Is this really the boxart?
Two bare asses. If This gets passed regulations in the US, it will be a miracle.
Is this really the boxart?
Two bare asses. If This gets passed regulations in the US, it will be a miracle.
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Didn't Atlus cover up someone ever-so-slight cleavage on the Persona 5 cover? Doubt Kamitani's stylized provocative artwork will come over 100%.
Why is it called Dragon's Crown Pro?
Japanese love adding shit like EX, PLUS and PRO to titles for no reason.
they moved a character up to prevent them from being blocked by the esrb rating and it happened to cover a characters tits barely.
tards on Sup Forums thought this was censorship
Only pro-level gamers like me can appreciate it.
Kamitani is recognized world-wide as an actually beloved artist. Censoring his work would get them a ton of shit.
>Is this really the boxart?
can faggits like you stop crying about these i doubt it ruins your prissy ass life
I want to use that fairy as an onahole!
I'm glad that Sorc's beautiful tits are on display in this cover
I didn't even share my opinion on the boxart though. Don't be so defensive.
Fucking browarf reminds me of brigan
Common theory is that it was moved so that Morgana didn't get covered up by the rating logo
So is what people were bitching and moaning about? Fucking hell Sup Forums.
Ignore the bare asses. How the fuck is that Fairy even titled that way. Holy shit its like her spine is separate from her hips.
>i gotta break her spine
>so i can show off her frisbee-shaped butt cheeks alongside her peppermint tits
feminists were right
If this cover somehow makes it to the U.S., Yes I will triple dip.
Fighter is big pimping
The other guys (wingmen) are down in the dirt.
Based Kamitani putting Amazon and Sorceress together, as they belong.
calm down americucks
it's a fucking picture
someone help me out with the eboot patch for the ps3 version, since they've decided to remove it from the ps store
pretty shit theory, we only have short labels here
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right?You're probably a cuck, too.
What regulations? The ESRB was established specifically to keep the US government out of vidya. If they want to put bare asses on their box art, they can.
All of the bullshit censorship is self-censorship.
>regulations in the US
a free (you) for the orbiter cuck
There's no way that cover will fly. Because stores stock in places like walmart and shit where there are kids, covers will be censored even if the game is not
If you moved Morgana downwards, he would be covered up by the label. The theory still stands.
>implying Morgana's face is more important than Ann's breasts
foreigner shill detected
PC release yet?
Then I don't care.
If you had to eat the sorceress' ass or amazon's ass, which would you choose?
Can I just eat food?
More fruity
ugh, just ugh. i thought we gamers had evolved beyond this.
truly this is a sad day for gaming
>a bunch of characters on a black background
I can't believe the boxart is this shitty either.
>ugh, just ugh. i thought we gamers had evolved beyond this.
I know this is fake but I just had to ask, where exactly did you think gaming was? Did you think it was classy? Show me a classy game.
Except no one is throwing around SJW's or complaining about agendas.
Who's handing out the (you)'s here? Cause (you) ain't.
>Regulations in the US
There are none.
What are you talking about??
The ESRB? That's an opt-in self-evaluation system that has no regulatory power.
The government has zero power or relevance in this industry; all the censorship and editing is done at-will by the studios/publishers as they think it will increase market share.
Where do you think this is, some cucked European Caliphate?
1. Muh totalitarian Christian state (which I'd argue is extremely un-Christian; the Bible's whole narrative is built around man having a choice)
2. Hooray, I found something that my hypocritical Marxist ideology tells me is the evil white (Asian?) male bourgeois oppressing me! Time to cash in! This is so much fun! (point out that science doesn't support my ideology? You're fired)
3. I'm actually a legitimate misogynist, and I need to project this onto others in order to remove suspicion from myself! Stop viewing women as less than human! What? N-No, officer, I-I didn't grope her without anything resembling consent...
Take your pick.
>Evolving beyond tits and ass
What are you a robot? The gameplay for DC kicks ass too, there's no excuse to shit on this game. lmao evolution mostly takes place because of procreation the irony is excruciating.
Though if you're anywhere in the west, you really don't have a place to talk. The cultural Marxists have infested the whole civilization.
And if you're not in the west, you're probably competing with your own brand of totalitarians who freak out over stupid shit, so you still don't have a place to talk.
Vanillaware literally doesn't give a fuck
We gamers are mature connoisseurs of art who have advanced far beyond a crass obsession with titillation.
Can anybody honestly say with a straight face that epic games like Undertale, Firewatch or BioShock Infinite haven't eclipsed the finest achievements in cinema or literature? I thought not...
Still let down that this game is a strait port.
No monk class. No thief Class. no extended levels, etc.
I never even finished this fucking game
Is there even an item called the "Dragon's Crown?"
Can you sell it?
