Warrior, mage or rogue?
Warrior, mage or rogue?
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>martial classes
I shig
Necromancer pls
Alchemist, bonus points if I can fling items.
> I may be shitty, but I'm shitty at everything!
Hybrids pls go
can't wizards enchant armor to be weightless or whatever? they can also study tomes about foraging plants for alchemy. they may not have skill in physical combat, but they can be quite prepared to defend against it.
Pretending you're big and strong won't make you big and strong, user.
Warrior with slutty mage sidekick.
Thorough grounding in martial disciplines seamlessly intertwined with a highly specialized magical training regimen focused on personal combat, with supplementary instruction on the practical side of enchantment and alchemy for the purposes of enhancing combat prowess.
The pure mage might crumble under a mace when caught off guard, and the warrior may fail in the face of the arcane might of a monstrous foe, but the battlemage is the soldier of the future. The elf menace will be crushed under our magically-enhanced heels.
In any game worth playing hybrid classes are shitty. I hate when hybrid cunts whine until their classes are basically on level with pure classes.
Bruh, learning more than one weapon class is a waste of skills. Might as well spend them on healing or destruction magic
>implying all hybrids are 50/50
a 90/10 strength/magic warrior would be nearly as strong as the 100 strength warrior but they'd have some utility and healing spells like dispel poison, cast light, sneak, appraise, lvl1 heal, lvl1 fireball, and imbue fire.
>any game worth playing hybrid classes are shitty
Not necessarily. The best hybrids have their own unique features in addition to just being "middle of the road."
What are some games worth playing that you can play a hybrid build that sucks? Why is a pure build better?
I worded that poorly. They bring utility to the table but are bad at any one thing. A spellsword should get smashed in melee by a pure fighter, but they should bring the ability to abuse enemy weaknesses or whatever to the table.
Well, yeah. If a battlemage and a fighter get into a straight-up fight, no magic allowed, the battlemage should get stomped. But that won't happen. The battlemage will use magic and then either one might win.
Tigole pls go
Haha dex fags
Anything else is for cunts.
I just wanted to know what games specifically you think hybrid builds suck in?
What the fuck is wrong with dex?
Depends on the game
In Dragon's Dogma warrior is the best because of satisfying combat
In TES wizard is the best because combat sucks so you might as well roleplay as a wizard virgin lord
rogue is also okay in TES since you can be a stealthy asshole. in DD it's okay but very spammy and broken. in other games it's very rare for them to have thievery as anything other than a minor element so they just end up as being boring dps
That's fine, hybrids can have their utility. But I've played too many games where they just bitch until they're on par with pure classes.
An example that comes to mind is vanilla WoW. Hybrids had utility but were worse at any one thing. They bitched and then the last time I played Druids were pretty much the best at everything by switching spec.
Baby arms
Mage with heavy armor.
Never gets old when something blows up am i right guys?
Problem is most games always makes one of these class arch types overpowered as fuck and the rest are shit, mainly because most games force each archtype to do the same thing, aka kill, loot, repeat.
i love these class drawings from oblivion, there's just something awesome about them
WoW is gear dependent as fuck so if you respec from a healer druid to a tanking druid or something you're still going to be shit unless you have the gear for it. "Hybrid" classes in WoW realistically just have more options to specialize in, but they'll still only be good at one thing.
So a Druid could go tank, healer, magic DPS or melee DPS and a warrior really can only go tank or melee dps but at the end of the day you're still only going to be good at one of those things.
well fuck MMOs anyway, they're all garbage numbers race skinner boxes
a proper RPG is single player anyway
I don't know much about WoW but I would think in a multiplayer game all damage classes would be on par with each other regardless of their damage method. I don't think a healer should do as much damage as a dps type, but two dps I would think do do the same damage.
Do I have to have a bowl cut if I'm a monk?
Then what is the motivation to play a warrior? If a paladin can switch from damage to tank to healer and be just as good as you why would you pick warrior who can't heal?
I just like it when classes have their designated roles and purposes.
No. Your head should be shaved.
None, modern WOW is shit, the trinity balance ruined everything.
Ok, but let's use DnD. Paladin is usually worse than fighter in a brawl. Let's say they weren't. Why would you ever pick fighter?
It's a video game, user. I can be what I like.
okay good, I'll be a monk
D&D is a different example, mechanically yes, a paladin is statistically worse then a warrior in melee combat, but D&D is run by player DMs and not computers, who can tailor encounters around the players and their classes, if a paladin is the main melee fighter in the party, then the encounters will likely involve more evil dudes and undead and fiends, while a warrior character might be getting more weapons tailored to the character, no DM is going to have the warrior go without decent gear upgrades unless they don't want the warrior to play anymore.
I play whatever role will most effectively and efficiently achieve my goals
Sorry I meant games that run off of dnd like neverwinter or BG.
