Is this one of the biggest misunderstandings that ever happened in a video game?
Is this one of the biggest misunderstandings that ever happened in a video game?
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Only for shut ins
reply to this if you knew what glass him meant
reply to this if you didn't know what glass him meant
Buy him a drink or break a bottle in his face?
You mean everyone who doesn't live in Europe. Only Yuros use that term.
More evidence that Europoors aren't human anymore.
>You mean everyone who doesn't live in Europe. Only Yuros use that term.
this was my guess when i saw so many buttflustered americans.
America doesn't have "pub culture" like most countries in Europe do where [Glass Him] is a widely recognized term.
There was that one from witcher 3
[Forcefully push him aside]
"Oh okay"
>literally breaks Djikstra's other leg
gary why
I'm ESL and don't drink and even I knew what glass him meant.
What difference does that make? I'm American and don't really go to bars either, and it made perfect sense.
In what country does "glass him" mean "offer him a glass"?
"Very funny"
>Fuck you
comfort her
I failed to understand that
There's almost equally bad one from Tales from the Borderlands. At one point, a hostile character has you at gunpoint, but he can't get his gun to work, so he can shoot you. You have different snide replies, one of which is
>Please don't kill us
You would think that your character will sarcastically mock him, but he actually drops on his knees and begs for mercy.
>push him forcefully aside
I only knew because Halo taught me that "glassing" something was bad news for whoever was on the receiving end.
How could you possibly misunderstand this?
This game is shit. Are there any detective games where the game doesn't actually give me the answer and I have to solve it myself?
Nah. That's consistent with Rhys' character.
All those crappy Sherlock Holmes ones.
LA Noire, but you probably played it already.
yuropoor detected
nancy drew
In Lords of the Fallen there was a scene where you come across a woman who is threatening a monk. One of the dialogue choices is [Drop him], which the game somehow interprets as "Throw him over the side of a wall"
That's not even the same usage though. In that context, it literally means turning the surface of a planet to glass via laser bombardment. Euro drinking slang is way different.
You did end up making the correct judgment, but your logic was baseless.
What is Rhys' character anyway. Comically inept guy, who wasn't even necessary for Fiona to find the Vault?
not really
I dont get how anyone thought otherwise.
Sherlock Holme games prompts you with answers all the time on screen, so you're not really discovering it yourself
LA Noire has a similar problem. The game is prompting you the answer with the notebook. Any potential answer will have to be in there, so I'm not coming up with it myself
Never been out drinking, never been to a pub, still know what it means.
There is only one autist whose ramblings I'm willing to listen for more than 15 minutes, and this guy does not sound like Mike Stoklasa
That pissed me off because it would have been funnier if it was reversed.
>Are there any detective games where the game doesn't actually give me the answer and I have to solve it myself?
Her Story. The whole "game" is a series of taped interviews that you have to search a database for using keywords. It's probably the closest you can get to actually working out a mystery by yourself.
It cracked me up so much. I don't care if it was stupid I liked it
>Only Yuros use that term.
I'm not a yuropoor and I knew what the term meant.
I still don't get how this confused anyone. Even supposing you didn't already know that glassing a person meant to literally take something glass and hurt them with it, given the context of the situation, the tone of the conversation, and wolf dude's obviously hostile demeanor, why the fuck would you assume glassing somebody was a nice thing, if you weren't sure what the expression meant? There's fuck-all prior in the scene to give you the idea that any action aside from talking is going to be of the nice sort.
How was he not necessary? He had the cybernetics, the handsome jack AI and the hacking skills to put most of the plans in motion. I like all characters, but Fiona could easily be replaced by Sasha and the story would be the same
your loss, as the vid provides an excellent analysis of detective game mechanics, and how most of them don't have you solving anything due to the common multiple choice structure they use.
I knew exactly what the term glassing meant. Given the fact they were in a bar. Had glasses in hand. Had just a few hours prior beat the shit out of each other. Bigby looking pissed at woody. It boggles the mind how anyone could not get it.
Stupid Canadians.
Breaking news: Americans are dumb.
What else could it mean?
So it's a thing here in America? I've lived here my entire life and have never heard buying someone a drink as "glassing them".
