Will the inclusion of LGBT characters detract from possible game sales? What do you guys think?
Will the inclusion of LGBT characters detract from possible game sales? What do you guys think?
I think you should take your lazy bait to .
No one really used to care until developers started shoehorning it in everywhere extremely half-assedly just to score some political points.
Several years of that and people actually outright prefer to avoid any hints of it because, whether or not it's actually crap, it more often than not is.
just make it a normal part of my character ,and not have them say "OH WELL, MY WIFE AND I ARE LESBIANS, TEE-HEE" or the equivalent every 5 seconds
Just make the characters seem natural or have some other main point. It's one thing to have a token gay character, but don't base the entire character's personality around the fact. Simple as that.
if you think about it like this person is, and not as a "this is who the character is" kind if thing, yeah, it's going to be a bunch of bullshit.
its not the action, its how and why
It's fine if they're subtle like witcher 3 has
No one actually buys a game because it has gay characters. Well, maybe some desperate yurifags do, but they are a very small minority, but certainly not the "progressive" crowd
On the other hand, some people won't buy it because:
- it feels preachy and forced
- they dislike games made for jorno crowd to fawn over, not for normal people to play
- they are from cultures or countries where same sex relationships aren't accepted
- they just don't like gays
Leaving the questions of good writing and character development aside, I can't see it actually making the devs a profit.
I think we already had this thread and you should fuck off.
Post the source link
>I come from a place in the Internet most people deem to be horrible in every single way.
Which one of you fags was it?
I don't give a shit if characters in games are LGBT just don't shove it in my face
Like there's a difference between finding a character's diary in their locked house and finding out they're gay and seeing two men making out during a cutscene for no fucking reason
Guild Wars 2 did the latter with the new characters introduced a couple years back and it's simply awful. Two women, and the second they're introduced it's like HEY WE'RE LESBIANS AND WE HAVE NO OTHER DEFINING FEATURES!!!!! I'm certain it was done only to please certain groups of people and not to create believable, relatable characters. GW2 is trash anyway, absolutely bankrupt in terms of story, characters and art direction.
It'll do the opposite. You think schlock like Steven Universe would be as popular without it?
Steven Universe would be more popular without the gay shit
The amount of people who base whether or not they buy a game on the presence of LGBT characters is so infinitesimal that it's not even worth considering. If you want some fags in your game stick them in, if you don't then don't.
Whoever is asking that question should be much more worried about whether or not their game is shit.
Absolutely, just look how Overwatch flopped
i think if this is your priority then your game will probably be bad
It really wouldn't. It's ugly, the characters are poorly done anime tropes, and the main character is like Shinji Ikari minus any likability.
Sup Forums would lap everything that has cute girls doing cute girls
The people who won't buy it because it has gay characters are a minority, and the people who will buy it because it has gay characters are also a minority.
the shows audience is womanchildren from tumblr so thats all it has going for it really
When they do that it's not even worth a pirate copy