What's the proper way to do female armor in video games?

What's the proper way to do female armor in video games?

This is pretty good, is it a game? We're on Sup Forums after all

It should be made with attention to detail and care. It should look cool but fit the game's setting, unless it's a joke item.

make it look cool

Neon runes and razor-tipped cyber-tentacles

It's a mobile gacha game.
And even if you played it you would NEVER EVER get her.

>tfw no Zoi to carry me

define "game"

>What's the proper way to do female armor in video games?

does not really matter as long as shit is fantasy or fiction or whatever. Since some games may even give shit like a beanie some fuck head shot Resistance stats and what not.

So unless game is going for 100 percent realism and has like no magic bullshit which could be used to like explain that skimpy shit is enchanted for protection or whatever.
Shit just doesnt really matter as long as it at least looks genuinely interesting if they are going for outlandish shit.

Who is this qt?

What's the name of that female knight in soul caliber? She had a great look.

... Like normal armor? I mean, i'm sorta tired of all this kink shit already


An entertaining activity or sport.

I found this to be a good compromise between sexy tit armor and something that might been actually useful.

Define "entertaining".


You came to the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker

Funny and enjoyable.

Triggers the release of feel-good neurochemical such as dopamine and seratonin

Who is this qt? Sounds interesting.

>save crystals/tickets for +10 months to get zoi
>finally get her on the last summer event after 300 rolls and a spark
>zero motivation to play the game outside of events' story mode every now and then
>no motivation to even play any other gacha simulators
I'm free but I feel empty inside. I guess freedom really have a cost.

Oh, in this case Granblue Fantasy is a game, 3% of the time, sometimes 6%.

This dumb slut destroyed any semblence of balance in GBF!

Practical armor with a frilly dress underneath

This is the proper way to do female armor

Best armour on best girl

>roll Andira out of nowhere
>she's rare as fuck, should be happy to have her
>actually kind of sucks

I saved my account info just in case I feel like picking it back up or selling it one day.

Can't believe nobody posted the best girl yet.

>tfw will never get her

I need at least ONE brown waifu in my Dark Team!

Only 6% at the end of the month which is the only time I play.

It needs to fit the character.

got her on a free roll in 2016
I main earth

rip dumb sword girl, we will always remember you

>this time I am definitely saving for a spark!
>oh, a character I moderately like came out/it's already legfest
>I have so few crystals, it won't be so bad if I spend them all now
Repeat ad nauseam.

At least I am losing the will to play live too.

Dont mess with me motherfucker, i own c
Gacha games gimme sauce

I have no idea why gacha shit is so popular.

It;s been said in the thread countless times already you dumbfuck.

I just saw it, my bad



What is so hard to understand? Its a weeaboo + collector wet dream

People love surprises, especially when cute girls are involved.

>0$ spend
>85% spark progress
Some have pretty decent gameplay and in the end rolling for characters makes you feel some adrenaline and pleasure if you succeed, it's like gambling, no denying that. The key is to understand what game appeals and is enjoyable to you without spending money or at the absolute most, small ammounts you are comfortable with

Truly the best girl.


>that picture
>how to be objectively wrong: black & white edition

It's 3% gacha, 97% grind

If you're going for realism you've already blown it by having a woman in close combat.
Might as well have fun with the armour however you want.
Personally I prefer slightly revealing though still a good amount of coverage.

This. Bikini armor is boring and "muh realism" is a meme. Dress armor designs are god tier.

It's gambling except you don't get an actual payout.

Agreed but to a certain point. Massive skirts or too many frills is just bad taste.

Samurai in school uniforms

In full armour you fucking plebs

This is proper

But for video games fuck that. Shit like this is better

GBF have a surprisingly nice combat, combining real time events with turn-based actions. It's pretty simple but also very easy to get involved with it, I wish more JRPGs worked like that.

it's gambling except without the fun part like possibly making money, so it's literally just bait for people with shitty self-control and autists who think collecting their waifus will give them some form of satisfaction.

They're also never balanced well since they have to keep introducing powercreep to keep people buying rolls.

Well, you get your payout if you sell your account. Everyone loves zoi/bahamut/chinese-slut-of-the-year accounts.

>Making money
You are just making money there's nothing fun about that.

Skirt maybe, but fully armored cute girls are the best.

>without the fun part like possibly making money

Why are you so obtuse? The "fun part", usually called a prize, is clearly whatever the person playing wants to get.

>Well, you get your payout if you sell your account.
Just get a job. A fraction of the time investment for infinitely more money.

Same can be said about gambling, but entering a casino and screaming "just get a job" won't stop people from burning their cash on fancy lights and promises of fortune, same for gachas and their fancy lights and promises of cute 2D girls.
>A fraction of the time investment for infinitely more money.
You underestimate the power of autism. That and chinese slaves, gold selling wouldn't exist if it wasn't profitable.

Gacha is pretty much gambling in its most distilled form. Gambling works by constantly triggering various natural instincts like losses hurting more than winnings, the feeling of almost getting something wanting you to try it again, getting rare stuff, skinner box, etc. All you need to do is make a system where people put in money and they can win more, while triggering as many of these systems as possible. This makes people go for it over and over.

Gacha triggers these feelings perfectly. You can have silly rituals to try and increase your chances. Bright colors for different grades. Sparks and such for when you hit a rare monster/hero. Everything to engaging the gambling circuits in the brain.

Its fucking cancer and I hate how I fell for it once. All these games do is torture you over and over with a carrot on a stick until you cave and shell out money.

This to be honest

armor in games is basically just a costume. it only has to give the impression of armor. for female armor you want flowing elements like skirts and long hair and selectively exposed skin like thighs or midriff.

Whatever the fuck you want.

anything between "I am whoring myself along the way of my adventure" and full realism. the perfect mix is when you take something that looks nice, simple and practical and you decide to add protection to the design, while keeping the style intact
anyways it all depends on the setting of the game and how seriously the game takes itself.

>tfw got S.Zoi and Drang in one roll
Feels good.

If you were to fuck Zoi, would she fuck you back? You know, to keep the balance and all that.

>300 roll in august
>wanted any new summer characters except zoi
>get zoi and 3 gold moons
stupid fucking game

Would you mash this potato?

I'd take her crown.


You remove the armor first, then do the female. Not the other way around silly ;-)

Ornate dress armour with lots of lace and frills!

Mandatory: High heel armoured boots.

Cover her face partially or entirely.

go back to islam



half normal armors and half slut armors

might as well give people the choice


>Only head and wrists are protected, literally everything else is not
This is so fucking stupid

Any way is good.

If you ever question this, just do what I do. Assume she is completely encased in superior mcguffin armour and she has cast an enchantment to make it appear like that in order to distract her enemies.

Or, it's more a metaphysical buff. Like hunters in MH.

I'm generally pretty lenient on armor, but full armor is definitely superior. Exposed thighs are the furthest I'll go. That being said, the art direction is of equal importance.

This is what wins

Cuirass, miniskirt, armoured thighhighs and boots


she looks genuinely terrified

you can literally see the silicone

True connoisseurs.

>not clothes
You can wear anything when you punch things to a pulp.

Post the Granblue Dark Knight lady.


Who the fuck needs Armor.



have both boob armor and proper plate
both are sexy

I saw a mini documentary about bikini armors in real life, the author concluded based on hystorical combat, that bikini armor is legit as a combat option, as long as they wield a shield, otherwise they would die too often to ranged attacks and certain weaponry, the advantage of wearing little to no armor is real, and the only retarded thing is metallic boobplates..