>see the character models in Heroes of the Storm
>makes me want Warcraft IV
>see the state of Heroes of the Storm
>makes me dread Warcraft IV
I don't know what to think.
>see the character models in Heroes of the Storm
>makes me want Warcraft IV
>see the state of Heroes of the Storm
>makes me dread Warcraft IV
I don't know what to think.
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't know what to think.
It's going to be a moba or an exact copy of WC3. So moba.
But HotS is fun :-3
I still want WarCraft IV...
nothing they make will ever make you happy. may as well end it all sadface
>WC4 with current Blizzard
It would be a disaster greater than the Hindenburg
there's literally nothing wrong with hots gameplay-wise
after sc2, i dont trust them with making sequels to their classic properties.
If we ever get WC4, it certainly won't be a a typical RTS.
Definitively not a "single player moba campaign with HotS engine", but probably something very similar to it, more focused on your main character and simplified but still "interactive" RTS elements.
>WC4 is announced
>it's split into 4 games: 1 for the human campaign, 1 for the orc campaign, 1 for elves and 1 for the undead, each sold at full price
>levelling, abilities and a bunch of structures and creatures are removed to prevent the brain of the casuals who play HotS and Hearthstone from melting
>a cash shop that sells heroes and crappy cosmetics for $30 each
Besides occasionally getting hit by AOE outside said AOE
>it's split into 4 games: 1 for the human campaign, 1 for the orc campaign, 1 for elves and 1 for the undead, each sold at full price
that's my greatest fear and they wolud do it for sure.
All you'll Blizzshit bitch boys would still buy all 5 full-priced parts of the game anyway.
>cosmetic shop
>not a gacha shop
Get with the times, senpai.
The only way it would work would be disregarding WoW entirely. WoW's entire plot from day one is fucking garbage.
Theyll make wow 2 before even touching wc4 you idiot
That is correct, people would even praise it, saying that campaigns are more complex and StoryRichâ„¢ now that they are
developed and sold separately, and spamming the typical "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN BASED BLIZZARD SAVED RTS GENRE" hype threads.
>Four factions
Try again. It will be Alliance vs Horde. Humans and orcs are 90% of units for each, with maybe a token goblin or dwarf here and there.
I hope they add diversity
I saw ads for a WoW comic a while back and there was some kang chick featured. So rest assured, we will be getting nigger characters if they made a sequel.
How about make wc4 a turn-based game?
Fuck no. I like turn based, but warcraft is not a turn based game.
>>see the state of Heroes of the Storm
>>makes me dread Warcraft IV
HotS is a completely different type of game though. Look at SC2 if you want to be horrified at the idea of WCIV by nu-Blizzard.
>see the character models in Heroes of the Storm
>makes me want Warcraft IV
I too want Warcraft IV, but not for the same reasons.
Arthas is actually a black man.
>Memepauldrons getting bigger and bigger
Everything wrong with nu Blizzard's character design in one image
What I want to see in WC4
> Factions are Alliance, Horde, Legion, Scourge, Old Ones
> Only control one hero, chosen before the match in a lobby. Similar to MOBAS...
> Hero selection provides simple tech bonuses like access to an additional unit. That's where the moba similarities end.
> Takes place in a time around AQ40/Burning Crusade.
Model isn't the true htibox size its the coin under the model.
SC2 would've been fine if Blizzard didn't sell each race's campaign separately
I just want it to continue right after wc3 like WoW never happened. I also don't like your hero idea, my hero choice could vary depending on early scouting.
>Take all your ideas from Games Workshop
>"""somehow""" end up with retarded pauldrons
I'd still like to have one hero only. Maybe two. I just feel that WC3 put too much emphasis on heroes to begin with.
Also as an aside, I'd REALLY love to see an AI that doesn't cheat the rules of the game.
I liked microing heroes, it's what made it different from other mmos. I loved WC3 because it valued micro over macro.
is there any reason whatsoever to play hots as a dota veteran? i don't like that you can't play every hero
Average game is less than 20 minutes.
they will timegate each story mode map to 2 weeks
Everything they release nowadays is normiecore garbage filled to the brim with SJW agenda.
