Should I ?

Should I ?
Is it worth ?
Fun ?

Tell me before I spend a day downloading this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Any fun the game has is quickly destroyed by the grinding schemes and time wasting bullshit. It's also horribly unbalanced and every patch makes it worse because the devs are hacks who will never take it out of beta and try to sabotage any large clans who complain.

Yes, the game play is fun and it has a very health player base, plus open world coming soon.

Gameplay is fun but the game ultimately relies on grinding for progression, you'll find yourself revisitting the same tilesets with the same mission objectives all the time so it loses its novelty pretty quickly

This is my experience with it
>go through tutorial, seems fun
>select mission with other people
>they all know what the fuck they're doing and instantly run ahead
>you finally catch up to them a minute later having killled no enemies because they'be already killed them all
>get rewards and go back to ship
>don't know why you just got because the game's UI and menus are unintuitive as fuck and there's no real explanation for what upgrade does what, or how to upgrade
>repeat running after people
Looks pretty though

Repetitive garbage with a team of retarded leaves to boot. The game is shit and PoE will only revive it for a week.

Its pay-2-not-grind-an-eternity-for-thing

Its fun but yesterday I found out the fan base gets triggered as fuck if say, you come back to play after a year break and yell at you all because you don't have every single thing they have regardless if you just installed/reinstalled

This was my experience yeah.

It was fun at release,but trying to get back into it this year it was lame as fuck.

Even worse, my buddy tried to boost me by taking me on hard as fuck missions so that I could get xp and money faster. I felt so useless the whole time.


>Should I ?
>Is it worth ?
>Fun ?