Why do people hate FF8 again?

Why do people hate FF8 again?

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le spoony face

Junction system is garbage.

It wasn't FFVII-2

That goddamn space part.

They couldn't figure out how to use limit breaks and instead relied on GF summons which have really long unskippable animations. Other than that, the game is awesome.


unlikeable characters
shitty summoning system
shitty junctioning system keeps you from ever casting spells
forgettable music
forgettable overworld
edgy gunblade for edgy protagonist made the whole game feel like a cringey fedorafest
repeated cutscenes where they make you play as literal whos
sandwiched between the two best games in the series

>Why do people hate FF8 again?

IX fags. I like both games but I have to admit that the IX fanbase in the root of all FF spergdom. The second I see a IX fag, I'm done. I'm so glad FF keeps selling well and no one gives a fuck about their constant sperging.

>forgettable music

u wut m8

and Sometimes Zell

Quistis is ok when she's not having a lusting for Squall's cock moment where she's as bad as Rinoa.

I think it's junctions and squall starting the emo boyband douchebag look in FF

FF8 is the MGS2 of Final Fantasy

This was my first JRPG when I was 10 & i hid behind nostalgia goggles till replaying like 4 years ago.

Junction system can be fucked so hard, so easily.
The Rinoa and squall relationship feels so fucking forced
Limit breaks being tied to low HP (before aura spell) fuxking sucks.

Disc 1, Summon animations and limit break animations are cool as fuck though.

that's not how you spell exploitable

>hating Selphie and Rinoa

It's low quality bait, user. Come on now.

that was Cloud

the ONLY good thing about this game is the music

>edgy protagonist
Burgers complain about characters like Squall being too edgy and characters like Sora being too happy. What the fuck do you want?

That was Cloud (actually Vincent) in Kingdom Hearts

>Limit breaks being tied to low HP fuxking sucks.
it's ok when ff6 does it

Because it's an unfinished piece of crap
It's got 1.5 good disks, then some all right stuff, and the last disk literally teleports you around set piece to set piece because they ran out of time and budget.

It's also even easier than FF7 somehow, with an extraordinarily exploitable junction system that isn't very well explained, and the level scaling was garbage that meant you were punished for grinding and fucking around later in the game.

Despite all that, it's OK. I think that Squall's interactions with the madhouse cast he's got is hysterical until they ran out of writing budget and he suddenly goes insane over Rinoa and can't even get two sentences without shouting her name later on.

only the contrarian Sup Forums hates it

>What the fuck do you want?

The female characters weren't waifu material.

What's wrong with her having a lusting for Squall's cock?

>What the fuck do you want?
Complex, relatable characters that grow naturally throughout the story
Cecil, Kain
Terra, Locke, Celes
Cloud, Tifa, fucking Cait Sith
L-laguna?? I guess?

someone in last weeks big ff8 thread said they were making a video
and two days later this was posted


I never thought of cloud that way, perhaps it was the blonde hair. But I forgot about Vincent entirely, he fits that well.

I was wrong.

>that voice

no it isn't.

forgot to post my picture

>that voice

Laguna not being the protag.
The party you control sucks.

Junction system get's much deserved hate also the clichè lovestory and the fact that Squall is an edgy douchebag in the beginning of the game. But everything else about the game was good, especially the soundtrack.

You had to admit this part is pure kino

Rinoa and Selphie are CUTE! Just not their artwork, Nomura fucking sucks at making 2D art.

i know the character, but what is this from friend?

story is complete shit, junction system is shit

Alot of the characters are really, really samey, and didn't really stand out like characters in FFVII and FFIX.

Take Zell and Selphie. They're both spunky/chipper/happy-go-lucky types.

I also blame this on having them have the exact same builds/profiles. In FF7/FF9 all of the characters were radically different.

>OH HEY, look I know we're in the middle of a battle and all your friends and fighting and dying around us and time is running out to find the sorceress and put and end to the war...

>..but can we stop for a second and talk about how cute your ring is??

>..does it have a name?

This is right about the time that I would smack the shit out of her.

