This is your healer for today...

This is your healer for today, she just started playing because of the new skin and is going to focus on the first-time Talus during a competitive match, say something lewd to her

Other urls found in this thread:

[VVVB] From behind?

New flank/blatant shotabait also, hope you're ready for a week of 2/3 flanks on one team

Nothing like adding in a new character every month when you can't even balance the previous three that were added, then go out of your way to nerf an already shitty character from a year ago.

Keep it real, HiRez.

she might look evil but those thighs save lives

reminder that this happened

but the three previous champs are fine now
what are you talking about user

Don't mind me, just being the biggest cocksucker magnet in the game

actual aids, the skin

Tribes died for this.