Never finish Bloodborne

>Never finish Bloodborne
>Decide to make a new character
>Can't understand why I gave it up because I'm having so much fun.
>Get to Old Yharnam
>Start to realize half my attacks don't land because the hit-boxes are shit.
>Two-handed attacks don't have as much reach as they appear to.
>Molotov cocktails fly over or under targets half the time.

I can handle sub-par framerates, but these hit-boxes are fucking awful. It's like they realized the game was too easy so they start robbing you of hits. Dark Souls controls 100% better than this.

No, hitboxes are great. Also can we all agree that Bloodborne is a nu hack and slash game like DMC but with RPG elements?

No, hitboxes are shit. If I knew how to make Webms I'd have a shit load. It really brings down the quality of the game.

I didn't experience any problems with hitboxes.

>Start to realize half my attacks don't land because the hit-boxes are shit.
Dude what? The hunter's weapons in this game have so much phantom reach you can only pity the mobs that get hit from ridiculous distances.

>because the hit-boxes are shit.
Factually wrong

OP, it would probably help if you actually got close enough to hit the enemies.

What the fuck are you smoking dude, bb had great hitboxes.
The molotov throwing arc does indeed suck dick

Jesus, I keep getting fucked by enemies because I keep underestimating how much reach I really have. Even having the cleaver folder up feels like it swings around like your fucking Kratos or some shit.

>Also can we all agree that Bloodborne is a nu hack and slash game like DMC but with RPG elements

They are both hack n slash but the priorities regarding level design are different which reflects the difference in combat. DMC etc are less about intricate level design and more about combat, levels tend to simply serve as areas to fight in, mostly open areas without sheer drops or other hazards that push you to focus mostly on combat. Bloodborne on the other hand has very intricate levels, lots of hazards and even small parts of the geometary that you can get stuck on and die quickly, combat is therefor simple and it needs to be, having complicated combos or juggling would clash with the level design.

>has very intricate levels
Do randomly placed doors and retarded fences count as intricate level design?

never had any problems with hitboxes. My main issues are that the DLC just ups the difficulty but not in a fun way. ludwig is just retarded 2 hit kills.

1st phase - dodge left
2nd phase - just go ham on his balls and visceral before he can even do anything

This is bait.
The only time they dropped the ball with hitboxes was vanilla DaS2.

Whatever you may think of BB you have to admit that their focus is far more on level design than anything else, that can't really be said for DMC etc where level design is for the most part a means to an end (which isn't a bad thing it works for that styleof game), id rather DMC, Bayonetta etc put combat first and foremost, interesting levelsare nice but with limited development recourses you have to set priorities.

Was a legitimate question, not a nitpicking arguement. I thought they looked out of place, but I didn't think it ruined the overall experience. I don't know if they were intentionally there either, or just lazy design.

Some of the areas in BB weren't very good though, with the main enemy being annoyingly placed environment parts.

Hitboxes are shit in every souls game.

They're not even close to what CDPR did in TW3, where the weapon has to actually touch an enemy's model to deal damage.

How is it even possible to NOT hit enemies in this game? I've heard about enemies having bad hitboxes, but the player character? I've never encountered such a thing in my multiple playthroughs of this game.

But yeah, the molotovs do fly over enemies heads quite often and it can be infuriating.

I have a hard time saying lazy in terms of a level being broken up via gates leading to a short cut, sometimes it can be fairly jaring having a gate blocking your path in forbidden woods for example, which is a fairly organic area where you wouldn't expect a gate to be a big issue. Gates themselves from a design perspective, ones that dont require a key just to be opened from the opposite side is lazy though, they should be designed as solid wood or metal given the character could easily put their hand through and open from the other side.

I think that removing completely the RPG elements and especially the Blood levels would have made a better game.

The hidden stats in BB are awful, hidden def and hidden attack stats unrelated to the stats is a big no no. If you let the player choose how he wants to level up you don't pull shit like this.

Nah, I meant like actual physical fences placed strangely. Like the ones that serve no purpose in game and don't make sense architecturally. Or doors on the walls.

I just spent the last three weeks doing co-op with a friend through the entire game, the DLC, and all optional areas/bosses. The hitboxes are fine. Git gud and stop blaming the game for you not knowing weapons' ranges.

I just assumed it was part of reality warping or some other cosmic shit. Maybe thos eyarhnam fucks have been crazy for decades and just built crazy in the first place.

Yeah? well both of those have nothing on KDP2 or VVW from MMGL

>dodge left
>he does a swipe reaching 180 degrees in front of him and I get hit, or swings again as soon as he completes the flip and hits me if I wasn't hit before
thanks user.

Sorry, I had to clarify. You also need a brain to time your dodges to iframe through the attacks. Which shouldn't be hard with BB's extremely generous amount of iframes.

Don't let any of these fan-boy-blind cucksters fool you. A lot of attacks just have to be invuln framed through. It's just the way the game plays.

>vanilla DaS2
I bought SotFS over the weekend since it was on sale. The hit boxes are still completely fucked.

The physical fences may sometimes appear illogical but the designers would probably have a hard time designing levels that make perfect logical sense but also block off players from certain areas, at some point they will just say fuck it put a fence there we don't have time. As for the doors on walls thats a aesthetic fuck up but not really anything to do with the structure of the level design.

Gotta put into ADP which is the game's biggest fuck-up. Put enough points into it and the hitboxes will still be completely fucked, but in your favor instead.

The fact they didn't change that from vanilla means that SotFS has no reason to exist.

the game's biggest fuck up was soul memory IMO. The assgape ring helped, but it was too little too late.

If you kept dying over and over but still gaining souls you'd start to get invaded by people way better equipped/higher level than you. Also co-oping a certain boss too much and gaining souls from it every time meant that soon enough you won't be in range to help people anymore. Shit was dumb.

>Gotta put into ADP
>he can't dodge without babby tier DWGR invincibility window

I dont know what to say, dude. I can't stand ADP in 2 either but at least you can make the hit boxes reasonable with the right amount of magic adp stat.

hold the share button

inb4 no webms are created because OP is full of shit

did you any of you ever try not being pussies and just getting in the monsters face

I literally have never had trouble with hit boxes in that game, they are EXACTLY the size of the weapon model

Have you seen the 4000 webms and YouTube videos comparing what hitboxes look like before and after adp?

Soul memory sucks but adp affects the gameplay no matter what. If you want to go back and play DaS2 10 years from now soul memory won't matter because the multiplayer will be dead, but adp will still be there.

What are you babbling about?
Hitboxes and iframes are drastically different things.

>Start to realize half my attacks don't land because the hit-boxes are shit.
>Two-handed attacks don't have as much reach as they appear to.

Nice. This is a new one. I'll make sure to incorporate this in my future false flag attempts.

Yes but visually none of the hitboxes make sense until you put enough into adp to make them.

The hitboxes are fine. When you swing your weapon or an enemy swings at you, you can see a little grey trail in the air that follows the motion of the attack. That is a visible representation of the hitbox. Anything that gets touched by that little grey trail gets hit.

Vanilla DaS2 maybe was the peak, but the hitboxes were bad in every game. The only game where I don't recall anything is DeS. That said:
What are you on about, there shouldn't be that much of a problem. Also, why did you just realized this "fact" as you stepped in Old Yharnam? Did the hitboxes magically get worse once you were down there?