

I'm sorry


>WoW movie bombed
>AC movie was shit

I'll apologize if this turns out to be good, faggot

>Neogaf got "goosebumps" from this trailer
The fuck is wrong with them?

I wonder if it have as much weirdly sexual snuff bits as the recent games have.

Why the fuck are you hanging around neogaf?

The poster was paid by marketers to say that.

>>WoW movie bombed
But it was awesome and the chnks liked it. I don't think it bombed


>Muscular women


That is all.

Large breasts are a social construct pushed by the Patriarchy.

>fate of humanity is in your hands
>generic action flick #182
>shallow one liners
>Lara not even sexy
This is awful.

Being this much of a fag

Truly inspiring that a MtF can take the lead role of a Lara Croft film in 2017

nice neck


why the fuck are YOU hanging around neogaf?

You've got brain damage. That explains it.

>But it was awesome

It was bottom of the barrel entertainment for retards. It made money because Chinese audiences eat that shit up, but if you think it was awesome you might have brain damage.

>that neck

what the FUCK

Obut theres already been a good tomb raider novie.... angie jolie ones are great

Oh shit, I'm sorry

sorry for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, 'specially since they're such good size and all

why is there a bow and arrow in every game now?
shits boring as fuck

So they're mixing both TR13 and ROTRR with a little bit of stuff from the old games?

the bow's fun in nu TR though

>Being this much of a fag
Yes, I dunno how you manage it.

This looks weirdly more true to the original Lara than the actual TR games.

>Putting a flat as anything woman as Lara Croft
It's gonna bomb hard.

explain yourself

It'll get the stamp of approval from the Tumblr crowd and it'll make a big stink but I predict it will ultimately do awful.

Especially when you get triple headshot skill without even having to aim at their heads
Fucking overpowered

I kept waiting for the trailer to break out into "Black Betty".


What are the chances this gets good reviews because it stars a woman as the lead? Wonder Woman *cough*

>initiates the trip to find a tomb on her own with no stupid friends along with her
>no crying or whiny attitude
>has dual pistols and braid at the end of the trailer
the only thing they forogt was to CGI some big tits onto the actress.

Yeah, it looked like a somewhat competent adventure film, even the lead was pretty muscular, which is a nice change.

Too bad they're basing it on the nuLara game 1, the plot in there was paper-thin.

I have a feeling the dual pistol scene will just be the last minute of the actual movie as a teaser for a sequel that will never come

>the plot in there was paper-thin.
Yeah I'd wish CD stopped pushing their awful cliche origin story for Lara the Core one was so much better and wold be a way more interesting plot for a movie.

I have bad feeling it may be one of those "could you imagine?" joke scenes where they look like a fan favorite rendition of a character and then poke fun of it.

How come Mortal Kombat is still the best video game movie?

>video game movies usually suck/fail
>make one that has no eye candy or appeal whatsoever

I'll watch a chick flick instead.

Double Dragon movie was better.

>even the lead was pretty muscular, which is a nice change.

What is this bullshit? She isn't muscular aside from in the shopped movie poster. Lara is a gymnast. This girl looks lacks the stocky limbs of a climber and hiker. She's more of a marathon runner. The lack of tits is unacceptable, too.

>Shoulders that wide
Pick one, fuckboy

Not really but I respect your opinion.

That's not Street Fighter.

Double Dragon movie is good to laugh along with. The Mortal Kombat movie you can tell that no one wants to be on set.

Muscular by a movie-lead standards, i don't expect them to put someone with an actual physique to be able to do the stuff she'll be doing.

The actor they have for this move has no hips.

modern men no longer desire large breasts

what a faggot

It actually looks pretty good

But they usually have fat, fat tittied wives/gf

go be gay somewhere else.

only in murrifat land

Are nu-males really majority now?

No. That's just the impression you get if you stay in your Sup Forums/twitter bubble for too long.

Even though Nu-Lara was toned down, she still had sex appeal. I'm not asking for old Lara, since this movie is based on Nu-Raider, but I do wish they tried to hold on to that attractive aspect of Lara. The actress they picked is 6/10. it's OKAY to go into the 8/10 and higher range when it's Lara Croft.

looks bland as fuck
and that actress didn't help it either, she does not look like lara

God the way trailers are edited these days makes me cringe in pain

Imagine if they just said fuck you to the twig woman thing that Hollywood pushes and used a StacyLara.

>alicia vikander
I can smell the dandruff stuck in your fedora from over here

>i'll take two

what did she mean by this ?

Oh fuck you, muscle and fitness chicks are the best. I'm not that into Vikander though and the movie looks like low budget shit.


>the fucking climbing pickax from the new games

movie is going to be horrid

Let's see what a 10/10 looks like for you, user

Not pretty enough.

Will flop so hard.


2/10 at best

>director is some norway cuck who made that pos "the wave"
>writter is some nobody who's imb is movies that have yet to come out
this is gonna be poop

Wow! Looks super generic and boring. There's not even one pair of tits or an ass to look at either! This movie will definitely be great, even though there hasn't been one good videogame movie EVER. Wow look at me! I'm so liberal and cool. I wear asymmetrical haircuts and talk about how depressed I am on Twitter!!!! No breasts are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo progressive. #freethenipple #dayonesee #leftysalwayswin

This is how I always shoot my dual pistols

>If you're listening to this I must be dead
>If Trinity succeeds our world is in danger
>The fate of humanity is now in your hands

Damn. How many cliches can you fit in a trailer?

That extended back neck to move it further from the shoulders looks ridiculous.

>hair on tits

Nooga you gay

What the fuck is that thing?

pointy elbows/10

Six out of ten, lads. Even that feels generous for this gender twisted bitch.

is this supposed to be an actual woman
her body loks deformed

>this is Hollywood's ideal female body in 2017

I want off this wild ride

What bra size is that? How do you measure boobs in negative amounts?

>my brain is ruined by instagram porn and I will never get laid
Real women don't look like the plastic photoshopped whores you get off to bro

How can a woman have no waist? This and Kate Upton are like puzzles of a human body rather than actual women.

I don't find it attractive at all either but insulting a person because of their physical appearance is about as immature as it gets. This is not even a case of obesity where the person's irresponsibility is at fault. She was just born without female curves, what is she supposed to do about it?
tl;dr You're trash.

real women have hips wider than their chest
real women have breasts

It didn't take itself seriously.
Also the 90's.

they are called pedowood for a reason

Could be worse.

They could have hired Amy Schumer.

it's one thing to be unattractive
it's another thing to be unattractive and play a character, who is known as a sex symbol, in a big budget hollywood movie


I never thought there'd be a day I'd have to say out loud that I preferred the old Tomb Raider films.

Yeah this actually looks decent


What're you gay or something?

It's a fault of director, not hers.

Attractiveness is subjective. You can portray Lara's character without having huge tits. Unless all your care about her character are her tits, of course.

1.85m, pretty sure that's taller than most people with a height complex here.