Monster Hunter thread continue

Monster Hunter thread continue

What are you most excited about for Worlds?

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no ziggy, no buy


Eat your veggies(meat)!


Did they not promise new shit every day?
Where is todays news?

>Monster Hunter never had that, did it?
Not really, unless you count Stories where it does have an outright villain

Oh, right. The guy turing monsters into mechas.

PC release when?

I want to bully the Kulu-Ya-Ku

>digital deluxe edition
I swear to God. If they announce a season pass I'm fucking done with Monster Hunter for good.

I'll just pirate it if that's how it goes.

>Still no talks about the PC version
It's going to be heavily delayed isn't it?

He had a decent motivation but he just did literally everything wrong because he is a Sunday morning cartoon villain.

>pop the game in
>test out the controls for the main character
>smooth and fluid like the character in Dragon's Dogma

If this actually becomes a reality, then it will definitely be a day one buy, $59.99 + tax + bank overdraft fee.

Him who knows that I know what he seeks to know, knows it well...

Playing with my normie friends

That's for sure, we just don't know how much it'll be.


>stories thread died before bump limit again
For fuck sake, i am homeless, i want my comfy and active stories threads back.

It not how long but how will the PC port be. I mean I trust Capcom with their PC ports but I'm just pissed Sony isn't going to allow cross play.

Gonna buy it on xbone and game share it with my xbot friend to get him into the series

Played the demo and thought it looked great but the combat felt weak. How have you been enjoying it?

>tfw I saw it on page 10 and was too late to bump it.



I did, it feels simple at first, but as you unlock and learn more skills for you and your monsters there's actually some nice depth to it. That and the whole gene customization allowing you to play around with monsters elements and attacks to create your own builds is pretty fun.

>Comfy 16 player halls in 4 months

Yes, i love it, is the perfect MH game for someone like me, eho always like MH setting but could never get use to it's gameplay not matter how hard I tried. But now i locked myself into being a rider and i can't never be a hunter now.

Sounds fun. Sadly I hold back on 1 game a month and Nintendo stupidly decided to release Metroid along side MHS. And well I can't ever say no to Metroid.

If you've played any other monhun it's braindead to play another in a different language

>there are people not worried about DLC with pre-order exclusives announced
Can you possibly be more deluded.

Don't say that user, get into the Hunter career, the 3DS games are great as well. I do enjoy being a Rider though, here hoping a miracle happen and a sequel gets released at some point.

I say 3 months right now but when January rolls around we'll see how I feel about it.

All I want in my life is more Monster Hunter. Even if they say PC will be 2 months after PS4 release it's going to be really really really hard not to get a PS4 for it.

I have nothing against PS4 or anything, but there's nothing I want to play on it except for monster hunter.

I hope there's more silly monsters like puff bat.



I can't, i tried the demo and always hate how i can't fucking lock the camera into the monster, how slow i felt while doing EVERYTHING and how battles took forever. Now much worse after playing stories, i can't go back to non-cute artstyle, much worse with world that is brown as fuck, sirry user but i am a rider forver now.

Probably the movement and aiming with HBG/LBG on mouse and keyboard. I hope it works well.

haha I was about to repost the poll I made to gather more data but you already did it. good shit user



But you'll be playing the game six months after us consolefriends will have finished it.


they'll start back up again once the MHW threads die down. I've been busy in metroid threads so haven't been in stories threads lately

I've waited years. Whats a few more months? I'll double dip and buy it on both if they can confirm save file transfers.

God I miss Peco.

>Finishing a MH game in only 6 months

Did you start in 4U friend??

it's a shame. the mainline monhun games do have issues but they're some of the most addicting and rewarding games out there

So will he appear?

Also more pecolego, just so everyone has them.

I don't get it. But speaking of tigrex, i can't for life make a Qurupeco retreat to get it's egg so i can toot a tigrex much earlier of what you are supposed to get it.

I'll buy both even when I know they won't transfer saves. I don't give a fuck, I've waited years for the series to evolve past the PS2 era so I will play it as soon as I possibly can AND get the PC version for an even more polished experience when that comes out. I want Capcom to know people want MH to stay multiplat and finally be done with the shit ass reused assets for over a decade.

Probably not. Kulu-Ya-Ku is probably our bird wyvern for the night. Looks fun, but it's no Peco.

>not being a neet

When were wagecucks allowed on my board? I bet you use GL.

Er. I meant this post for

>No tooting
Silly user, times have changed.

You can get a Trigrex earlier with the DLC quest, user. I got mine before I got to the volcano as well.

Bullshit, i got only shit eggs from that DLC!

kek, I still have content to go through on 4u and 3u. I can wait a while

Is anyone concerned that the Handler is sticking closer to you than any other Guildie?
She should be staying back at the base camp so she doesn't get hurt.

