Will this update save battlerite?

will this update save battlerite?

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I will give it a go

>Finally going f2p
At least now the game might not be dead

This game died nearly a year ago. Going F2P now won't change any of that.


I'll try it when it goes F2P. I liked the free weekends

It's free for the week of September 25th

woah thanks

can't save what's already dead

I hope it does
I need more qt faun girls

>3k players at peak

isn't dead, but isn't too healthy either.

Really loving this game and hope it will succeed. If you want true PVP come play this game, it's a mix of fighting games and mobas

3.5k right now.
That ain't too bad. What it needs is some faggy streamers to play it, get all that autism bucks into the game.

Does it have controller support yet?

Name two games that failed but were made popular by switching to F2P.


that's cute as fuck, am I a furry now?

Wasnt this going f2p months ago? Did they try to jew it or were they delayed in developtment?

plz respond.

Battlerite has been thriving on its own way
It doesn't have big numbers but it's not shabby either. It's nice to have a game that just focused on being fun and doing things right.

This game will never be popular, just like bloodline champions

This is your Metal Warden for tonight

It would have happened anyway user
Be glad it was with her

Lucie master race reporting in

Is pic related playable?

Yes, her name is Freya.

Thanks black guy

Star Wars: The Old Republic is all I can think of.

Kino character designs and comfy graphics, just a shame the world neither needed nor wanted another top down plain old ASSFAGGOTS.
If this game was anything else it'd probably have been successful.

It's honestly a fun (albeit difficult) game and I want to see it do well. I feel the same with Paladins, but replace "difficult" with "janky".

>plain old
but the method of play is completely different from typical MOBAs though
no 'experience', just a new Battlerite out of two at the end of every round up to 5
no minions
no gold
no items
no mana(EX Skills use your Special bar as fuel, a system closer to fightan gaems)
the point where it's MOBA like is in kind of in how it's presented, an immediate guess of what it is while not know what Battlerite is would definitely lead to a guess of "some MOBA" but anyone expecting the same lane nonsense as Smite, LoL, DOTA2 might be disappointed

I like to describe it as "league but with more skillshots and only teamfights". I got a couple of my friends into it, we started a ranked team and we just dick around usually.

doubt it since I don't even know what the fuck a Battlerite is

it saved my dick tho I needed something to fap to


Post model
Wheres /ourguy/ headhunter?

What is this update about?


only notable thing about is it free to play November 8th and xbox launch at start of 2018


Just saw the whole thing.
Pretty cool honestly, the game is good.

why did they have to ruin the bloodline champions artstyle?

Switch release when?

>Game has cute grills
I would like to buy thi...
>Going F2P
Doe ass, here I come!

A (very) faggy and self righteous finnish streamer played it, was "europe's best" and stopped palying, moving on to PUBG because people didn't suck his dick enough. Just like he did with Overwatch.

>only notable thing about is it free to play
The new UI looks pretty neat.

Also, I feel like the game needs another objective in the game, other than just killing each other. I imagine it gets old fast. The question is, what can they add?


Where the fuck is Reaver? And no, Raigon is fuck all but Reaver

I want to ____ Blosom!

They need to bring back Thorn. Just in time for a Christmas tree skin.





well screw this game then.

ESO and GW2

the new designs for some bloodlines are shitty
like reaver
they 100% ruined reaver

>will this update save battlerite?

The game is pretty much dead, I kinda feel bad for actually buying this, at least I can refund it once its out of early access

peasants get an xbox release in 2018

overall i dont like th enew style.

I get it, they wanted more relateable characters because ever since TF2 this has reasonated with people.

But why the fuck do they have to cut down on that whole weird tribal/asian style they got going an dmaking it more high fantasy? they couldve just stylized it more and made more relateable faces if that was what they wanted

Brightly colored and a fantasy vibe is what most people like, and you need to make a living. Look at Overwatch, LoL, Dota etc. etc.

>More people notice the colorful/cartoony artstyle
>People make memes and fanart on tumblr etc.
>"It's free real estate!"
You get what I mean?

>bloodline champions dies because it's b2p
>becomes f2p but there aren't enough people playing for new players to join
>same studio develops battlerite
>make it b2p during early access making the hype die like on bloodline champions

GW2 failed BECAUSE it went f2p, it drove the few core fans away.

Tera, kind of

What is dead may never die
Not that I know.

You really don't want to play this on a controller though, trust me on that

it was brightly coloured before.
All they had to do was make the characters more stylized and focused on their faces and less on their outfits, theres no need to resort to the standard fantasy style, they couldve kept the same cultural styles and whatnot and still have the same effect.

The updates look very promising actually. I really love that they're bringing back the tournament system from blc. also having all the battlerites from the beginning of the match sounds alot more fun

I burned out on this game so damn quick. There really isn't enough content, it needs almost twice as much to not get boring after a week.