Which nationality is the worst to play with in a vidya game?

Which nationality is the worst to play with in a vidya game?

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Tier 1:
Russians, Chinks, BR,
Tier 2:
G*rms, Hispanics, Gr**ks, Frogs.
Tier 3:
Scandis and Anglos.
Tier 4:
Aussie cunts

luckily there's only a few because they usually lack modern things like electricity

BRs for sure.

Nothing the guy said in that image was incorrect.

I'm assuming you ranked them from worst to best, 1 being the worst and 4 being the best?

>any country south of the US/Mexico border

None because every invidual is diffrent


t yurocuck

Chinks and anyone with the kryllic alphabet

no, russians and chinks litterally bring nothing but good and fun times to servers and aussies are just goldselling and cheating assholes fucking up everyone elses playing experience.

they do have really good internet though


i know

South americans, with perus being the worst

Hispanics belong in tier 4. Fuck these fucking spics, they're always fucking horrible

Anyone who refusing to speak English.

This kind of. Peru is maybe the 'most common' worst.

The WORST are those muslims from the Indonesia region on little island that queue for games in America. They must have like 500 ping, have virtually no English skills and just repeat the same 2 barely comprehensible verbal harassment they know.

Rare as hell but they're the worst of the worst

Poles, Germans, Russians, Brazilians and Czechs


Anyone who goes to a server and refuses or can't speak the national language of said server.

Doesn't every other place in the world, that isnt in the 3rd world, have better internet than freedom land cause their isps are too jewish to shell out for better wires?

Best strippers though.

>No one posted about french
Wew, do you even play on EU?

Based on dota 2, the absolute worst are Turks. For every shitty russian player there is at least one that's good. I've yet to see a turk that isn't a fucking idiot, I will abandon the game if I ever see someone type in roach language again

Everyone is shit.



Any american under 25 yo is likely garbage as a person.

Then anyone over that has a fair chance of being retarded.

Best to just avoid americans wherever possible in life.

Poles are fucking absolutely worst. Retarded monkeys without idea how to play a game and they keep yelling in their language
t. pole


Too giddy.

everyone who can't speak english


Frenchies and Amerifats

Ameritards desu




So... Americans?

>The "I just turned 14 and live in Europe" view of the world

All the french do is call you names and then circlejerk in french. They're average in skill. That's not so bad.

Russians manage to ruin the entire game every time. Which is why they're our pick for number one WORST nationalities to play with of all time.

>they're average in skill
>Je suis monte

Who are the best people to play with?

Brits from the Midlands.



As a Frog, I have to say that we're pretry shit tier because most of us aren't even capable of the most basic english communication.
But I don't think we're the worst.

Generalisations don't work. I am a Brit from the midlands who plays with other brits from the midlands. Some of them can be massive cunts.

3rd world shitholes. No matter how bad any nationality can be connection and lag is on another level of frustration.

Alt-right troglodytes of any nationality

Hello Sup Forums false flagger.

SJW of any nationality

alt right is american thing you nigger redditor

Russians, because they will ALWAYS blame everyone else.

Could be, but for a Finn, playing with Finns is absolutely atrocious. They keep throwing shitty memes left and right and act all around retarded.

Ever wondered how it would be like to be in one of these movies where every character speaks their own alien language, they understand you yet always answer in their mambo-jambo speak? Thats basically russniggers and brmonkeys for you. Anyone going easy on them is either one of them or a dumb cunt who has no idea what hes talking about

Playing with Ragnaros/Azralon shitters is much better than playing with dumb roasties who force you to hop onto discord for a fight you've beaten a million times.


>act all around retarded.

>mad stormies up in the thread
Like clockwork.

Why is Sup Forums false flagging?

Tapa ittes.

80% of Poles are just 13-year old kids brainwashed by youtubers.
Turks on the other hand...

this, the second I heard 4 of my teammates were swedes I asked if they like to gobble niggercock in between matches and they proceeded to call me hitler and nazi for the whole game
>prolly pic related as my profile pic didnt help but cmon swedcucks, cmon

Fuck off americunt, nobody is forced to speak your stupid language, when will you understand that?

You're a fanny joke, user.

Here's my fanny joke

It's /leftypol/ who's false flagging.

>false flagger

You keep using that word, etc.


No, really. How many times have you seen people bring up Sup Forums when it's not even relevant to the discussion? It's the definition of low hanging fruit. It always gets a bite and always disrupts threads.

French, Brazilians and the rest of south America. Loud, obnoxious faggots.

if you're NA it's filthy BRs, if EU it's Turks or

any nationality that's playing in a server it doesn't belong in is a bad nationality to play with
i.e. Chinks and Koreans not in the Asian servers


Norwegians, Finns

>Which nationality is the worst to play with in a vidya game?
aus, and i say that as an ausfag
they are either super casual and shit, or ridiculously, mind blowingly good
no middle ground
Second best is american women, specifically the wifes of servicemen that have loads of free time to chat with me while playing eve online

Or maybe they just liked my accent and are mean to everyone else

Let's just fucking accept it. Everyone that isn't from NA is a fucking cunt or just too uneducated to play with.

>not ignotant cunts

BRs for general retardation and ability to multiply like bacteria and ruin a community.
Chinks because they ironically cheat and spam CHINANUMBAH1 all day.
Also for some reason these groups of people can never stick to their own dedicated SA/CN servers.

I can't spell.

> their wives said 'Hi' to me in the discord/chat and I think I'm hot shit

get a load of this faggot

Ranked from worst to least worst: Russkis, other Slavfolk besides Southern ones, BRfags, Turks and Frenchfags

those fucking Russkis man, jesus christ how does one folk manage to be so bad at online games

t. 250lb amerilard

>be 13
>Befriend Czech dude
>He's a bit weird because ex-soviet but help him with his English
>Become good friends and often talk whilst skilling
>He buys a full mith but can't wear it because not high enough defence
>Takes it into the wildly for some reason
>After killing a guy together Czech is on low health with a skull
>A twinge of guilt takes over, I kill him and take his mith.
>He messages "wtf bro I trust u"
>I block him and run through the wildly in full mith whilst crying in real life.

they were apart of the same corp and we ran mining ops
this was before discord was around kid

China, holy fuck. If your answer to this isn't china then it's because you've never experienced playing a game with chinese people, everyone in that country is a selfish and spiteful cunt

amercains especially the underage

>calling others uneducated

>cuck that big
Did you play with a stack from Sup Forums?

South americans are the worst, i still csnt understand why people outside of NA play on our fucking servers

You fucking monster

>russians bring good times
You an igor or an amerifat slavoboo who has never actually dealt with those monkeys?

what a dick


>Play WoW on EU
>Russians got their own server groups
>They still play on English Servers with broken as fuck english and their shitty names

>insulting individuals over nationality
>Not their own personal stupidity
Wew, kys Sup Forums

Dudebro whitebois

Peruvians... it's probably the closest thing to hell.


BRs are fucking retarded and Russians will scam.
China will ruin a server, bring their friends, bring black market business and ruin the game for everyone.

This is why you don't have real friends user.

The French. Every other euro country will either try and speak English, or just hide away in regional servers among friends.

Not so for the French. They ruin every fucking game with their awful language, spamming all form of comms with their monkey speak that nobody wants to listen to. There's the occasional frenchie who has enough basic respect to try and use English, but they're horribly let down by the other 99%. Nobody gives a fuck if you talk in stilted sentences with a funny accent. Everybody gives a fuck when you use your dead language in a place it isn't wanted.

russians or anybody from estern Europa. pretty funny if they can speak English though and start talking shit.

Yurop perspective(Norway)

1: Rusky, slavs in general, screaming "Hanzo carry" when in fact they did nothing, mostly trolls around
2: Turks(yeah somehow I get matched with turks, they might be in turkey or in europe i dunno)
3: Finns (angry and bitter as fuck)
4: France, Germany(tilts easily)

1: Brits(mostly polite, rarely tilts)
2: Netherlands, Belgium(pretty much like brits, tilts a bit quicker though)
3: Other scandis(generally fine, might tilt)

>russian with high ilevel signs up in the group finder
>think to myself that if he's got such an ilevel then he has to be good
>turns out he's shit, can't speak english and leaves mid-dungeon for no reason