Post teams

post teams

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nice functions

>look at negative steam reviews
>each one says the game has awesome gameplay and is really fun

SFV modders have a lot of work to save this game. They made Abigail GOAT, so they can do anything.

dante looks like a coked up namasensei

That is the best thing modders have done with V.

I like a lot of SFV mods

Don't get me wrong, a lot are neat.

But that Jagi one is so perfect

Don't forget they say while it is fun the current state of the game is shit and proves Capcom doesn't care about the fans

Just tell me the input lag and netcode famalam. Solid netcode and less than 3 frames of lag will grant them an instant purchase from me despite it looking ugly. In fact if it's 1 frame or less of lag I'll fucking defend it.

No thanks


I don't have a team quite yet, but from playing around in training I've grown to like Ultron, Haggar, Thanos, Iron man, Strider, and Chris. Gonna have to mess around with those boys until I find some good synergy with a good infinity stone.

Just look up the best team on EventHubs.

I sure as hell want to play Spencer, but I don't know who to pair him up with. Suggestions?

Ulton went up on Evemt Hubs so try him

I've hated MVCI since I first laid my eyes on the reveal trailer and my opinion of it hasn't changed and I can acknowledge the fact that the gameplay actually looks decent but everything else is absolutely horrendous. I'll put money where my mouth is when I'll play it a friend's house tomorrow because I sincerely believed that gameplay above all else will make a game great but goddamn, it doesn't feel all that appealing.

>Sup Forums (rightfully) believes that gameplay is the most important part of a game
>Sup Forums also believes that DBFZ will be better than MvCI because "muh art"
What went wrong?

Neither game has enough characters I like enough to buy it for. At least MVCI has Nova and Ultron I can feasibly get attached to again but jesus, I never liked DBZ enough to have a favorite character anymore.

>I've hated MVCI since I first laid my eyes on the reveal trailer

I don't get why this is the common opinion of everyone on Sup Forums and general twitch viewers. Everyone who is actually playing the game/had access of it is stating its really great.

I just finished the story mode myself and it was pretty good. There are a lot of mechanics that make the game feel a lot better that no one really mentioned. Like you can stop super jumping at any given height by holding down, and then can drift. You can adjust where you tag in based on where you hold your stick etc.


im enjoying the fuck out of marvel, the game looks like absolute shit and capcom needs to fire who ever is in charge of graphics
dbz is shit though, its 1 button auto combos like persona, its gonna be a fanservice game that will die extremely fast
marvel is just horrible to look at but it plays really well

So far, I'm not feeling anyone really. I guess I've been using Dante the most, but that's mostly trying to get use to no bold cancel from MvC3.

I'll definitely try out Black Panther and Venom when they drop.

Sup Forums doesn't play marvel games. Sup Forums plays Guilty Gear and Skullgirls. You'll have to go elsewhere.

Guys, I need help. I keep getting bodied by scrubs with auto-combos. I especially hate Ghost Rider. His range is fucking bullshit andhe cam combo by just swinging his whip around. How do i git gud at against auto-combo spamming scrubs and ghost riders?

Underrated post

What can I say? It was a weak first impression. I'm going to get a chance to finally play it like I said, I'm probably going to reshape my opinion on the thought that good gameplay will make up for everything in a game when clearly, I can't agree with that statement anymore.

>do actual combos to make your punishes better
>do combos that lead into mixups
>pushblock better
>punish pushblocked cr Hps
>do better layered approaches

pick any of the above and you'll find much more success

>I didn't bother to try anything but mash in the beta.

Wait for mods and bigger price cut. Atm it's $44, but I strongly believe it will drop another 5-10 dollars unless some tournament becomes a big fat meme on the level of Evo 2010.

the game is designed around auto combos that do 50% health, its flashy as fuck and looks cool, but you can get away with so much but just pressing 1 button, if they change that then it will probably be decent but its literally just persona arena, i know you have to parrot what the other people who didnt play the game said but its the fucking truth

Spiderman and Dormammu right now.

Spiderman is a ton of fun.

>people can only play one fighting game
This here is the real problem above all problems. A lot of newer people who enter fighting games develop a loyalty towards the game they've spent time in. People should be excited to play infinite, dbz, and the blazblue game. No reason to isolate yourself and commit to one game. It's not like anyone in this thread is actively competing and preparing for EVO anyways.

