What went wrong
What went wrong
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Nothing, I got to shoot niggers. It was great.
Top tier co-op.
Designing it as a co op game. Gameplay wise it's a slight improvement over 4 but having your partner backing you up the whole time even when playing single player removes all sense of horror. Also they got rid of the merchant from 4. That guy is the best character in the whole series.
co op
obnoxious partner with the AI of a vegetable
too much action
bullets were given out like candy
uninspired generic enemies overall
forgettable plot
they forgot to add the horror
Mercenaries is pretty fun as an arcade type game though.
Forced Co-op and lack of backtracking which was an RE fixture up until then
They released an arcade reskin of RE4 as a mainline entry in the series
Its the best in the series so not much. I just wish it were longer.