Could he beat Nyx?

Could he beat Nyx?

Could he fuck Nyx?

Anybody could beat any persona/demon, because in other games they're just fodder, or mid bosses at best.

Could he beat Nyx at his P3 powerlevel?

No, he couldn't.

Could do that as well. Gameplay-wise has access to the same broken top tier personas and a non-retarded team.
Lore-wise, literally every Persona boss is just some random deity with a power to destroy the world, which the protags kill/seal away. Saturday morning cartoon villain of the week model.
P3 fags with their special snowflake not canon supplemental fluff need not apply.

He could beat my dick

You'd love it.

Could he beat persona 3

Hmm, no, not even the p3 protag was able to beat nyx, the entire sees team played around with the avatar for a time and were instantly defeated when the avatar became serious.

Nyx herself in her p3 incarnation is unstoppable, the best thing the mc managed to do was sacrifice his own life to become a magic seal and stop people from summoning nyx, he was unable to even scratch nyx despite having the universe arcana as his weapon.

P4 protag who can only use the world arcana is not going to win this one.

P3 nyx would destroy 99% of the shin megami tensei characters, she is on another lever than her demon counterpart.

No one can. The only way to win is to stop Nyx from even starting up which is to block Erebus which is also can't be killed due to being the Malice or suicidal thoughts of the world.

You had me until that last sentence


Why? P3Nyx can't actually be defeated, full stop. Even killing all living things and stopping Erebus wouldn't beat her.
She'd just kind of sit there.

He's the weakest persona protag, so no

SMT protags regularly beat up God and Lucifer on the fly, who are magnitudes stronger than P3 Nyx.
I'm all for Persona but come on now.
Even Nyarlathotep and Phil are technically stronger but Nyarly is AWOL and Phil doesn't give enough of a shit.

P3 is quite obviously the weakest.
Couldn't save the world AND himself. Couldn't even beat the final boss even, had to seal it away.

You're full of shit

Well if we're going by that logic Tatsuya is pretty low tier.
P4 is the weakest because he was required to do the least out of any of the protags and the threat he was dealing with was barely anything compared to other threats.

No, I meant literally. Nyx cannot be beaten at all, the very definition of invincible. The only ones that could beat her are the ones that can rewrite reality entirely to not have her in it, which are definitely the minority in SMT.

It's already established that Nyx can't die, user. Unless they retconned it in 5, which they didn't, then it's a fact.

Tatsuya actually kicked Nyarly's shit in EP, but if you're going by IS alone, then yeah, I guess. He got outplayed by Nyarly. But that's Nyarly we're talking about. He's as high as Persona divine hierarchy goes. Weren't there mainline protags who jobbed to YHVH too.

>the threat he was dealing with was barely anything compared to other threats
I keep telling you, but you don't listen.
EVERY SINGLE Persona villain is capable of destroying the world as we know it. There are no powerlevels beyond that. Each of them hit the cap.

Well Liz wiped the floor with p4 guy in arena and he needed to summon power of friendship/world arcana to give her a pause. P3 guy win solo without it

>outsourced fighting games
Not canon obviously.

Yeah she can
Put any SMT MC's with her and see what happens you moron

Explain your proofs.
If it's the P3 Artbook then don't.
Yeah, Mr. SMT 2 bought it.
Izanami's method compared to the rest is incredibly slow and lackluster, though.
Nyx is one touch on Erebus and everyone bursts into treats, and YHVH is just bursting into treats.

Not him but thats not a sound reason for them to "hit their cap", I mean like everyone character in DBZ can blow up the planet if they tried but that doesnt mean theyre all equal.

I actually consider nyx to be above gods or demons, she is the eldritch horror who first granted death to earth, bringing an end to all living things, she exists outside the scope of gods and demons.

This is just my way of seeing things of course, P3 Nyx is a very special case for me, in strange journey you had gods and demons fighting over the right to rule earth, and all the while Nyx could have easily granted the gift of death to every living being on the planet, killing every demon, angel and human in seconds.

For me, eldritch beings will always stand above gods or demons.

So straight up headcanon with a dash of Artbook, gotcha.
We're not dealing with Lovecraft, we're dealing with Jung, Gnostics and Japanese people on drugs.
That's not how it works.

