Why is Sup Forums triggered that a nigger is fucking a FAT woman. They're barely human
I guess they're also thiccfags.
cuz she's 17
I dig it. Gameplay looks as mediocre as ever but fun nonetheless. And a splash of blackspoitation seems perfectly appropriate all things considered, I suppose they could have gone other directions but since it's set in america at more or less the perfect time period for it, why not hop on the black power movement for a little extra oomph?
I'm sure people will pretend to be mad but I don't see the point. Not like I'm gonna play it.
>gameplay trailer
>Mostly cutscene/QTE
bond hamburger?
>Black woman saves america from nazi's
bethesda based af
Looks like it's poorly written.
If you're going to make a story about some dude making an uprising in a nazi america and the story behind it won't even be interesting, why bother making an complicated story in the first place? at the end of the day everyone just wants to slaughter nazis without a reason
Sup Forums was a mistake
>A jew goes to destroy a perfect homogeneous utopia
Sounds a lot like a real life. What did the devs mean with this?
The Sup Forums posts are always so cherry picked. Any time you go to Sup Forums it's magapede faggots shadilaying about milk.
That you should probably die because no one likes sociopaths.
Do you think any SJWs are getting the message? People would rather side with Nazis than San Francisco cum ingesters.
You can call us racist but at least I never turned anyone off so badly they defended a fucking Nazi.
Wait is this propaganda? Kinda seems like it.
It's pretty obvious it is. The amazing thing is that a lot of effective propaganda has never been subtle.
It's always as over-the-top and as obvious as this.
Interracial love was very taboo in the real United States, in Nazi Occupied America fucking a white women while being a black resistance member is liable to get you a very painful death
I would Frau's daughter, she looks nice and soft
Cringe fucking city, oh my fucking god.
People would be surprised just how effective sheer repetition is at influencing them.
I like fat chicks but I'm not gonna wave around a sign that says 'fatties only' if I'm looking for a date
You make me sick.
>not exclusively banging asian girls
are you gay dude?
I'm sure there's absolutely no reason in particular why they went for a black guy porking a white woman.
Is this an attempt at social programming or just bait? Either way, I wish devs would stop pulling this kind of shit.
why would Black people still exist in any capacity beyond labor slaves in a Nazi controlled America?
it's the old nazi lady's daughter from the first game, the gag in the game is that she's a huge disappontment to her mother
I love how whenever you bring up the fact that there were black german soldiers and even Jewish SS officers, you can just hear brains shutting down.
>b-but Hitler wanted to exterminate everyone who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes!
That actually makes it worse. And hilarious.
So what was his endgame? Just jews?
>SS officers
Come on, that's bullshit and you know it.
1. get jooz out of yurope
2. crush gommunism (related to goal 1)
3. crush the international banking cartel (related to goal 1)
4. colonize the moon
They just got roped into some shit during WWI so he wanted to make Germany great again.
Similarly Japan joined up because they were getting bullied and figured it was as good a time as any to fight back by joining the Germans.
Jews were just controlling most of the country's finances at the time so they made an easy target.
Plus it's always easy to be racist
>This man single handily triggers both neo-nazis and SJW's for the exact same reason.
You mother fucker
pierce in-n-out
>Jewish SS officers
which SS officers were openly jewish?
>nazi girl rebels against nazi mother by joining American resistance and fucking a black guy
I see nothing wrong with this logic.
>they're still marketing it this hard
just fuck off
the logic is being peddled almost nonstop to all western women in real life
I remember this thread. I saw some autism getting triggered from the fact that two computer generated being we're "breeding" and spreading their genes. Never got a change to point out to him that these people don't exist and neither does their "genes"
I don't see anything wrong with that. People shouldn't be content with their mother whose a nazi bossing them around.
I want a white bf reeeee
white women were made for black men
>Black dude fucking a morbidly obese white woman
This will be the only realistic thing in the entire game.
I don't get it. I seriously don't. The black characters are literally as caricatured as possible short of putting blackface on white models and having them dance ragtime. They are literally racist cartoon caricatures of black people, and Sup Forums is still butthurt about it.
Seriously, rewatch that trailer. Every black character acts like a crow from Dumbo, it's pure blacksploitation.
>Every black character acts like a crow from Dumbo, it's pure blacksploitation.
Really plays my vinyls
I hope there's lots of lewds of that big fat bitch.
i wonder how many Sup Forums thread we're gonna have of this
>dadrock, shenequa leader of the resistance in every cutscene, blacked nazis
just earned a pirate, though i await the 9/10 reviews
>TFW you start downloading feeder fetish videos of fat women eating fattening foods and rubbing and jiggling their giant guts
Nice rebuttal. The only place I've ever seen attractive whit women dating/marrying black men is on the tv/internet.
Every interracial couple I've witnessed IRL is some scraggly black dude with a fat white woman.
Even call girls usually say "no black/african american men please" in their ads.
I reply to this post hereby.
Pierced your sister's buns hahaha lol
Hitler did not set out to exterminate joos. His original, reasonable plan was to deport them all to Jerusalem. The king swinging dick of Jerusalem refused to support the plan and told him to just kill them all instead.
lol you lost get over it
Isn't that manner of speech born of the 70s and 80s? Seems a bit anachronistic.
I'm hype though. I liked the first one.
>Le Nazi Germany was a utopia meme
This is what nazisfags unironically believe.
you think black people don't like shaft? blacksploitation = white people getting offended for the poor dumb blacks
that is your daughter,your grandparents fought for her right to be SHITTED
My great grandparents were brown. Fought for the British Empire.
too many plebbitors on neo-Sup Forums, you can really feel the levels of faggotry rising with every year. can't assimilate them fast enough so they keep infecting the place with their spineless dribble
Homogenous societies are better though.
Can't wait to kill some evil fucking nazi white people and watch some bbc in action! Wolfenstein is the best.
Reading this physically hurt my brain. What the fuck.
>Every black character acts like a crow from Dumbo, it's pure blacksploitation.
I think you underestimate how stupid the average user is.