>90% of gameplay mechanics are not explained in the actual game
>have to constantly open Wiki to know what you are doing
>10/10, so oldschool, masterpiece xD
What's her name?
90% of gameplay mechanics are not explained in the actual game
Pic unrelated
Unless you keep up with patch notes, then ya fucked
only for the last part
What exactly isn't explained?
>why cant metroid crawl
dark souls
I bet not many people called warframe a masterpiece tho
You're pretty much handholded through the early game with junctions.
The Last Remnant.
Among many hidden things literally nothing about the class system is explained in game and the leaders class has a huge impact on what your unions will do in combat.
You gain a fair few items that are more mid to endgame stuff early on that make no sense. Those keys for example. Hell i logged in today after a 4 month hiatus and there was some statue/star thing in my card inventory that I have no fucking clue about
>endgame is a hellgrind for small incremental upgrades
whats her name?
I remember when I got into it properly for the first time. I joined the Discord and just asked whenever I had questions. It was a big help, and honestly, I think it's an unintended upside. You need to join the community for a good experience.
Ocarina of Time is so overrated. How am I supposed to know to play the ocarina on the carpet or light all the torches? It also looks like dated shit. The very definition of artificial difficulty
Destiny 2
Only the story isn't explained tho
They do this because they profit from the lack of knowledge, if you don't' know how to get a certain crafting item you can buy it as insanely inflated prices on the store.
This also makes fanboys defend it because they know how to easily get it and feel superior.
No that was Destiny 1, where you ground for god rolls on items. Now every weapon and armour has preset perks, and you can augment them with minor stat boosting mods.
It's a double edged sword, on one hand, yay less grind, on the other hand, once you get what you want, there's nothing left to grind for.
Dark Souls 3
>you gain items that you will use later in the game early
No way that isn't possible whoa.
Those keys are no example because they don't exist anymore.
>Hell i logged in today after a 4 month hiatus and there was some statue/star thing in my card inventory that I have no fucking clue about
Okay, this is bait. Are you talking about Ayatans? They fucking tell you you can use them to get Endo. The only thing the game tells you nothing about is the Dojo.
This whole thread is bait.
Va-11 Hall-A
I can't believe i bought this turd
Positives out weigh the negatives if you want competitive PvP balance. Instead of facing a god roll palendrome with ur shitty roll palendrome, you both have equal guns with the better player surviving the fight instead of the better rolled variant
Minecraft, I suppose? I played it in 2009, but only really got into it around 2010 I suppose. Didn't know jack shit about the game, so I thought the feather a zombie dropped was some sort of magical weapon, and I used it.
Maybe I should play that game again. It can't be that bad, right?
Agreed, when I fired Better Devils during the PC beta and discovered that Handcannons were not in fact gimped anymore, I felt the need to thank Bungie both for that, and the fact that I only need to get the gun three times and I'm set when the full game comes out.
>He doesn't know
Know what?
Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Know what?
Are you here to troll or are you gonna give me straight answer?
why the fuck do I keep seeing wf threads on Sup Forums, stop it you faggots this game is awful
are you fucking kidding me? 90% of the details on basic game mechanics are either told to you incorrectly or never told to you at all, these devs are shit
What exactly isn't explained?
>Are you here to troll or are you gonna give me straight answer?
Alrighty then.
Legend of Mana
Barebones explanation of crafting, hundreds of components that can be used in an infinite number of combinations and no indication of what effect it will have on an item.
Granted, it's entirely possible to beat the game without making or augmenting any equipment.
It's a shitty and buggy fucking game but it did used to be fun despite that. They got their shit rocked so hard by Sup Forums that the devs nerfed all the fun out of the game.
how mastery works
how experience is distributed and why you're not levelling your sentinel by doing shit on your own or why you're getting better xp for being a leech
how focus amd rep earning actually works
how the afk timer works and that there even is one
how relic rewards actually work
how damage/hp/armor/shield types actually work
how enemy scaling and base stats work
how elemental vs ips mods work
how different weapon types are defined for different purposes (sortie restrictions vs challenges vs type-specific mods)
what sortie modifiers actually do
how status chance and status effects work
how multishot works
how yellow/orange/red crits work and why stealth damage looks like crits
how "stealth" actually works
how vaults work
this is just the tip of the iceberg
I love this game but holy shit, trying to play this game without looking up information online is fucking impossible. Even if you manage to beat the game though brute force and magic, you'll miss 99% of all the fun shit.
The fuck is that? Dont bother replying if youre going to be some smarmy cunt like before either. Noone truely cares about a ftp
He's a fucking idiot. It's F2P a game that relies on crafting and multiple currencies. Of course it's complicated and confusing.
>devs add tutorial
>devs make tutorial skippable
You are an insufferable shit. A games system should not require studying outside material. Things should be sensible and understandable from a get go. If your game NEEDS a tutorial instead of teaching you through gameplay experimentation then it is poorly designed.
or maybe you're just dumb
go back to candy crush
Demon's Souls easily.
People had to figure out everything on their own that was happening beneath the surface. Hell, even basic mechanics go wholly unexplained.
>Game hides information from you