Was this the last good Final Fantasy?
Was this the last good Final Fantasy?
Jace Robinson
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Gabriel Sullivan
Ignoring your weak b8, ff1 wasn't even good.
Luis Ramirez
It was revolutionary you fucking underage faggot. It was the Skyrim of 1987.
None of the FFs which came after it were truly revolutionary.
Oliver Powell
6 is garbage, but 1-7 are good
Liam Perry
revolutionary =/= good
Dominic Johnson
But isn't FFII the Elder Scrolls of the 1980's?
Camden White
>6 is garbage
>1-7 are good
>6 is on the interval between 1 and 7
Jackson Hernandez
i obviously meant 1-7, aside from 6
no need for lisa face
Jonathan Gomez
>ff = [1,6)∪(6,7]
John Bailey