Yoshida explained when talking about the decision to defer publishing rights to Atlus...

>Yoshida explained when talking about the decision to defer publishing rights to Atlus. “When it was close to final I spent close to two hours playing it and after two hours I was still standing at the beginning of the game. I said, “This is crap. This is an unbelievably bad game, so I put it aside.”

Was he right all this time? What if is Demon's Souls a garbage game? It sold poorly in japan and only got praised in the west because there was not a single decent game released in 2008 and 2009?

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He should have got gud.

Everyone knows that Japenese people have shit taste.

Source? It's because of Sony that Demon's Souls was made in the first place.


>It's because of Sony
Nope, it's because of Gook corporate culture. Everyone on the team thought the game was gonna be a failure and was allowed to work on it anyways because LOLCAN'TFIREPEOPLE

I believe Sony saved Fromsoft for some obscure reason
Fromsoft was always a bad developer and it is to this day even though they are filthy rich
Perhaps Sony got a good deal that's why they allowed and helped Fromsoft to make both Demon's Souls and BB

Demons was some top kino tier shit with a ton of fucking flaws in it, and it's disappointing that the dude in question want and to experience enough of the game. That's the problem with art-like things: they do things to the beneficiary of the creation, rather than to the benefit of the consumer, inherently preventing some from enjoying it

Hm I'd never seen that quote before. It's a good thing Sony had Demon's Souls made tho and DaS 1-3 and Bloodborne are fruits of Sony's involvement with DeS.

Sony helped make Demon's Souls there's no way around that.

>Demon's Souls (デモンズソウル Demonzu Souru) is an action role-playing video game developed by FromSoftware for the PlayStation 3 video game console. It was published in Japan by Sony Computer Entertainment in February 2009, in North America by Atlus USA in October 2009, and in Australia and Europe by Namco Bandai Games in June 2010. It was the first installment in the Souls series of games created by game director Hidetaka Miyazaki, and was produced under supervision by Sony's Japan Studio.


*in question wasn't able to
*to the benefit of the creation
Fucking autocorrect