Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
>using a .jpg image format
>Replays requires you waste your time for the 'p' in Doopliss
>That whole forest chapter early on
Once is enough
no sex mods
The Doopliss part being 90% tedious backtracking.
SJW shitfest
nintendo exclusive
Can only play it on old hardware or glitchy Rom
contributed to my ninten-year-old status
Where’s the fuckin paper?
the fat lady is useless, which is too bad cause she seems like a cool character
>Dooshit chapter
>Finding General Whitedick
>Asspull "Everybody likes each other and definitely isn't dead" ending
Otherwise, fantastic game.
I know this is bait, but this game is 13 years old. Most SJWs protesting now were wearing diapers or just sperm at this point.
Depends on your run. If you have an FP drain partner power set up, she's actually ridiculous. She makes Mario invincible while being able to drain tank. Your badge set up makes a big difference, and you can complete the game with tons of different set ups to make partners shine. Or if you're an uncreative faggot you'll just play Danger Mario.
Fuck yourself cody you ruined paper mario forever
Fuck no
Worst in the series after super paper mario due to all the backtracking. Even color splash and sticker star are better. Only paper mario game worth a fuck is the n64 one.
I didnt know about danger mario until a few days ago. actually I dont know much about TTYD builds in general.
>fat lady is useless
you realize the enemies removed by gale also reward exp and it works on all of them, right
Well, he did say find a flaw...
Vivian is not useless.
But Vivian's a man with a penis.
Well then do a play through and try stuff out! If you want to do a Flurrie/Partner power build then I would recommend FP Drains, Happy Flowers and Flower Savers on top of the partner buffing badges. Spamming their abilities can get pretty crazy. Flurrie and Koops can make Mario essentially invincible while being very tanky themselves.
Most areas are completely linear, diminutive and flat , so to compensate, the events of most episodes have you constantly backtrack through them. This hurts some areas more than others: the plains, train and colosseum pull it off; but the island, spoopy and forest don't. Not only does this hurt the gameplay, but the world feels more on a theme park ride than its predecesor, the places lose credibility and come across as lazy at times. This is such a disappointing shortcoming, altough not fatal for the game: as most chapters have wonderful scenarios and stories, and the combat is fucking mindblowing, improving upon what Paper Mario built. So I still love it.
too easy.
Chapter 2
I read now that lip lock ignores defenses, which is what I loved about watt in the first paper mario. so I might give this game another spin and check her out and not use quick saves in the pit this time.
What else do you call a game with a tranny companion?
>waaah transgender people exist!
Grow up, the world is filled with people different than you.
>he uses danger mario tactic.
good-posting isnt allowed here
The backstory conflicts with the main story.
Despite combat being one of the worst aspects of the game, they threw an entire chapter of twenty nearly back to back fights with annoying restrictions laid on top. Fans will defend it for the narrative, which is fair, but I'd like to play the game more than once.
>XY Shadow can't claim their identity as a female
wow another bigoted cishet human, what a surprise
Grodus dull and the story acts like him wanting to take over the world is a big reveal.
Tons of backtracking.
Rehash of the first game.
Shit enemy variety
Combat gets boring by the endgame
Chapter 1 is the best though