Mount and Blade Thread

>you lowly dog! I'll crush you!
>*retreats into wagon fort*


bump. i know you queers like mountain blade

huh. Sup Forums doesn't want to participate in a m&b thread. that's a first.

I'm boycotting every MnB thread until Bannerlord releases.

Perhaps the nostalgia goggles have finally fallen off and they realize just how mediocre the game really is.


Naw. I'm just mad at waiting for bannerlord. Game is great especially with mods. You're trying too hard to fit in faggot.
>muh Sup Forums hates vidya gaems

The hivemind is real

>for a 7 year old game

Just some advice, make sure your thread pic is related to bannerlord somehow in the future and ask questions related to "what will the first thing you will be doing?", "what faction will you play as?" etc, otherwise the thread will just die.