I'm trying to make Nemesis/Spider-Man work but I have no idea what I'm doing. It also doesn't help that I need to unlearn Marvel 3's control scheme.

He also uses the reality stone so anything I throw at him gets blocked by the projectile. This is fucking bullshit. I'm done with this game for tonight. Gonna have to recollect myself for tomorrow night and try again.

Something in me says that even after I play it tomorrow, I won't be compelled enough to actually buy it at any point in time. Unless there's something far-fetched like a voice patch or some roster additions in the future that interests me, I won't get it

I've seen people praise the gameplay even that Maximilian guy praises the gameplay

they're definitely making dbz super casual so normies will buy it

Reality stone seems to be the ultimate beginner approach method. It's really not all that strong, but its very oppressive for newer players to deal with for sure and will see the most play with the games release.

If they're able to spam reality stone on you there's a good chance you had cementblock feet and weren't putting on enough pressure yourself. Strange/Dormammu/Ultron/Ironman can all shoot a guy down for trying to abuse reality. It doesn't have any projectile durability.

Just gonna leave this here

can anyone post a yt video fo all frank west appearances in single player? I won't touch the game until price drops and they reveal the ultimate arcade edition or some crap, but only if they didn't fuck my boy up

A lot of people have been uploading combos to twitter or twitch more so than youtube. Jwong made some cool spiderman combos and Double A on twitter already released about 6 nemesis combos to look at.

The control scheme feels so similar to marvel 3 there isn't much to unlearn. Spider-man should feel way smoother with the change of web swing to a quarter circle, and nemesis buttons haven't really changed either.

I can already tell you're one of those mindless drones who's so desperate to defend your shitty anime game that you dumpster dive through twitter to find some FGC nobody passing off DBZ as some deep and technical game that will save fighting games
similar to this retard

didnt they say they would fix dantes face?

i never said you could only play 1 game i play gg, tekken, sf, bb and marvel, im just getting sick of the shit posting on dbz from people who havent even played it
i play gg, tekken, sf, bb and marvel

I said nothing about the FGC, also hkw am I a Drone for posting a video abkut a game I enjoyed playing?

frank west tries to take photos of spiderman and ends up in the A.I.M.Brella base and beats up haggar

frank west covers wars all over M.O.D.O.K.

frank west makes Thanos with his cock

those are all his apperances, so far people say Frank is pretty underpowered as a whole as far as balance goes

Ryu looks like he's straight out of an animated Taiwanese newscast.

He looks like he's trying to pull his pants back up but can't get it forsome reason

replace bks with the fox kids logo. its just like my saturday morning cartoons

man, fgg is triggered this badly

niggerina lmao

the new hop kick is a good way to beat projectile spammers. it's a like a ghetto tri-dash except you also get 2 air moves instead of 1 like with a regular jump.

Wait for Winter Soldier so you can have bionic arm boys.

How do people get mods anyways? I haven't exactly kept up with SFV, but isn't it a PlayStation exclusive?

I thought MvC was 3 on 3

PC and some people have been able to use some mods on PS4 in earlier iterations (no idea if it still works). I think PS4 got patched though

MVC1 and Infinite are 2 vs 2
MVC2 and 3 are 3 vs 3

I have to know. Is Cap any good this time and does he play similar to how he always has in the past?

Cap and Venom were my go to MvC 1 and 2 characters.

Max said it's one or two frames? I don't know what ass he pulled that from, but the netcode is slick

go away cringestyle

Yeah read up on the netcode and seems good. The offline input lag is a major question Xbone demo was 5 frames, but the PS4 demo was 6. They really needed optimize that shit and I'm still waiting to see someone like DisplayLag to test it out.

>Carol Danvers alt costume is PS4 only

Only good alt costume too

I was so excited for this game but I just can't look at it. Makes no mevermind to me, since I'm maining Dormammu and Ultron(i.e the best looking characters) but still. It's hard to see the humams looking so odd

How is Dante compared to his umvc3 self?, he would be the only reason I pick up the game because dmc5 never

I'm so torn on this game. The game actually looks fun to play, but fuck me the roster, visuals, and music are all so underwhelming. Yet I still feel an urge to purchase it. So for those of you who have bought it, if I liked MvC3 and put a decent amount of time into it is this worth a buy because I honestly can't fucking decide. Also I want to play Monster Hunter and Venom so that's another reason why I want to get it.

