>PC guys who started with Dark Souls 1.
>Zelda fanbase
>Pre-Awakening Fire Emblem fanbase
>Metroid fans
>SMT fans who hate Persona
Choose wisely.
>PC guys who started with Dark Souls 1.
>Zelda fanbase
>Pre-Awakening Fire Emblem fanbase
>Metroid fans
>SMT fans who hate Persona
Choose wisely.
Anyone who played Dark Souls.
Fuck your shit series.
PC guys in general. We get it, you were upset by the goldface meme. Doesn't mean you have to derail every console exclusive thread.
>Pre-Awakening Fire Emblem fanbase
Did you mean post-Awakening Fire Emblen fanbase? Then I would agree.
I love metroid, but even I'm hard pressed to not say the metroid fanbase.
Though maybe people who unironically enjoy bethesda fallout and bioshock infinite.
Sonybros, nintentoddlers and whatever the xbox faggots call themselves
Fuck console peasants
That just makes them stupid, but i don't see them shitting up Sup Forums at all.
Kinda like xboners.
I've played every Souls game but Dark Souls 1
PC fanbase because most of them are third world subhumans
Grand Strategy dorks
Sony fans like OP.
Wojack posters
Just look at any Fire Emblem Warriors thread, Pre-Awakening fags are cancer.
I'm Sonyntendo m8
>Not frogposters
At least every time you see Wojak, tumors don't appear inside your retina.
>can't criticize Monster Hunter World in ANY way without being called a salty switchfag
probably them
>posting at all
just DONT
Can you please stop posting these images. They're really offensive
consoletards ofc
Nintendo fanboys, they've ruined games here into nothing but pure autism. I can't tall about zelda or mario wirhout seeing console wars and overall faggottry.
Pokemon threads are fine for the most part I hope they stay that way.
Nintenbros. I don't see how you could still give that company any money at all. Zero integrity.
>t. Pcbro
>pre-awakening FE fans
No. The entire one is garbage, not just . You can't mention FEA or Echoes without some fates fan jumping down your asshole.
The anons who have a raging hard on for console warring. They've ruined damn near every MonHun thread since World got announced, and now nobody can talk about the games or post rooms without some raging retard squad tanking every single thread.
I miss the vita guy too
It's the way around fuckboi, fake MH fans who pretend portability makes up for low resolution and handcramps shit up every single MH World thread.
i don't think that any fanbase of nay game can be annoying as the fanbase of a console.
>ps4 comes out
>everyone calls them out on for their flaws
>xboxone comes out
>now everyone is defending the jewish tactics of their console because MUH console is better then YUH console
>xbox dies
>now everyone continues to call out shitty framerates and shitty games on the ps4
>switch comes out
>no time to criticize shitty paid online/shitty online, weak hardware, not a real console nor a real handheld because nintendoshills are at full force relighting the fires of the ps4 xbox war
>now everything nintendo does is perfect and everyone that owns a switch is bending over to 4 inch jap cock and we have people one sonys side defending the boring shitty game that was horizon
>what someone says about a game literally ruins the game for me
I'm gonna have to say whatever fanbase this cuck is from. Probably Sony.
You forgot to post console faggots who post sony won every time some shit exclusive they are getting in two years time
The worst fanbase is yours OP, purely shitposters who contribute nothing to this board
Anything Nintendo related have legitimately rabid and delusional fans who try and justify everything they do or defend their games to the death.
SMT/Dark Souls doesn't even come close to polluting the board with as much garbage as Nintendo fans do in general.
Well they have the best exclusives, so there's that.
This souls fanbase was always cancer
they sum up Sup Forums perfectly
PC+ console gamers
Any fanbase from pic related. They can not take any single criticism and just dismiss it as shit posting or b8.
sony fanbase
literally a bunch of mouth breathers that have no idea how much they are being screwed over and will devour every crumb of shit they get
Sonybros and it's not even close.
based games.
Overwatch, easily.
It's the only fanbase who I've seen unironically make dozens of threads that reach bump limit multiple times, solely dedicated to cosmetic item updates.
What are you talking about? They are the most based community here on Sup Forums.
Just like the PC crowd that spends $2,000+ on a rig just to play either indie shit or maybe two games. I know too many people like this and I just don't get it.
pcbroholds. and it's NOT EVEN CLOSE. Faggots like to false flag as sony fags and nintendo fags and even shitpost cringey shit that should belong to reddit. In terms of games, bloodfags and dark cunts who think the game is the best thing since sliced bread.
Why do rabid Sonygers even come here when you have neogaf?
Nintendo every time
>whines about sales charts to get them removed but then puts them up when the Switch is winning
>can't accept criticism without U MAD SONYYGER? or bringing up Knack
>composed mostly of shitposters
>Faggots like to false flag as sony fags and nintendo fags and even shitpost cringey shit that should belong to reddit
Yes, I'm certain you have concrete and indisputable evidence of PC fans being the only people who false flag and shitpost pretending to be consolefags.
Hard choice man.
It's like they compete to be the most obnoxious.
You know you're talking to a Kirbyfag when they bring up how 'great' their fanbase is and how comfy their threads are.
>No mention of Kindom Hearts or Sonic
>Sup Forums
sonybros and nintedbro
outside of Sup Forums
PCmasterrace is by far the most annoying
You can't pretend to be something you are.
Just be happy they're not frogs
Shouldn't you be making a Horizon bait thread by now or derailing another Monster Hunter discussion thread.
>When people autistically talk about a game and break rules on Sup Forums it ruins game discussion.
Also jokes on you I'm an idiort.
Now fuck off you drone.
Slightly agree but disagree
The whole series is great but the fucking community man. Basically the cunts who wank themselves silly over DS1 and call the others "terrible" when they are all basically the same.
Just like....enjoy em, nigga
Let's see.
FE fans as a whole are shit, you can't just pretend all the Fates shitposting never happened, and they're consistently fucking terrible even outside of Sup Forums.
Metroid fans are half and half. They're home to some of the most insanely bitchy and insatiablely angry fans in vidya, but many seem content as of late due to being fed a game.
MegaTen fans can get along when they want to despite how crappy relations are among them in the fanbase.
None can compete with consolewar fuckers though.
sony has the worst fanbase ever