This is Lyn and she is perfection

This is Lyn and she is perfection.

Who here would let Lyn fart on their face???

She was more perfect when you could imagine she had nothing on under there.

The spats are way cuter and shows she's a decent woman

these legs tho

Needing spats as a chastity belt just means she's a slut.

>can't even harm the final boss in her own game half the time
She's shit

I like spats but they simply don't work with Lyn.

I wonder what costumes Lyndis will get in Warriors?

>too many sword users lol
>nu-FE characters only lol
>Lyn gets in anyway
How does she do it bros? She just keeps winning.

That candle is strangely erotic.

I want Archer Lyn!

I contest that Lyn was most likely a DLC character that they downgraded into the base roster so they (or nu-FE defenders of the game and its design flaws up to this point rather) can say "SEE? THEY DO CARE! BUY THE GAME YOU WHINY ELITISTS :^)", she's a shield.

I say this primarily because what we've seen of Lyn so far indicates that she is a clone of Ryoma, not too much time spent to make her and put her into the game.

I feel like this needs a sad Hector Wojack or something.

I fucking knew that Sup Forums would still find a way to complain, and here it is.

How is it not a viable conclusion to draw given everything they said in interviews up until this point? And even ignoring that, she's still a sword, if they wanted to placate roster concerns, Hector should have been the choice.

What you're advocating on the other hand is "Lyn's in we have to magically like the game now, all those months of ill will didn't happen, pay up that $60 + $20 season pass goyim"

>Green meme animu hair

I mean, after all the justifications they give for including all the other Fates and Awakening characters who were really not necessary at all, and then going and adding Lyn totally by herself does seem like a serious case of fanservice imbalance. Same goes for Shadow Dragon having so little, even though the developers said it was one of the games they were focusing on alongside Awakening and Fates.

I didn't know baseless speculation about the development process of a character was suddenly a viable conclusion. But no, I guess we all have to hate the game on principle no matter what they do.

You still can, unless you're an idiot

You seem to be a bbbut muh sensor ship fag, so i wouldn't rule it out

90% of the people who will buy FEW started with Awakening, be grateful you are even getting any non-3DS era characters at all.

I think it's fair, if it was because of you "veterans", "oldfags" the series would be dead already.

This isn't even bait, i'd trade Lyn and Marth for Vaike and Perri.

I would trade Lyn for Azura, you know the unique lance-wielding woman that is on the cover of Fire Emblem Fates but not in the spin-off that panders specifically to people who enjoyed Fire Emblem Fates?

I didn't say I didn't want Awakening and Fates. I'm saying I want it to be an even share.

>high definition boots

She's certainly a more important character than fucking Lissa.

Even share wouldn't be fair.

Lyn is fucking garbage, the roster is still trash.

>You still can, unless you're an idiot

So if you think she's wearing spats under her robe, because you can see spats under her robe, then you're an idiot?

people only care about her because smash bros

5$ DLC.

They probably had no time for a dancer class, sane reason there are no Ninjas.

Muh big titty Oboro.

I don't know if it's the spat, but it looks like she has a midget body.
It looks really weird to me.

Why are you even in here then?

Naked Lyn!

>replier literally proves him right
If you're so hellbent on stopping people from complaining why don't you get daddy IntSys to make an acceptable product next time?

Blame that shitty mobile game for the 2 protagonists being sword users.

The sooner oldfags drop the series the better desu.

>shitty mobile game
Reminder that Heroes is the best FE spinoff and has shown more love towards the series than a half-assed musou ever could.

Just imagine what's under the spats then.

It's a shitty mobile "game" with the most disgusting FE character art to date, and that's saying something.

>we've only seen her specials
>they look nothing like Ryoma's
>the only similiarity is that they both use katanas

You only hate it because it's on phones.


It's far more of a game than Fateswakening, that's for sure.

>FE "oldfags" are just FE7 waifufags

Lyn is supposed to go commando.

>disgusting art
>the newest official Senri Kita art of Ike, wielding the Urvan no less
Nah fuck you. I'll grant you the mobileshit thing but the art is stellar for many of them.

Lyn is also supposed to be irrelevant.

Back to your autismo general retards, wasting hours and hours on a phone game, kek.

I want to see her bare feet after a day of marinating in her boots!

Meanwhile you're wasting hours and hours on Sup Forums.

I'm at work.

Wasting hours every single day on a phone game that went full p2w a month after launch. Why is their general not relocated to /vg/ by now, by the way?

>Spats in a Koei Techmo Team Ninja game

No thank you. I'll take my business elsewhere. If you are gonna try to appeal to my dick atleast do it right.

It is in /vg/, i still go from time to time.

It's literally a gambling thread, muh orbs and shit.