You mean Demiurge because yaldy=/=yhvh

Nice headcannon lmao

>being in denial
Story was written by atlus and is mentioned in the golden epilogue vaguely.

Not him but that user is right it's not one of the main line games

She can't die by the very definition of the word.
I've no doubt most of the SMT MC's and the big hitters like YHVH would wipe the floor with Nyx Avatar and Erebus, while Nyx could do nothing to them but attack mindlessly back. You can't kill the actual entity itself though, it doesn't have a death state, basically.

Besides we haven't even had a glimpse at Nyx's actual strength, we've only seen it spam max damage on MC during it's incomplete state. We have seen stuff like YHVH get defeated before though, so it's not like they're all undefeatable.

Not canon either.


>She can't die

good one user but unfortunately she is quite defeatable not like it'll be total cake walk but still you can defeat it


nyx is just a death god.

It is headcannon, but when in one side you have an immortal being who can grant death to all living things, and in the other side you have gods and demons who where killed before by mere humans, its hard to believe nyx would lose.

He's too narcissistic to become a door

>she is quite defeatable
And you know this how exactly?

How so? She exists as long as anything with a consciousness exists.
Same sort of rules as YHVH. Only they don't even have to believe in her and she's not an unrepentant asshole

This. But seriously some of you make it sound like she's on a whole another level. Christ... It's just another god who has the power of death that's it.

Yes he would, reach out to the truth would begin blasting, his glasses will glow and he'll use his swag to save the world. Nothing can stop Chad Ziodynecock.

Well.. you cant totally make her go away but you can still beat her up which she'll end up coming back again.. BUT regardless you can still beat her which creates a possibility.

powerlevel threads are stupid

You didn't answer my question

Yes. He'd beat it so hard with his Chuuni powers that instead of dying, he'd bring back Shinji instead.

Didn't Makoto reach some kind of enlightenment where he realized that Erebus/Mankind's boner for suicide was the real threat?

With the Universe,maybe Makoto could have defeated Nyx, but Yu couldn't even defeat Izanami, she was just "convinced" that humanity was worth keeping and fucked off. Nyx's only reason of coming is to fulfill humanity's inner desire to die, so unlike Izanami, Nyx would just keep coming back.

Izanami was just testing humanity's potential, Nyx is just doing her fucking job.

if YVHV can get beaten up, then Nyx sure as hell can. It's not like Nyx doesn't need the power of belief either, she still needs to have people yearn for death in order for her to actually do something, otherwise, life just moves on

I don't have to
The fact that you can beat the shit out of her creates a possibility

pretty much, anyone who thinks Chad wouldn't also need to turn into a door to stop Nyx is delusional

YHVH in SMT has always been a Demiurge, he's been a corruption of the Great Will since MT.
There is literally no distinction between the two, it's all sourced from the CU.
>How so? She exists as long as anything with a consciousness exists.
Well when you put it like that most demons are undefeatable, but they'd go under different names.

>beat the shit out her
>do 1 damage

So does anyone realize that the P1 cast beat Nyx up? No? Okay then.

We're not denying that SMT has more firepower than Persona characters user. Besides if they just wanted to stop Nyx, all they'd have to do is occasionally wipe Erebus and Nyx is a non threat to everyone.

Sure we don't know how hard Nyx hits compared to SMT, but we do know that her existence is a constant without an off switch.

>she still needs to have people yearn for death
Nah, she doesn't man. It's Erebus that runs off that, not Nyx. Erebus is made up of Nyx parts, but they're not necessarily the exact same entity.

What's a P1?

It doesn't fucking matter whether it's 1 or 9999 dmg
you can still fuck her up

If that were the case then you'd be able to continuously do 1 damage until it dies. The game doesn't allow you to do that though

Nyx is just some moon bitch
The World is like four times bigger than the moon so
Also she only commands like 13 arcana lol
Shit is overrated P3 is dumb even muh fog troof izernagi is a better plot than muh deff despair door
Sealing away "death" is pretty lame wow so nobody ever dies now I guess good job making overpopulation worse cunt-kun

Nyx is just a dumb alien, it's not that powerful

Because it was scripted?! The whole death battle was scripted.

Yahweh was killed before, and he needs humans to power him with their faith, otherwise he will be gone forever.

