ITT: predict the next switch happening

ITT: predict the next switch happening

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i'm a brainlet, why is this important to stockholders or whatever? it's a chinese game developer


Biggest game publisher in the world.

Tencent dominates China, if Nintendo makes a partnership with then to distribute Switch in China it could be huge.

Because of how huge the market is in China, and how Tencent is the biggest game dev in china. If they can get the Chinese to buy the Switch, there's millions and millions of people who don't own any other console ready to buy something with the latest Tencent games on it. 200M use their version of 'steam' alone.

>just a chinese developer

Tencent practically owns the internet in china, owns all private information, gets all the money from all f2p games and has so many billions in cash that they could buy half the planet if they wanted to.

If they partner with nintendo it means they deem the switch a lofty vehicle for their games and platforms which will give nintendo an invincible hold of the chinese market, which I remind you, is the biggest in the entire planet.

of shit games yeah, its easy being the biggest when you're the only one allowed to do business in the country

but isn't everyone in china too poor to own a switch

Doesn't matter since that quality gap would be filled by Nintendo.