Tonight on Cyberpunk Sup Forums

Is Cyberpunk already here?

>inb4 VR sucks

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dude I want cyberpunk lovecraftian game

On the high end no.No synthetics flying cars, etc
The lower end tech from CP is commonplace and unremarkable by todays standards.
But by and large this is the dystopian future CP portended.

The genre is only slightly more interesting than real life at this point.

Shadowrun is that. It's also quite kafkaesque if I say so myself.

We live in a world where smartphones with internet access are pretty much required even in the 3rd world. Cyberpunk is now. Cyberpunk was always about the present, so technically we've been living in a cyberpunk future since the 70s-80s.

That aside, am I the only one afraid Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna be a shit show? It sounds good but I always have this little doubt in my head. Interview with Pondsmith helped though.

Not that guy but I fucking hate all the trolls and magic and shit in shadowrun, with a passion. In my humble opinion it is pretty fucking gay.
I've only played shadowrun returns though, as a game it was alright.

Half Life 3 will come out before Cyberpunk 2077

>That aside, am I the only one afraid Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna be a shit show?
I'd rather put my money on it being (my) GOTY than it ending up shit.

Also VR is great, but it is new tech which always has a shaky start.
Cyberpunk is already here tho, but because it is real and a part of daily life it seems mundane and boring. That's true of everything. If bigfoot was real no one would give a fuck about it. 6 crops control all media, a reality tv star is the president, there is no privacy and everything is tracked and recorded, everything runs off the net and can be hacked, augmentations of every kind are available, but still a bit crude, flying cars have been around for decades but will never be legal for obvious reasons if you just look at trafic fatalities, automation and A.I. are eating up jobs at an ever increasing rate. The list goes on.

Yeah, the mixing of genre's makes it pretty polarizing for most people. But as someone who likes both fantasy and sci-fi Shadowrun is something I don't think I'll ever get tired of.