I bet u don't even know what this is Sup Forums

I bet u don't even know what this is Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


I know what it is, but I'm not telling you

I know it, in fact I own it on Steam, however I don't know why I would play it. Explain.

The better question is, why would you own something that you won't even use?

I'll own ur fucking asscheeks if you come at me like that again

Because game bundles

which boss had the best intro?
for me the one in museum

The lab has that stalker/fallout asthetic when it came to its theme.

In fact, the entire soundtrack of this game is awesome.


Kurwa mać, rozwalmy mu łeb i sprawdźmy czy nie ukrywa tam swojego sekretu.

Used to play this as a kid, never got past the fucker with the dogs near the beginning, shit was so damn hard (at least back then).

Also there are too few games with this dark genetic experiment theme to them, RE used to have that but that went away with 4.