I liked Noctis. He was a pretty good main character

I liked Noctis. He was a pretty good main character.

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If you have time to shitpost on Sup Forums you have time to put out the Kingdom Hearts sequel that people have been waiting for for the last decade, Nomura-san

>Talking about XV
I bet he didn't even draw Noctis for Dissidia NT

I don't know much about him or the people in the game

I didn't much care for the game but pic related was an awesome line.

Yeah that scene stuck with me the most because that line

He was okay. I didn't hate him and sometimes he made me smile.

Fuck Gladio though

Play in japanese, Prompto is 5% less cringy

He can be replaced by brick pretty much.
Guy did fucking nothing by his own, just follows everyones orders (including main villain) and earns everything wthout any effort, because he is Chosen One.

The only thing he "earned" was an inglorious death he was basically railroaded into. I was less pissed off about Noctis's lack of agency than I was about Ardyn getting essentially everything he wanted, from a dramatic release from his curse of immortality to the complete destruction of House Lucis.

>You guys are the best.
That was real feels.

>Nomura wants to forget XV exists
>Forced to put Noctis into the new Dissidia

It's not like he's the director, if there isn't any drawing showing up by now i'm sure he didn't even draw the guy
I'm sure the reason he said he doesn't feel like adding any new Final Fantasy characters in KH3 is because Square would force XV on it

You only like that line because every other line of dialogue in this game is hot cringy shit. I seriously don't understand people that "emotionally resonated" with this game. I've never rolled my eyes more in a single game.


What was good about him?

I don't think I've ever hated a game as much as this.

this game's dialogue is abysmal

Wierd that jap and eng Noctis are pretty much different characters. Both are good though.

And no, playing with jap voices with subs doesnt mean you know the difference weebs.

I'm pretty sure the differences are easy to spot when the subs go "I sea it too" or "It cerainly nose how to find us", i haven't seen a localization as shit as XV's since FE Fates

Was there ever a less imposing main antagonist in the entire series? In an JRPG in general?

1. Not even a threat beyond "a little creepy" until the reveal
2. When you're alone in the tower he chastises you for being weak at the same time that you're mowing down enemies easily (at least you should be by that point)
3. Unbelievably easy final boss fight, less challenging than some of the enemies guarding the palace
4. He. Doesn't. Even. Fucking. Transform. All Final Fantasy villains transform in the final battle. That's what they fucking do. Did they think they were being cute and creative by taking out what could have been the one saving grace of this loser?

I grew to appreciate/tolerate it a lot more when I just sighed and realized that it's just... very Japanese. That's the best way to describe it. It's very, very Japanese.

I hate Noctis, because I play FFBE and Turn 1 enemy Blizzard Flask is six tons of bullshit.

Man, I wish gameplay of Notics in XV was as good looking as his Dissidia NT trailer reveal

No he wasn't. Nothing was good about FFXV, xv-kun.

>He was a pretty good main character.

shame about the mess of the game he is in

He's okay.
I've started playing FF15 recently and mostly enjoyed it.
>get to the abandoned mine "dungeon"
>get yokozuna'd by some level 65 fucker on a bridge and thrown down two stories my death
What an asshole.

the problem with FFXV is that people explaining the story is more interesting than spending 50h playing it

Noctis was a decent character, with King Noctis being even better. I think people shit on him because of his game, which is...decent unfortunately.

I liked his voice in japan


He's /ourguy/

His boundless autism over fishing and Assassin's Creed is endearing as fuck

Was the open world the best in any game ever?

I didn't even bother with the beta and I had the season pass. It looks SO fucking bad. Tabata is an awful fucking director and XV is potentially the end of the series now.

I think it's actually because Noctis finally accepts his role rather than running away from it like he does with a lot of things. It's the confidence of a king, not the cockiness of a child.

The game was shit but Noctis was fine. Shame his grown up form was a manlet.

Unfortunate, but he's still hot. No homo.

No. It was nothing but copy/pasta gas stations and a few small dungeons here and there.

I don't get why people liked it so much.

modern gaymurs are pretty easy to satisfy and crave big empty open worlds they can mindlessly run around in

I didn't know Hilldawg was in Final Fantasy

He grew a beard but couldn't grow a few more inches. He looked like a complete manlet among every one else

Easily the best FF protag actually

Lets hope that trend disappears soon.

That dialog is better than shit in any other FF

Samefag nomura cocksucking faggot detected

I wonder who's behind these phoneposts..

Why's he so ugly looking as an adult?

assblasted XV-kun detected

Stop responding to yourself you underage turd. Gas stations and diners serve the same exact purpose as inns and stores in older FFs, which copy paste more than anything in XV.

Go back to gamefags


Nomura cock sucking faggot phone posting to desperately avoid detection detected

Only ugly here is you

Barry's back from his holiday apparently.

probably worst ff villain

Good character stuck in a worthless piece of shit game.

Same goes for Iggy. Fuck the rest of the cast though.

>4. He. Doesn't. Even. Fucking. Transform.
He was supposed to turn into a huge demon, but they cut it out. The accurate Sup Forums leak that was proven when the game came out confirmed it.

Also, Noctis would have talked with Regis before he died.

>No argument just reaction image shitpost


Is he Asian?

Disappointed Kagura is great.

Every other antagonist, Ardyn is single handedly the most successful villain in the franchise with the most interesting backstory and most likeable personality

Every final boss is easy regardless. Him not transforming is good because it was just him v Noctis, he didn't follow the kiddie trope of retarded transformation because he didn't need to and that makes him stand out and make him unique even more.
And he let loose those daemons on Noctis knowing he'd be able to go through them, he was belittling him because his bros were always there to help him and now Noctis is being forced to do things on his own.

Hands down the best villain in the entire series. Every scene he was in had a ton of presence and charisma, he had god tier voice acting too.


>he didn't follow the kiddie trope of retarded transformation because he didn't need to and that makes him stand out and make him unique even more.
No, it's because they had to remove it due to time constraints.

That is literally the best line of any game this year, bar none. Just... I almost bought the game because of that line.

No that guy just aasumed this was ardyns transformation

No, he never had a transformation. The dumbass leaker just thought this was his "transformation"

And Noctis did talk to Regis when he was on the throne, Regis's ghost form was next to him at the end when Noctis urged Regis to stab him

...This was before we even saw that form, user. This was way back before the game came out when he leaked info.

I'm not talking about the leak that came out after the game was released, I'm talking about the one that leaked the E3 demo name and other info.