>cross-play with Vita/PS3
Does that mean it'll have no new content? Although I'm stoked that it'll revitalize the online community some for me to bother finishing leveling my Dwarf.
This. I don't feel like paying for the online. Now, if they announce and stick to a f2p online like the ps3 version, I would be more willing to buy the game on console.
>Can anybody honestly say with a straight face that epic games like Undertale, Firewatch or BioShock Infinite haven't eclipsed the finest achievements in cinema or literature?
I can. I like Bio Inf but to me it's just a shoot bang with a cutie patooie disney princess escort, the story went to southtown as soon as the we got to elizabeth's tower.
Never played those other two games as I tend to avoid indie trash.
The only thing I can't understand is why it's inferior to the original box art.
There's no perilous background, those character proportions are just WTF, and the fighter is more prominent over the other characters as if he's the main character or something.
Your tumblr bait memes are small potatoes compared to the real issue.
Yes and no, respectively.
M-maybe there will be a LE boxart.
Dragon's Crown is about a Dragon with tooth problems and eventually has to get a crown on two of his teeth. You play the dentist.
>Rooooyal Package
The art looks somehow off to me. Also the placement of the characters and flat black background look like ass. Vanillaware can do better than this.
I can't tell if these posts are real or memes anymore
Is it just an HD rerelease?
You know what this means right? More fanart
It's looking like it's just a straight port with maybe a few QoL improvements. It's got crossplay with the PS3 and Vita versions, so it's unlikely that there's any new content of any consequence.
You think PS3 owners will get a free copy when the PS4 port comes out? I'd really appreciate not having to buy it again.
Any info on Western release date yet?
>Original Dragon Crown
>fat women from tumblr and neogaf gets triggered while Sup Forums doesn't give a shit
>Dragon Crown Pro
>Sup Forums gets triggered while tumblr and neogaf doesn't care
This fucking timeline i swear
Whats that on the bottom right about DLC?
I like to think they can get this out by the end of the year, especially if there's no new content.
This place and the alt-right are the new SJWs. It makes sense if you think about it.
>Georges new boxart get flak
>It galvanizes fans to buy the game again, and new people who never played it.
That's the plan.
SJWs still exist buddy, and Sup Forums is full of it. stop blaming Sup Forums for Sup Forums's problems
At the Sony conference they said it'll be released in January, the 25th if I remember right. What I meant with my question is that will this also be the date of the Western release, or will we have to wait for some months?
>hd re-release of a ps3 game
Digital Art Collection
Is it weird that I find Tiki really sexy?
Do you have a 4K TV?
Nah, it just means even more NeoFAGs post here now.
Are they gonna map the cursor to the touch pad?
I can imagine no worse fate.
I appreciate it actually. By the time I got Dragon's Crown, the playerbase was completely dead and I kind of got bored playing solo and dropped it. Game might have some people to play with on re-release.
pstriple emulation has made a lot of progress.
Because for some reason they rather do this instead of adding backwards compatibility.
This was on my list of reasons why I wanted to buy a PS3, but now I'm happy I can cross at least this one out. Still hurts that I cannot play Drakengard or Nier or any earlier Personas.
Regulation in the USA for shit like this is a lie.
It's all the localizers and marketing fucks censoring your t&a of their own volition and passing the blame along to esrb.
I know this is fake, but I still threw up in my mouth a little on reflex.
>No qt brown beast tamer class
Fuck this gay Earth
Will this be $60
nier is trash, though
listen to the OST and read a synopsis of the story
literally everything else about it is awful.
>Because for some reason they rather do this instead of adding backwards compatibility.
When you think about it as a salesman it makes more sense. PS3 games are mostly second hand bargain bin priced now so they would get little out of it if anything. It's more profitable to just rerelease the same game and slap an EXTREME EDITION label on it.
Wizard is ladyboy and wasn't a good representative for being in the front. The west are into Big Guys. Also Fighter is the Ryu for the game.
Yeah, I figured out in Automata that the gameplay is boring and not well optimized, yet the experience is still stronger if you play is rather than reading about it.
I mean, if it would actually be a 200 something long book then I'm sure it would be good, but reading a summary of booklets, CE books, concert scripts and other shits Taro found interesting is simply uninteresting and not entertaining.
>Can anybody honestly say with a straight face that epic games like Undertale
Oh, you mean the game that is centered around one simple question?
Does spider have the puss?
Calling Hannover Fist
Any additional content? Otherwise I'll find it hard to have this game outside of local co-op
That's because Dragon's Crown is old news, they're getting triggered by 13 sentinels now.
And this topic is just someone trolling, so nothing changed.
But it's funny that you think this way...
That's nothing compared to the Dragon's Crown shitstorm. That one hack journalist calling sorceress a loli, getting ice burned by the artist, and then being forced to wear a sorceress badge at E3 was amazing.
>A: 10/10
>V: 10/10