Quick games with no farming and it forces frequent team fights.
To be fair Starcraft 3 was pretty decent.
It does away with most forms of farm in favor of a focus on creep camps and objectives.
HotS is fun you unfun person
Dota player with super retard friends here. I've played HotS with them occasionally because they can't/don't try to learn Dota. The best comparison I can make is that it's like playing the grand piano in a concert for Vladimir Putin himself, then being told your next job is to play a Fisher Price piano for a kid's birthday party. Is it possible? Yeah, totally. But any sort of depth or challenge from the first is completely non-existent. Sure, you can like the fact that it's easy, and maybe you like children and birthday parties, but to me it's way too much of a step backwards to enjoy more than every rare while.
Warhammer fantasy isnt really too big on those pauldrons. Well before age of sigmar that is.
If you think Blizzard's new artstyle isn't utter garbage then you might as well end yourself now.
The gameplay isn't the problem but those models are. What on earth are they thinking? How you can take an already heavily exaggerated art style and exaggerate it even more? Arthas looks like manly tears' manlet brother on steroid. Also that armour is disgustingly NuWoW.
Not really, but HotS is literally the only moba interested in forward innovation on what the genre could be. Cho'Gall, Abathur, Varian are all very interesting ideas. Certain maps are also really interesting. And some parts of it are garbage, like most of their newer maps. Overall it's a look at what some other mobas should be doing, more League than Dota, since the Frog actually does implement radical things he thinks are good.
warcraft4 that continues where wc3 ended.
Either rts like wc3 or if they really want to dumb it down make it like you controls 3 heroes or something.
> The best comparison I can make is that it's like playing the grand piano in a concert for Vladimir Putin himself
Stick to food analogies user
>see the state of Heroes of the Storm
whats wrong with it? I play it from time to time and its the only MOBA that doesn't make me want to kill myself
hanamura is a great map and removing it was a mistake
>we want the WH40K audience
The nuke map is complete garbage, zerg rush is pretty average, and Hanamura is like 4/10 needs refinement. Huge step down from Diablo maps and Towers of Doom. I would play eternity all day, but a single round of nukes makes me want to off myself.
The split isn't a bad thing. StarCraft 2's split meant that every campaign was 30 maps long, which was the total of maps the previous games had. So instead of 10 missions for Terran, Zerg, Protoss, it was 30 for Terran, 30 for Zerg, 30 for Protoss.
>Nuke map garbage
>Braxis is average
Hello opposite me, how are you doing today
Yes, but the WoL chapter was clearly superior, they really dumbed down the level in next expansions
Hanamura sucked dick.
Agreed, Void came with the co-op commander thing which was great. The Zerg one was underwhelming though had some interesting mechanics.
I have no idea how you enjoy running around that huge ass map collecting the most mundane objectives in the game while everyone splitpushes and disregards any actual teamfighting-- the reason I play this goddamn game. I'd start up Dota and play Chen if I wanted a map rotation simulator.
100% agreed desu senpai, coop is suprisingly crazy fun
... said nobody ever.
Only HotS was really a bad campaign entry, and that entirely because Kerrigan trivializing brutal was no fun at all. LotV was close to WoL at many points and imo really only fell flat at giving really satisfying final missions
HotS is the only ASSFAGGOTS where I have fun
you don't know how hitbox work on any moba games right?
what's the state of hots? the last time I heard about it was 2 or 3 month ago and everyone was praising it
Basically HotS started really meh, had imo one of the best post-launch development teams in the industry period, and managed to sort out into a pretty good game. There design has majorly slipped recently (map-wise, quest-centric design, fucking Genji release), so it remains to be seen if it maintains quality. But right now, it's a pretty good game if you enjoy combat in Moba's and are not super competitive.
Pretty much the same as before, but as with anything from a popular genre that gets praised, Sup Forums furiously hates it.
They fucked up the epliog. Main campaign had fun mechanics, but brutal was a bit too easy for my taste
Because Braxis has the same issue the old Haunted Mines did. Whoever gets the first objective is going to have an extreme push and snowball from there unless you have someone who wave clears very well which was either already picked or banned. It's just anti-fun in general.