Are you sure? Have you tried making the Tigrex retreat?

I'm sure she can handler self

Nintendo should buy exclusive rights of MH stories, rename it into Monter Rider and turn it into thwir main MH line. Mainline MH can go to sony. That way everyone is happy, hunters get better graphics and riders get more cute rider girls

Stories bombed in Japan, there's not going to be any sequels

I really want him since I had a ton of fun fighting fun
>Fight time fighting I have no idea what I'm doing
>Does his dance
>Huh that was weird but whatever
>Rathy comes out and kills me fast
Kind of sad I know how to play Monster Hunter so things like that don't shock me anymore. But hoping for some nice surprises when I play with my friends who never touched a MH game before.

>Making a monster that appears on a nest retreat to it's nest
user, what?

The best monhun surprise was pickle surprise.

Gaia crusher bombed harder and the anime got axed AND STILL GOT A FUCKING SEQUEL! If stories doesn't get one after the fucking failure that was gaia crusher got a sequel, then there is not hope left for the man.

Is the CB back to its former glory?

Oh shit, I guess I was really confused about that.


I'm most excited for Khezu coming back!

This will be my first Monster Hunter game

>Make a new file with a friend who just picked up 4U for the first time
>Egg quest in the Volcano
Always fun


Pic related was a sequel to what is maybe capcom biggest failure in years. Stories maybe didn't sell what they expected, but it's anime is doing well and getting a full new season. I refuse to belueve they won't make a sequel.

Oh well, at least she looks cute in fan art. I hope we get some fun doujins.

I hope you are right, user.

>yfw season pass
>yfw a gorillion other dlc that isnt included with season pass

Meh, she is not cute like these.

Fuck that guy. Get this silent hill reject outta here.

I think they said the DLC is free, but who knows, this is Capcom we're talking about.

It'll be my second

>Japan only
And here I thought I might actually have a reason to buy a Pro.

Aw ye

They are already sold out so it's cool.

>MH devs said they won't allow Hunters being in crossover games cuz it would imply a canon design
>Capcom fucks them and put a Huter in marvel vs capcom.

prettiest boy for worlds when

>mounting is still in and is completely tied to stamina, which means that a HH player can lead to infinite mounts
>mounted monsters can still be hit while mounted for no ill effect
>monsters can also be mounted with the hookshot and can be instantly remounted with the same hookshot if thrown off said monster
>there are so many environmental triggers that even if you don’t mount properly the monster can still get snared or knocked down somehow
>mounting is even longer now to give off that western cinematic feeling
>monsters begin to completely ignore the player and get thrown into an eating cutscene if they bump into another monster while fighting
>can heal while moving and healing while moving is almost as fast as regular running, and it can also be canceled
>random insects on the map that give free heals and stuns
>lock on aiming throws despite not needing it due to not being contained on handheld hardware anymore that only has one stick
>terribly casual stealth
>unlimited fast travel all over the map
>animeshit is still in and is now just a regular aspect of a weapons move-set, does not need to be charged
>health indicator for monsters that doesn’t require a special slot or skill to implement them
>instant gathering and gathering herbs will automatically convert them to potions
>damage numbers
>extreme emphasis on luring monsters and hurting them with the environment or getting another monster to damage them for you
>washed out graphics with low color saturation
>glowing green bugs that track hunts and resources
>resources are all located on the map, even before bumping into them for the first time

No one is safe from Capcom's bullshit. MH team has been fighting it for years and luckily they've been making good enough money so they're left alone for the most part.

People coming from MvCi(hah) will be very shocked to find out that Monster Hunter ISN'T always about the hunter.

Half of this is disinfo.

I honestly wonder how Egg Quests are going to be like now. Since the game seem to be more about crazy movements to get around.

>this shade of green isn't green enough!
what's next, muh jitter?

Ironically I feel that mounting is less cinematic now which saddens me a bit. I loved watching the monster go fucking bananas. Now they slowly walk over to a tree or some shit to scratch you off.

Probably puts the eggs on your back while you have complete control but you still can't get hit or land too hard. That's what I expect.

You'll still have your kinographic mounts with flying monsters, so you can pretend you're a Monster Rider

>playing 3U on the 3DS for the first time (played it on the wiiu years ago)
>here comes the dreaded underwater part of the game
>oh boy here we g--oh wait it's completely fine you just need to get used to depth perception underwater

Why were people so butthurt about this?

Landlubbers who are used to waiting for Plesioth to leave the water.

some weapons are shit underwater and some hunts in the flooded forest dont really give you enough room to maneuvor around like lagi

I had the same reaction