Title "NO MORE NAZIS!"(sic!)
What do you think, Sup Forums?
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I think the Nazis in that video look aesthetic as fuck and it'd be cool if we got more games where the playable characters / faction looked that good, instead of wearing shitty ass rags.
It's the Killzone effect, where the "bad guys" are way cooler than the "good guys".
This game is firmly in the "wait until it's marked way down in a steam sale" territory for me. I liked the first one ok, but I'm not really hyped for this all that much.
trailer looks ok
but new order was shit
and old blood was only sightly better
so I'm still gonna wait for a big sale before I give this another chance
At least Gears of War did this right and let us play as the jin-roh inspired spess mehreens stomping out filthy xenos.
Other than TNC, what other games include the game developer's fetishes into the game?
oh pol will have a grand ol time with this one
Loved TNO and am incredibly hyped for TNC. New Order completely ruined gunplay for me, when I finally got the hang of the controls I had a blast. Beating it on Uber the first time was fun.
Nier Automata
Was Hitler ever a thing in this continuity?