>literally just gave out one of the most broken units in the game for free at 5*
>is soon going to give out another broken 5*
So people that shit on Heroes know nothinh about the game

Please kys, thanks to retards like you there's a real chance FE Switch will have online with lootboxes.

Take off the tinfoil hat user.

They aint like us superior FE4 waifufags.

Really hoping Navarre is true so their are more than 25 characters. A lance knight to round them out and another archer would be ideal, as Shadow Dragon having 3 characters despite being a focus makes no since.

>implying Fates wasn't already setting the series up for that with My Castle shit

while this is true for Roy and maybe Ike, nobody care for assist trophies
Lyn is baby's first FE waifu tho

You're beyond out of touch. You do know that phone games like this will only fund more and more actual games for the series, right? Unless it's from some garbage company like Crapcom or Squeenix.

she's actually just forced by IS and not the true fan favorite

Can't tell if you're purposefully being retarded.

She is wearing spats. This doesn't make it harder for you to imagine her naked.

Post lewd Lyn

>Baby's first FE waifu
>Any character not from Awakening or Fates

I have to assume you're the one being purposely being retarded. I never said "imagine her naked" I said "imagine she's not wearing anything under there". Those two things have completely different appeals. If you can't tell the difference between imagining someone naked, and a nopan fetish, I don't know what to tell you.

They devs said the only sword user they thought about cutting was Lucina

No, I blame the dev team for being retarded

This. Lissa and Fredrick shouldn't even be in it and other characters from Awakening should be in it instead. They sure as hell ain't that high on popularity.

>tfw friend thinks I'm some sort of FE oldfag fan
>first game was radiant dawn and I never even finished FEA or any fates paths, just Echoes
Help me stop being such a newfag without the GBA games since I am too autistic to play those on an emulator and would rather use my real GBA.

so was she not a decent woman before? don't slut shame savage waifu

Today I will remind them.

can someone photoshop her spats off?

This still makes me laugh to this day and I'm not even a Camillafag.

why do they even continue to follow the new releases if they know they'll just hate them? there's now 13 (counting SoV since they like it a lot) grandpa games, what more could you need?

It would be unwise and just generally poor business to make other FE games like FEH.
FEH already exists and is so far highly successful. Making other FE games like FEH would just result in them all of a sudden competing with themselves. Unwise.

However if they produce FE games like they have before. Then they'll make bank on said game like usual, while also creating an influx of characters, story, as well as skills and weapons that can be added to FEH.

Because even though FEH is highly successful now, that has a lot to do with the steady stream of new content. Regular FE games helps to extend FEH's life span however. While FEH clones would just diminish FEH's success.

We'll get actual games. They won't turn the mainline into gacha crap just because FEH is successful.

>Lucina fags that lost round 1 salty af due to the blow out
>Join Camilla round 2 to spite
>160% increase of players on Camilla's forces after Round 1
It doesn't take a genius to see what happened. Lucinafags got upset at their first round lost, and joined Camilla to ensure Lyn didnt win either.

i gotchu senpai

not everybody is 12 user

her skin is gray. literally dead on arrival

Camilla actually got a 7x multiplier during the last hour because she was losing so badly

You'll see, then you'll remember me.
Nobody really gave a shit about mycastle, unlike Heroes which is a huge success for all the wrong reasons.

Remember in the future who actually ruined the series, it wasn't Awakeningfags, it was the veterans who eat P2W mobile lootboxes just because their mediocre SNES waifu is in it.

With the "Tomorrow" page style it kind of looks like the spats are still there.

We don't know all the cast yet.

Box art doesn't reveal the hidden characters.

Navarre has been confirmed to be in Story Mode and is not on the LE box as a sprite.

>they gave her spats.

Why would you want to be an oldfag, they are a bunch of bitter fucks.

>thinking spars impact the character at all
>not retarded

I don't want to be an "oldfag" but not being a newfag is something good.

>only played 6, 7 and 8
>thought they were pretty neat but didn't become obsessed with the franchise
>mfw watching all these babbies fight

Spar = spat

There is nothing good about Lyn beyond the subtle implication of a breezy cooch. She's boring as fuck, like almost every pre-awakening FE character.

What went wrong?

>15 games to draw from
>only choose 4
>non-Archanaea/Elibe/Fates characters will be DLC

Nah, newfags are objectively the best ones of the fanbase, the rest are tainted with Pre-Awakening poison.


Well I didn't really find FEA terribly interesting either, idk. I just wanted some advice on other titles to play, I don't really give a shit about your fanbase wars.

>Use characters from old games nobody cares about instead of the ones that saved the franchise.

Please keep going, i literally fap on oldfag tears.

>old games nobody cares about

>Don't like the English dub
Does FE:W has dual audio?
If not I might have to bite the bullet and buy the JP version
Wonder who they will show of at TGS