I legit tought it meant this. Sorry, english isn't my native language
Still, I gladly accepted the result
>a term widely used in my country isn't known in another country
typical arrogant European
>Vault key isn't real, money are destroyed
>At no point did anything of note during the death race heist
>Actually brought the bad guys into the Atlas facility. Handsome Jack and Rhys are not necessary for breaking out, Fiona's grenade ploy works perfectly well.
>Is not smart enough to find a gigantic "on" button on Gortys
I can continue, but I won't. At any point where Rhys is actually useful for the team, it's either Handsome Jack who's solving the problem, or Rhys is cleaning up his own mess. He's so useless, that even Vaughn recognizes it and makes him a "motivational speaker" during the final sequence, while the rest get actually important roles in the plan.
>Gonna fukkin glass some cunts
>Gonna get a glass
>Gonna smash it on some poof I don't give a shit
The Witcher 1 Temple Vizima. Closest you'll get to conducting an investigation in vidya, and it's not even an adventure game.
Which is funny because that particular use of the word Toast is German, not English.
I honestly believe most of us are from non-English speaking countries where there isn't any local term that directly translates to "glassing" .
Feel like if it was to buy him a drink it would have said as much.
I really like halo
>thought it meant I'd just be consoling her
>get the bad end after stripping the Bush Cheny 2004 shirt off of those tiddies
I was so mad
you'd have to be a total idiot to not know what it meant
you should have learned context clues in middle school, user
>Blow him off
>She doesn't get on her knees and suck his dick
what the FUCK?
If you're a massive fucking autist which I know many of you are
Is pretending to not get what [Glass him] meant the Sneed's feed and seed of Sup Forums?
I knew what it meant and i'm not a yuro
>post yfw Vizima Confidential is still the best quest in the witcher trilogy
>Get to fuck misha
>""""bad"""" ending
>he thought [GLASS HIM] meant pouring him a beer
Confirmed for never knowing what an actual pub is like an underage manlet.
>not being australian
might as well kill yourself mate
American bikers use the term too, it's just not very wide spread. My question is, given the context of the situation and the other responses, what else could have glass him meant? I've heard people suggest it could mean getting him a drink, but there's hundreds of more logical choices than saying Glass him. In fact I've literally never heard someone use the term glass in order to get a drink for someone.
It took me a little bit, but I got it
indeed, I felt sympathy for the guy and wanted to give him a drink when suddenly I smash a glass against his face
It makes me so happy the lable on the Vic has been scratched at.
>everyone lives in the same part of the world and everything means the same thing culturally!
stop shitposting
anybody with any social skills that could read the situation should have been able to tell that it was a hostile option.
is wrong
is correct
i went into the situation not trying to kick his ass
yes, we get it. youre a shitposter
It's been used in several mainstream American movies, I think most Americans are just uncultured swine.
Was I supposed to immediately think Chuck's Fuck & Suck?
I guess Chuck's Seed is a joke about ejaculation but it's pretty awkward. I don't get the Feed part at all though.
I'm from asia, never stepped once into a club or pub and even I knew what it meant.
Anybody have the fanart where they clink glasses?
>blah blah americans
so ignore your opinion, k
t. false flagging canuck
I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone use the expression, ever, but I still could have told you what it meant.
this desu
>Her Story. The whole "game" is a series of taped interviews that you have to search a database for using keywords. It's probably the closest you can get to actually working out a mystery by yourself.
they are twins
wasn't there always one hostile or asshole-ish option, I just assumed that was the one for this set.
Granted I don't go out drinking and only term i
I know for glassing someone is the bombardment term so I assumed it was something else hostile.
Hell even if I didn't know what it was I would've just not picked it because I wouldn't have known what it was.
>glass him
to hit him with a glass
>knife him
to hit him with a knife
>pipe him
to hit him with a pipe
>gun him
to hit him with a gun
>gun him
>to hit him with a gun
Explain "dick him" then
hit her (male) with a dick
>tfw a west coast burger
>still cultured enough to understand some Glasgow bar fight shit
The only people who could have missed this has to be some 3rd world pedros and dindus who don't understand English.
>punch him
to hit him with some fruit punch