising instead

Maybe MMOs? Hanging out with other players might slowly give you motivation to do stuff and go out.

I've heard of this great game called therapist, maybe you should try it some time.

Katamari Damacy

It will ultimately remind you that we're all pushing our rock for no reason and we all die anyway

Katawa Shoujo

None really, you won't enjoy them.

Also depression is a meme made up by the jews.

Man the fuck up, I suggest you to try this

start doing something about it then rather than playing video games.

Try learning something instead of shitposting on Sup Forums. If you have internet access, you have no excuse

Lift weights and then play DOOM. The old one, not the 2016 garbage.

>le depression meme

Ah yes, good goy, hop on those sedatives.

>treatment of depression

You're not really good at this.

Continue BB, beating the parts that you struggle with is great. I remember beibg happy like a little girl when beating a really hard boss.

Chrono Trigger, only if you've never played it before. Get a fire/dim light and the DS version, blanket up and go have an adventure.

This is a good idea.

Don't believe all the ass holes calling it a meme. I've suffered for 7 months with depression, I've probably been chronically depressed my whole life, but I bottomed out. My best step towards feeling some sort of self worth was exercising, and it worked very well until I dislocated my knee (God must hate me).

Video games won't help, whatever it is your dealing with needs attention. You need to change something, probably within yourself.

If it's beyond your "a little down" and crosses over to suicidal thoughts go see a counselor. They can't prescribe drugs or anything, but they can help you sort yourself out so you can regain a sense of direction.

i want to reinstall isaac rebirth but i already got real platinum god, i just dont know what to play. Maybe i should get the DLCs.

There is nothing to really help battle depression but yourself user, and I hope you feel well soon.

Although I would like to recommend maybe some good old fashion Diablo 2 or maybe Baldurs Gate if you want something more lore-driven.

Find Peace, user.

Dark souls taught me that life will only get harder as time progresses, but the fact that I keep coming back to beat that damn boss shows me that I should be giving life a big "fuck you", and keep coming back to get through it all.
>As Cave Johnson said, "When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad!"

Try eating fruits and vegetables, seriously.

Not lemons tho

I'm not sure it's a good idea. It's very hard and luck based to avoid getting the anti depressants route.

Therapists can only recommend. They can't prescribe you anti depressants. Trust me, you'll keep saying you'll feel better, but you won't until you take action.

It's hard as hell, but you'll regret all the time you lost.