The last mission was real disappointing even without the epilogue. A hold-out mission, really Blizz? I found brutal an okay difficulty, but nothing super challenging like Supernova. Some of the achievments were really fun and did match the difficulty of WoL though. My biggest gripe was Void Rays continued to trivialize the entire game.
It's Warcraft IIII, ya dingus.
I ain't playin' no
>seperate water fountain drinkin'
>tiki-torch protestin'
-ass video game
It's not like the game is exactly lacking on heroes focused on wave clear. If you don't pick a relevant hero for a relevant map, it seems more a fault on your end than on the map.
Aces High in the air version of the All In my man, fun times
You suck dick, said me.
The only thing to dislike about Hanamura is the worthless vision camp.
I can see that, but Braxis makes the right sized fights, has consistent action, good rotations, and is basically an improved version of Dragon Shire in every way. It sure isn't the best map, but it mostly generates fun gameplay until one team takes a dominant lead
A map where picking Azmodan means you win without a say in the subject should simply not exist.
It's pretty fucking boring, specially since they nerfed the shit out of everyone. It's like characters fight with sticks, not swords and guns.
That hots arthas model somehow manages to look worse than the wc3 one.
I can see this actually happening.
>specially since they nerfed the shit out of everyone
But Kel'Thuzad just came out and can 100 to 0 half the cast if he lands his combo.
Yeah they have been doing this for years, make new Hero OP, then nerf the shit out of him after a few months. You think Morales was this garbage when she released?
Not after they finish nuking Ice Pillar he won't.
Varian has been out for almost a year and he shows no signs of being shit any time soon. Garrosh is also pretty recent and he's not exactly OP.
Takin in mind LT. Morales' winrate back at release was like, 35% and has jumped up to 46-50% since her remake, yeah. I'd say she was.
I beg to differ. I really liked World of Warcraft's plot. It didn't go to shit until The Burning Crusade.
>and has jumped up to 46-50% since her remake
Why do you lie user?
Beg all you want. It was still ass.
Varian is an odd hero, it's one of the few that not only is strong he has more than one strong build. They are going to nerf him eventually though
Remake WC3 or all 3 games with the hots engine and models, make achievements like in sc2 and challenges and im sold
They should make an ARPG for Warcraft IV. They wouldn't handle the RTS well.
With what they learned from diablo III, maybe they'd make a better ARPG with warcrafts universe and distance themselves from shitty diablo III since they got done salvaging the dead expansion pack they were going to make.
With blizzards obsession with Esports they would probably make a shitty bland RTS noone will care about in T Minus 8 months. A warcraft ARPG on the other hand could easily be milked with cosmetics while pumping out content like path of exile.
To add on to this, yes i know blizzard would never have the sense to do this and will probably pump out something terrible as usual when it comes to warcraft.
>It's year 2020, starcraft II dies and blizzard announces Warcraft IV
>There's no story
>No base building
>Only two fractions: alliance and horde
>There are unit skins, voice lines and emotes in lootboxes
>It plays like moba but you control small army
HotS is fine.
But we'll never get a WC4 because of WoW.
Not everyone wants to try and learn a million mechanics in DOTA, user. Some people have jobs and families and shit.
this is not EA, fucktards
Who do you think plays Dota? High Schoolers? Man, everyone is in the same boat as you, thats a pretty shitty excuse to play worse games.
SC2 isn't bad it was just "pretty good" which for Blizzard back then was below expectations - and more importantly - could never live up to the insane hype the game had.
Is that why Dreadlord Jaina has giant titties? Or basically every skin Li Ming and Tyrande get show off sideboob, underboob, or their fantastically modeled asses? Interesting.
>Is that why Dreadlord Jaina has giant titties?
Don't forget the midriff with abs and the stripper pole dance. That shit gets my dick hard real quick.
Co-op is the best thing to come out of SC2, I've put easily 100 hours into it.
>tfw more people play co-op than every other multiplayer mode combined
The fact that they're still releasing new content for it is great too