What was the last good WW2 or Vietnam shooter? Has to be pic related right...

What was the last good WW2 or Vietnam shooter? Has to be pic related right? Havent had one in so long it feels like I might actually try CoD WW2. fuck.

WW2: Day of Infamy
Vietnam: BC2 Vietnam

WW2: Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm and Day of Infamy
Vietnam: Rising Storm 2

RO2 and RS2 are dogshit and Tripkikes should be executed for all their lies, nepotism and all around bullshit.

what's a good shooter campaign, I want to play some nice campaigns

>RO2 and RS2 are dogshit
>I might actually try CoD WW2
Could have just said you were a gigantic faggot from the start.

>I might actually try CoD WW2
>putting words in my mouth because you got BTFO this hard Tripshitter
Get cancer and die, CoD is just as bad

>muh bikini girls

I don't know how people like RO2, it controls like shit in my opinion

Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam