Which games for which console?

So I am almost done with the ps3 game library and want to move on to current gen games. I am planning on getting both PS4 and XB1, but I am not sure which games to get for which console.
My plan was to get western developed games like the witcher 3, skyrim se, dragon age, rdr 2, bf 2 etc. for the XB1 and nipponese games like the souls games, nioh, monster hunter world etc. for the ps4. Another way would be to buy multiplat games for the ps4 and only buy exclusives for the xbox...but I heard multiplat games are supposed to be better on the xb1 going forward.

Just would like to get some input since I want some kind of order/principle when collecting.

I am very autistic when it comes to these things, there must be others who do the same.

You are idiot. Western multiplats are the shittest on original shitbox one or one s. They work better even on original ps4. Go pc + ps4

Only new xbone x which costs 500$ plays multiplats better than ps4. Go for pc instead

Not interested in PC gaming desu, I just want some /comfy/ entertainment.
Ok, I will only buy exclusives on XB1 then.

I go with PS4 for exclusives and Xbone or PC for everything else.

PS+ is shit, I don't really care for the PS4 controller, and if graphics was the big to me, I would just get it on the PC, and the only PC games I buy are games I can't get on Xbone or games that are really cheap.

Ps4 for weeb games and bloodborne my Xbox for open world games racing games and online gaming and no I don't have a pc

PS2, 2000.
PS3, 2006.
PS4, 2013.
PS5, 2019.

You can wait 2 years. Bloodborne 4K Remaster is going to happen.

>I am planning on getting both PS4 and XB1


Xbox for multiplats obviously. PS4 is shit as a main system.

>PS4, 2013.
>PS5, 2019.

lol no. PS4 was holiday 2013, meaning late 2013. And it's selling like candy. There is no way we are seeing a PS5 before 2020-21.

everyone who wanted a PS4 already owns one by now

Sony needs to come out with the PS5 soon to combat the Switch

>Ok, I will only buy exclusives on XB1 then.
Take it from someone who bought an XB1 for the "exclusives", there are barely any worth getting and the few they have usually suck. You can pretty much ignore it until maybe the end of the gen and pick up what few games you missed for cheap. I totally regret buying mine truth be told. I use it more for the occasional BC than for anything new.

>Xbox for multiplats obviously. PS4 is shit as a main system.
t. Phil Spencer

>everyone who wanted a PS4 already owns one by now

I was going to give a serious reply.

>Sony needs to come out with the PS5 soon to combat the Switch

then I keked. bless you user.

>t. Phil Spencer

>shitty PSN download speeds
>cloud saving doesn't work half the time
>controller not as good as the xbox
>no BC means you miss out on last gen games
>PS Plus games are not as good as Games with Gold
>PSN is not as good as Xbox Live
>Digital games are region locked on PSN unlike Xbox Live which means you can't buy cheaper games from other regions

anyone who uses a PS4 as their main system is a retard

you don't understand market share, go alt tab back to OW or w/e it was you were playing

>>PSN is not as good as Xbox Live

by what metric ? and please no more "lol hacked" because Live has been taken down more times

Oh sorry Mr. Mattrick. I had no idea your dumb ass was still even invested in the xbone.

What would be the best console for someone who hates, rejects and does not support any indie games and only likes and only plays AAA games?

I am looking for a console where there are only AAA games, and there is nothing indie

>everyone who wanted a PS4 already owns one by now

Hardly. I'm waiting to move to Japan before getting one. And I'm still considering getting a PS2 or X360 instead.

Don't bother with XB1, it doesn't have any worthwhile exclusives.

M$ can actually into encryption so they don't send you an email every 9 months to change your PIN because they lost your CC info or some shit

People who are waiting to move to Japan so they can get a decade old console are not the majority, you surely understand this right?

XB1 is abandonware.

I own both, here is my current physical library. Most multiplatforms I'd recommend getting on PS4 as they generally look and run a little better but I have some of them on Xbox One because that version was cheaper (or I already owned it digitally on PS4 / Steam).

At a minimum for Xbox One I'd recommend:
Halo MCC
Sunset Overdrive
Quantum Break
Gears of War 4
Forza Horizon 3

For PS4 I'd definitely get:
Uncharted 4
Horizon Zero Dawn
Yakuza 0
Ratchet & Clank
Tearaway Unfolded
The Last Guardian

oops, forgot image

PS plus games are stepping up now

>getting a PS4 means there is a slight chance you might have to interact with one of these posters at some point playing online

I think it's clear xbox one is the winner here

PS4 has generally been the main development platform for this gen. You don't have 10% more grass anymore.

There's a difference between being an idort and just being an idiot.

Don't get both get the cheaper one with the best bundle Sup Forums is full of console warriors they both have pros and cons

>There's a difference between being an idort and just being an idiot.

user is right. even if you don't like PC gaming, this might be a good chance to start. The xbox is not doing well.

Are these lists not considering PC ports because the OP says hes not interested in PC? If so, titles like Automata and other weeb games that hit PC apply to PS4.

>they both have pros and cons

this is such le objective vidya youtuber bullshit. the PS4 has all the pros and the Xbox all the cons. how many more games must phil cancel for you to stop telling people to waste their money ?

The Xbox One is a better console than the PS4 in every way.

t. someone who owns both, and a switch

The PS4 is a better console than the Xbox One in every way.

t. someone who owns both, and a switch

I disagree.
t. someone who owns all consoles and handhelds

>The Xbox One is a better console

bro, I feel for you, I know you are fighting the good fight, I too prefer consoles but the second Phil started canceling games and everyone started talking how the Xbox division has no budget it was over for me.

PS4 is the best console.
t.somebody who only owns a high end gaming PC

Buying an Xbox isnt even worth it for the exclusives. I did the same thing years ago and played the thing for about 4 hours total. Just get a PS4.

>Go pc + ps4
lol no. Nintendo and PC all day, 'erry day.

post specs

ever held a PS4 controller or used a piece of hardware made by sony?

Nintendo has been treading water for two decades now. PS4 + PC is all you need. The handful of decent Nintendo games released over the last 20 years are available on PC emulators.

True, but they're in my picture. I own many multiplatforms on console despite also owning the PC version.

Is that what you tell yourself while BoTW becomes game of the generation?

>but I heard multiplat games are supposed to be better on the xb1 going forward.
Only if you buy the $500 XboneX model, and it's mostly higher resolution, framerates won't double or anything.

If money's not an issue then go ahead, but it's pretty redundant to own any Xbone when you already have a PC and (will get) a PS4. The only 2 exclusives are Sunset Overdrive and Halo5. Even mainline Forza games are coming to PC now too.


What ever console your friends are on.

How are you running that CPU at 4GHz, does the motherboard support overclocking or something? I know some gayman laptops occasionally do.

Sunset Overdrive is the one reason I don't completely hate my xbox. It's probably my favorite game this gen or for the past few years.

Excellent taste, friend.

Thank you, I like physical releases. I buy most multiplats on PC but if I can get a disc copy for a good deal I usually jump on it.

Next gen I probably won't get an Xbox due to Play Anywhere. I got it this gen before that was announced and it definitely hurt my interest in the platform.

Bought it the same day along with my Xbone and DR3 and MCC.
It got boring real quick, so once I finished the first island, I dropped it.
Also only reason why I bought it was because I thought it had coop.

Because of game sharing, I mainly only buy digital games on the XBone, except for games I know the person I game share would never play, and physical for PS4 because if Amazon Prime

>Game of anything
Thankfully, it's all a matter of opinion. BoTW is already old news my friend, and I can't be bothered to play it whatsoever.
PC + PS4 + 3DS is the real way to go.

>lol i like japan! better make it less japanese xD

You mean ps4 portable. All in all ps4 has already a tablet cpu


Yep it does. It is an aorus

It's not my favorite game of the gen but probably the only Xbox One exclusive I truly enjoy.

>physical for PS4 because if Amazon Prime
my nigga, I buy all my physical releases via Prime and also get 5% cash back thanks to the Prime VISA

Interesting, does it actually give you multiplier controls or does it just have some presets you can choose for overclocking to a manufacturer specified level?

>my nigga, I buy all my physical releases via Prime and also get 5% cash back thanks to the Prime VISA
Same here. But I do wish their prime discounts applied like Best Buy's gamers club did. That's the only thing that could make it better.

It has a couple of sliders for GPU and CPU. But you don't have a lot of control.

>No P5
hmmm not your type of game or?

>It has a couple of sliders for GPU and CPU. But you don't have a lot of control.
Still cool to have it at all
I've never played a Persona game and it's apparently turn based which isn't really my thing.

xbone is getting shafted.
I'd recommed it if it had burnout or sommething but microsoft doesn't really seem to care much anymore.
Get a ps4, a switch if you like Zelda.
It doesn't really have anything I like at the moment maybe if it had pokemon.

I don't really like turn based either. But Persona is just a different beast for me. I really like it. Id recommend trying Persona 4 on an emulator though as it keeps the pace really well.
It has a somewhat normal start but it very quickly catches your interest with the bizzare plot.

Is MGS V worth it on the PS4 if you don't have a paid subscription? I want to be able to keep growing my army and shieet

>wahoo games
>drm games
you lose either way. don't PC game unless you like a fuck ton of technical issues, shit ports, and DRM out the ass. Oh and best of all: No ownership over your games. If Valve wants to, they can take your entire library away. They have done it in the past.

Get a PS4, get a switch when it's cheap, and buy games physically whenever possible. Avoid digital games.

xbox for 4k minecraft. ps4 for everything else

>Still cool to have it at all
Yeah. I must say though. Having it all in a reasonably normal looking laptop aswell is the golden part of it all.
It feels so good to be able to be mobile with it so easily. I always bring it with me to bed where i have this type of table top. Then i watch whatever till i fall asleep.