>there are only 2 years between the release of these games
Why is innovation in the game industry nonexistent today?
>there are only 2 years between the release of these games
Why is innovation in the game industry nonexistent today?
That's cheating wario's woods was released really late in the NES's lifetime and SM64 was the very first N64 game.
I am not OP. But just compare any game on the PS3 to the first games on the PS4. Or any game on the PS4.
There's not much graphical innovation left to do. All you can do now is edge gradually closer to photo realism.
it's more like comparing a PS2 game to a PS4 game since there was the SNES between the two
Nah, it would be closer to comparing a ps2 game to a ps4 game m8
The short answer is while graphic processing has grown quickly CPU is stuck in a make it smaller loop.
Ok here's the last ps2 game that was released.
And here's a ps4 launch title. They don't look all that different to me.
Diminishing returns.