Hey kid, I have video games down here. Come and grab them

Hey kid, I have video games down here. Come and grab them

What kind of video games?

why arent there any good clown games

grab THIS *unzips dick*

>implying I play video games


Got any PS3 games?

Wow look at all these video games in the shower

I'm not falling for it, Todd. I'll go get you a ladder so you can get out of there.

You're not Todd, get out of his sewer grate this instant.


Any lovecraftian games?

All kinds of video games user, you like Monster Hunter World? Just come and reach.


Do you have Fallout New Vegas?

I liked IT but why are we having so many threads about it on Sup Forums

Do you need to be a virgin to see this fucking clown?

That or you have to be a huge fucking faggot

Take your pick user

Fug you. Still great

Sup Forums spillover

Why do normies hate this scene so much?

hey Sup Forums how's your sex life, what's your sex life ?


>Can you smell it user...? Can you smell the Gamestop? It smells like B.O. and autism.

Autism is my favorite!

>Mine too, user! It's my favorite because it goes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No need to let him out. He has plenty of space in there.


Hiya Sup Forums.

What a fun game. Do you want it back?

What was the point of this scene? I'm guessing something about making them feel less scared? But what does sex have to do with that? does it symbolize something I'm missing.


It's supposed to symbolize maturity, at least that's what Stephen King says

Stephen King wanted to test Pedowood to see if they would include the scene in the adaptions.

Nah you can keep it man.

Do they float?

Reminder that Stephen King said Trump had a sick mind for retweeting a gif of Hillary getting hit with a golf ball
That same man wrote this shit

Something about bringing them together to face off against evil or whatever, also to let/help them escape the sewer or some shit like that.

Does it bloat?

My mom told me not to talk to manlets

Oh,okay... I can give a ballon if you like them better

For the last time Todd, no.

One day games may be mature enough to do this without thinking people want to wank off to it. On the other hand JK this is bull shit and censorship will only increase as time moves on.

Jews are hypocritical liars.

Free ballon? Well shit don't mind if I do.

What the fuck is with that weird editing?

Except you are wrong

They all float down here. You will too.

Oooh, well i'm Toddwise the DANCING clown! 7 ft.

Now that we both know we arent manlets wanna try my game?

O-oh. Without your game and season pass?
Here. Take it.

What is this? A picture for ants?

Shows up fine on my machine maybe you're the ant user

I dislike King and think hes a hack, but after this I unironically have more respect for him. Just the audacity, these traumatized kids run a train on their female friend, its brilliant. And this is the same who goes on tirades about Trump.

I'm not really a fan of Fallout 4, sorry Todd.

go home gi

I'm 25

Sorry poop-water clown I don't like video games

Do you have dark souls 4?

This shit is barely coherent.

Todd is so short that he's actually standing on top of the sewer in this picture

new IT has resurrected IT posting . just be thankful that autistic boar posting cancer hasn't flooded this place

So what would have happened if georgie didn't try to get his boat back?
Would pennywise just have moved on to another kid?

is it wrong to think Beverly was really cute? like wow, im not into redheads but how did they find someone this cute?