I know I'm supposed to hate this game but I rented it and I'm having fun.

Does the game have anything like Heroes & Heralds? I like to have shit to do in the offline

They have it at Redbox if you want to try it out.

I think I'm just going to buy it on steam and if I don't like it within the 2 hours I'll refund.

>buy on steam to try out
>refund before 2 hours
>if you don't like it then don't buy
>if you like it buy it dirt cheap on a keysite

It's already about half price on cdkeys

>Strider's waist

He's not nearly as execution dependent (of course that could change as people discover tech, like bold cancelling), but he's still a lot of fun. He feels a bit rigid at first but that quickly diminishes as you get used to his changes. If you're a lab monster, I'd just stick with Marvel 3 for now until you see what kind of things people discover to open up the combo system.

If you were asking about strength, he feels a lot stronger in this game. Meter gain during DT is super cool (though DT doesn't seem as good as it was before to compensate) and he can special or tag cancel from helm splitter to convert it into a combo. Plus, I feel like being able to hit confirm from literally anything because of the tag system makes characters like him and Hiryu a lot stronger naturally.

>white leather Ghost Rider uniform

actually looks pretty dope

>Tfw I can't even begin to figure what button layout because using the stone completely fucks up my head.

What stick layout are you guys using?

LP HP Stone

waiting for a few proper guides. While I like the game I would be lying if I said I knew what I was doing. Apart from that I just need to really practice movement (and bnb combos).

The default for now, but yeah that might change.

Literally only 2 of the vs games are 3v3. 2v2 is much more common.

MvC1 are all 2v2

Tatsunoko vs Capcom as well
Street Fighter X Tekken if you wanna count that

Someone explain to me how to spam ultron's heavy punch in the air like I see all the cool kids do. I figured out you need to air dash cancel but I seem to only get one air dash. I imagine I need to fit fly cancel somewhere? Does fly canceling gives you more air dashes?

I assume you initiate fly then proceed to dash cancel them, try that out.

>MvCI thread about gameplay
>rarely any post about MUH GRAFIX, MUH ROSTER, MUH CONTENTS

As expected, the complainers are all scrubs who can't play for shit.

Teach me X strategies, Sup Forums.

I honestly don't know how I should be using him.

If it's anything like Morrigans, you need to use his flight into LP into HP and then mash LP and HP while holdiing diagonal-up so you dash in that direction and use his HP

control screen space with his boomerang cutter and sonic slicer, the latter especially good if your opponent loves to be in the air

Do Buster into overhead and tag for a crunchy high/low mixup.

Could be the OP actually being civil too and not being a blinking sign inviting shitposts. It's pretty easy anyway to tell the genuine criticism and people just talking out of their ass.

Quick, Sup Forums, who's a good partner for Ultron?

Someone that can lock down the opposition while tagging out into Ultron so you can open your opponent up with Ultron's crazy mobility while they are blocking. Big reason why fchamp's Ultron/Dormmamu team is so insane

the netcode is good, but every once in a while you'll run into a wifi-warrior with a shit connection. That's not the games fault, though

30 characters isn't enough? That's pretty big

my favorite feature is jumping off the wall. I don't know if it's every character but with a lot of them you can jump off the side walls to get a super fast approach if some fag is trying to zone you out and superjump is too slow

Are you playing Hulk? I'm pretty sure that's exclusive to him, and maybe a few other characters. Either way, it's super convenient. (Also, if Hulk jumps forward while he's wavedashing, he'll have a ton more forward momentum.)

Literally anyone.

When's Vergil gonna arrive? Do you think he'd still be busted?

Hopefully never

We'll get Agent Coulson, Loki, Vision and Scarlet Witch all before him as long as Marvel has any say (and it does)


If take all of them over 8 more years of Doom and Vergil in all honesty

Nemesis-T Type
Rocket Raccoon.


Anyone works well because as long as they can continue the combo they work