7 and 9 are just much better, completely overshadows this pile of shit

that's not how you spell broken

It was alright at first... but then the part where it turns out the school is your first airship was kind of jumping the shark.
Oh and then there was the tickle fight scene
Oh and the uninspired antangonist
Oh and how all the cities get walled off in the later discs because they ran out of space for everything on the discs.
The boring card game.

yeah, and it is basically the reason i "hate" it.
if it had bad music i simply wouldn't even care about the game.
but the music. fuck

Selphie, Zell and Rinoa are pretty much the same personality wise, optimistic.types
Quistis and Squall were similar as well, serious types
And Irving was the laid back type.

None of the characters were memorable.

>the characters
Yeah they were in a tough spot though
FF6 had some pretty iconic characters and was the Final Fantasy game with the most playable characters.
FF7 had great characters too (except for cait sith and yuffie, fight me bitches)
There was no way they were going to get a hattrick in the character department after that.

Squall being the only likable character, and only because, in a team of utter manchildren and/or retards, he's the only one who even attempts to get shit done and act in a logical manner.
He gets shit for being emo, but if you had to deal with that pack of spastics you would be too.

>tfw no gf

>except for cait sith
>ignoring the part where he utterly BTFOs Avalanche to the point where Barret can't help but acknowledging it.

>utterly BTFOs AValanche
Well that's what happens when some giant anthropomorphic robot doll thing starts following you around out of nowhere while you are on the run from the feds and you're like
>Well this is highly unusual but sure, why not join our party
He fits into the story very strangely.

No one brought up the orphanage?

Unlikable characters, contrived plot, and while the junction/magic system was interesting it desperately needed several balance passes cause it was broken as hell.

>still talking about a 1998 game

why Sup Forums is so shit

I'm not talking about him screwing the party over, I mean where he calls out Barrett for all the innocent lives he ruined and how completely ineffective he was in the big picture.
It was a great moment for both characters, especially when you consider Reeve was saying what he actually felt, not speaking as a Shinra executive.

Yeah but if not Cait Sith any character could have done that.

I think his reasoning for being emo is pretty legit

>Raised alone
>Only happiness in your life is your little sister Ellone
>She gets taken away
>Decide that its an awful idea to get close to anyone because chances are you'll lose them eventually and that the long term pain of loneliness is better than the sudden pain of loss

Always found it kinda ironic that Squall idolized a lion, and not a wolf.

>let's talk about the trendy things,they're new,that means they are good and interesting,right?
if you dont care then you can make your own thread about what you want

At the time for it to hit hardest, only Cid or maybe Red could have managed it and not feel contrived.

IX is my favorite game in the series, but holy shit people place it on too high a pedestal, same with VI.

Because Sup Forums only knows 10/10 masterpiece and 0/10 it's shit
FF8 isn't great, but it still has a great OST, some really good dungeons and optional content, imo some of the best summons in the series, triple triad, really nice towns and some impressive FMV shit for the time and he story while not the best is certainly something differnet from every other FF especailly the ending.

I think the problem is more that it's an inoffensive enough thing to parrot when you want to fit in, and the people that parrot shit to fit in on an anonymous imageboard tend to be the worst sorts around.

Because it is popular amongst the normies.

You 'avin a giggle, m8?
Out of all non modern AAA, it's one of the most socially acceptable games to shit on out there

spotted the normie.
>it's one of the most socially acceptable games to shit on
Normies like socially acceptable things to do
also, yes. i'm 'avin a giggle, buddy

This. Spoony and his collective sperg of a fanbase has spawned a generations worth of regurgitated lazy arguments and shit points that boil down to personal opinion, or subjective taste. The game has it's flaws, Junction system is a joke to break, and without adequate explanation, most people fault it for it's Disc 1 errors, like repetitive draws, which does get solved later on. It's a solid game, and my favorite in the series, it just gets an undue amount of hate from people taking the narrative at face value, or people who can't into character development.

Because it's not 7.

>still blaming an irrelevant YouTuber who got a significant part of his review objectively wrong
>a decade later

I'm blaming him because his arguments are still being spat back up, a decade fucking later. Of course he was wrong, he criticizes the game for the purpose of entertainment and to seem witty, not because he genuinely can provide an decent analysis of the game.

Does it ever occur to you that his arguments might not have been original, which is why so many of them were wrong?

It's sandwhiched between the two best games of the series.

I was never claiming that they were original, only that he bled those ideas into the greater public debate about the game due to his reach. You can't deny that his retarded review caused even MORE people to adopt the same views and to spout them as fact.

