Nintendo Switch

Who else didn't expect DOOM on nintendo switch, it was a pleasant surprise and i know i'll be picking it up.

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why is it such a big deal

more 3rd party shows that the switch is doing successful enough that 3rd parties are willing to invest a bit more into the console

oh look, Zenimax shilling their shit again...

I'll buy if the port runs at 60fps and has gyro aiming.

>yfw pulling off glory kills with motion controls
>Feel the rip and tear through HD rumble

Offering up games 2 years after everyone else has played them doesn't sell me on the switch..

I hope for gyro aiming - because there would be little to no reason to pick this port.

You get to pay full price for an inferior port of a bargain bin game that's on every other console

The whole PC + Nintendo thing is a lie.

It's 30 fps capped