Nyx on the other hand has no need for humanity, she can all humans and end Yahweh forever, she existed long before mankind, and she will keep on drifting in space longer after earth is no more.

I think some people believe P3 nyx and megaten nyx to be the same being, they are not, the databook itself says gods and demons are born from the will of mankind to protect humans from nyx, P3 nyx is not a divine being or a demon, she is an alien creature from another part of the universe that crashed on earth and granted death to mankind eons ago.

Piercy is pretty fuckin strong though.

>Granted death

In what way? Things die people die
Nothing lasts forever you nyx gags are so full of shit it make me cringe

Suemei Nyx is even more a snowflake than blue Jesus
Wow so immortal can't beat death just gotta seal it away

It's not a valid source of information.
It's dumb and none of the games and nobody working on them acknowledges it.
Although you're right about Persona Nyx and Megaten Nyx being different, but that's more to do with how each series treats its demons.

YHVH can be killed but he'll always come back due to the fact he's "God". Anytime you believe in a higher power but don't give it a name or attributes, it'll go into powering him, so unless you make sure every human has the belief in the gods specified, or just kill all humans in every single universe, he'll never truly die.

Nyx can also die, just nobody in the persona universe is strong enough to finish the job.

Could he beat Nyx?

Yeah and there's a reason why you're scripted to always use the Great Seal instead of just chipping away at its health

Nyx was awakened by all the negative and suicidal thoughts of mankind and thought of it as a sign that humans wanted to die. It was in the game.

Nyx is like a constant, the only way to beat nyx is to literally destroy the universe, Yu couldn't beat nyx because he didn't have death sealed inside him.

He'll look cool failing to do so.

Well, compare the final bosses. One is an avatar of literal death. And the other is some dude

Holy fuck you're fucking stupid
If she was so all powerful and all you couldn't put a scratch on her or even getting near her you dense motherfucker

Well he could change people heart so they stop being emo and nyx will never wake up

>Yu couldn't beat nyx because he didn't have death sealed inside him.
That only amped up Door-kuns "chosen one" factor, it didn't have anything to do with being able to "defeat" Nyx.

Yeah no shit? I already knew that captain obvious

>It's not a valid source of information.
Says who

Could he beat Nyx?

>Could he beat Nyx?

Hell make her his personal bitch

The real question is can he beat Dante?

I mean he might have already.
It's hard to say exactly what the ramifications of beating Yaldy are, freeing Humanity from its sloth inspired devotion to higher powers could seriously fuck with things.
I would err toward "No", though. I don't think future Persona games are gonna be that retrospective .
>none of the games and nobody working on them acknowledges it.
It's about as embarrassing for the Atlus team as that one time they were caught drinking while everyone was talking shit about them during one of the streams.
True Demon would have the easiest time of it, but he's pretty powerful as it is, potentially the strongest protag in SMT (although I haven't played SMT4A and have heard Nanashi can pull some serious weight)

why would you beat her tho

Can he beat Nyx?

>Nyx can also die
She can't. She literally doesn't have a death, user.
Until this is addressed in future Persona games (Addressing plotholes and stupid plot points in Persona? Not a chance), there is no situation that can possibly occur where she dies.
It's a stupid plot point, but it's fact within the game.

What if someone destroys the universe, can they say they have killed Nyx then?

Only if she shitposts.

Doesn't he become Luci's bitch or something? Haven't played Nocturn yet.
Nanashi beats YHVH and potentially becomes the creator deity of the new universe.

It's not entirely clear, because our games are full of plotholes.
Nyx doesn't run off people power like Gods and Demons though and it's not like she has a body anymore, so there's a chance she'll just sulk on her own in the void. Assuming she even has feelings, because that's never addressed either.

Is that you nyx!?
I swear to god if you up your rent dues this week I'm gonna havta kick you out!

Which Persona has the biggest dick


C-Could Mishima be THE Admin?

Mara or Satanael.

I haven't played Nocturne but why is he treated like the strongest demon in megaten.

Nyx runs a bar in SMT3

That's the extent of her power

The Great Will should stick to sitting alone in his network.

She technically can die though. Door-kun got to her core but could only deal 1 dmg because he lacked pierce.

Different universe, different nyx.