Despite its flaws it has a unique charm some kind of magic

you gotta be naive to think FF8 wasnt derided way before spoony ever showed up

mostly because NOT MY FINAL FANTASY 7

(I like FF8 tho, moreso than 10)

Because Rinoa was Diet Coke Tifa in the looks department with all the of the worst personality traits of Aerith Gainsboroug.

Consider a few things, user.
1) That review was started about 10 years ago, and finished around 7
2) Spoony stopped making content worth the name about 4 years ago, and stopped pretending to about two years ago
3) The objectively wrong points that could be corrected by simply playing the game had to come from somewhere, and that somewhere would have done its own propagation without him. It's a bit of a stretch to assume all of them were deliberate misrepresentation or faulty memories.
I very much doubt people will have been rewatching him unless out of nostalgia; The reviews may have a pretty high view count, but I think you would be being very generous to claim that even 5% remembered enough of it to shitpost about it.
Now consider that for the past ten years, anyone who spouted a Spoony inspired opinion would probably have been blown the fuck out in short order if they weren't in a hugbox.
I just think you're giving him far too much credit to assume the retards he swayed would have had the longevity to stay at all relevant. People are easily capable of being retarded on their own


The opening was hands down the best in any FF and possibly one of the best in Jrpg history.

That being said, the rest of the music is a taus up between FF8 and FF10.

Prefer 7's personally.
Did a perfect job of setting the tone in seconds.

100% accurate video.

I played it for the first time about two years ago along with FF9.

It wasn't bad but there were so many gaping plotholes and just sections of the game that were just plain annoying and utterly forgettable.
The Laguna sections were great, plus his theme is easily the best track in the game. The overworld theme is absolutely awful.

FF9 outclassed it in every way and definitely deserves more praise.

The main issue with FF9 was the cringey "DUDE SLEEPING WEED LMAO" jokes that cropped up because of it.

I've literally never heard someone make a joke about that before.


Reading some opinions about how bad FF8 is makes me feel like I've warped back in time to Final Fantasy 7 original release and reading the same things on a Usenet Group.

>time travel plot
uhh i dunno my man

Rinoa also took from Yuffie, besides the age similarity her initial job is a ninja. In terms of VIII's very vague jobs that is. She has a dog companion (The intended defining characteristic for ninjas since V even if they could only implement it for Shadow later) and fights with chakrams (kinda).

It's literally the exact opposite. Everyone praises MGS2 as one the best games in it's series, when it's actually one of the worse. Whereas everyone shits all over FFVIII, often calling it the worst game in the series when it's actually one of the better ones.

I haven't said anything in this thread, but my views are mostly identical to the ones I had two days after VIII released and completely identical to the ones two and half months later, so you might be right.

I'd say it's the weakest of the PSX games, though still very good none the less. The draw system can be a pain but there are ways to sort of mitigate the shittyness if you know what you're doing. Card game is one of the best mini games in any rpg and I feel like it did the whole futuristic setting really well. Story is pretty hit or miss and character levels are pretty fucked up too. I did enjoy learning abilities from GFs and the game is actually pretty fun to break sometimes. Also the PC HD makes the game look a lot better which is a big plus.
All in all I would unironically give it an 8/10, maybe a 7.5

Has anyone who uses the "junction system discourages the use of magic" complaint ever actually tried to play using magic? It's really not bad at all, better than physical attacks but obviously worse than limit spamming.

Yes, on the first playthrough, stubbornly to the end. I always found it odd that people said VIII's magic was terrible. It was good. After realizing the developers were actually serious, I've never used a spell in VIII ever again.

Because the junction system is fucking shit. So is the plot. So are the characters.

A lot of people are too retarded to read abilities. So they drew every spell they used manually. A smart person used refine magic and only drew shit for a few minutes in the entire playthrough.

No it was fucking terrible when 6 did it as well. 10 did them best

You never need to use magic. Junctioning 100 triples or whatever your strongest spell is will allow you to one shot most bosses through the first two discs and give you an easy enough time until you can get lionheart, which is then spammed for the rest of the game

>shitty summoning system
What? Boost was one of the best changes to summons ever.

You're missing the point.

Which is why?

That it's a perfectly viable way to play.

Convoluted shit story. Unbelievable romance. Broken combat system.