Another thing to point out is flavor, some people just like playing paladins.
Going back to WOW, I liked paladins when they used to be tanky as fuck, sure they were slow to kill anything, but compared to any other class in the game they could actaully take on packs of mobs in the open world without worrying about dying to stray crushes, crits, and adds, where everyone else had to pull everything one at a time.
Fastforward, they simply made paladins in WOW into warriors, I facepalmed in wrath when they made their best ability a copy pasted holy damage whirlwind ripped straight from warriors when they just needed to remove the bullshit RNG of post BWL retribution.
Magic, specifically summoning, illusion-esque spells and utility spells.
My nigga.
offence-oriented wizard
Mage, unfortunately so far only dragon's dogma has tried to do them right, even in games like baldur's gate they are too limited.
Burn the wicked souls and cursed unholy evil in the light of God's warming embrace.
Things are supposed get smashed by paladins because the aid of their faith is on top of their martial prowess. If you exist with things like those around, learning a spell to make yourself stronger or make your shield chip metal seems almost essential if you don't want to be just another smoldering heathen.
Dunmer Thief.
Smarter than the warrior, and has none of the magic bullshit paladins use
a ranger should realistically beat almost everything as long as they see them first.
I'm sad to say, that the answer is obviously related to one is more broken in the setting/platform.
I mean warriors in DnD 5e can fucking shot a heavy crossbow 8 times in one turn.... Mages in 3e can throw like 20 desintegrates in one day, so they can literally make wholes in a dungeon and get to the boss and desintegrate him for a bajillion damage with no effort. And then rogues in vanilla WoW could pretty much perma stun anybody and beat them using a lvl 1 knife and being naked at max level.
the answer is always Paladin, fucking fairy healing faggots break every game
Muscle wizard.
Chinaman with a bunch of dogs.
I aint clicking that shit.
It never ends well for the dog.
big and strong is not how you play Barbarian, you're not supposed to be a Tank, it's Strength + Speed, all other stats are meaningless, maybe something in two-handed and lots of luck, but that don't matter.
i play Barbarian in all games that i can get away with it, even if no such class exists, no armor, no protection, just glass canon jump into the circle of evil priests and chop of their heads and carry the women being sacrificed on the alter away on the back of your shoulder.
JoaT master race.
Purist fags can fuck right off.
>That one guy in the party who sucks at everything
Mage is the toughest but most rewarding. It's the intelligent man's pick, and all the best players have a mage alt that they're good with.
Rogue is the most popular and what edgelord kids play. It has the cheapest abilities, making it an easy class to do well with.
Warrior is the normie pick. Fairly strong but not overpowered. Objectively the most fun class to play. Good for both PvP and PvE.
Mages when done well in a game are the most rewarding.
You're a glass cannon, and you gotta utilize fucking everything in your arsenal to not die.
>all those simple minds whining about hybrids
Not our fault if me manage to beat your ass with half your power.
Rogue because I like listening to enemy conversations.
Pretending having control of your life won't make a wizard, user.
what is the equivalent of special forces in a fantasy setting?
>druid holding off an entire party by himself
yup 3.5 alright
But I am big and strong for you
Because you know that no one would want to talk to you?
>lv1 fireball
there's indian food more dangerous than those
>beat your ass
>half your power
pick one
I like all three but for me it's Rogue
>wearing comfy leather/light armor, not as comfy as robes but less tiring and uncomfortable than heavy armor
>sneaking in the shadows taking out enemies in the safest way, instead of being a weak nerd or having to charge in risking your life everytime
>He never played Dragon's Dogma
That's the joke. You still get outsmarted and then whine about it. I bet you're a warrior player.
this is the closest I could find.
I did and Arc of X or Fighter in general were the most fun I had with it.
>pretending to be retarded
That's too many assumptions user
Why is Dragons Dogma the only game with worthwhile hybrid classes?
I will give a honorable mention to Mass Effect for Vanguard, but its the only worthwhile hybrid class in that game.
Rogue has speech you donut.
It's fighter, but fun and useful
and it actually gets proper benefits out of high int score
no wonder wizards hate it with passion
and if anyone claims its" weeaboo" just rename everything after fencing moves
But Punches only
If there's any Necromancer, Illusionist, or properly done ice magic then only dimbo's would choose anything else.
Int/Wis monks > combat monks
Fun is subjective so I won't argue that, even though I vastly preferred Assassin or Magick Archer.
That said, surely you're not arguing that the pure classes (with the possible exception of a full MAG sorceror) were anywhere near as destructive as magick cannon or whatever bouncing magick arrows MA had in Bitterblack?
why would you sling your gun? its your only weapon.
>boxing in the year of our lord two thousand seventeen when mma exists
What is wrong with you
I want to be an old wizard when I get old