ITT: it's E3 2003


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will this run on my 486? it runs my spreadsheets so well!

wow such detailed facial animations. i can only imagine what we'll have in 2017

Shenmue 3 when?

Sonic is dead

Sure, I have a fixed version of the leak what do you want to see.

>MGS 2 comes out on PC
>Get the PC version
>Installation size is 10Gb
>My entire hard drive is 25Gb


>open up a new hot and ready PC Gamer Magazine issue
>detailed bullet holes on antlions
>giant, intriguing creatures shooting at HD HL1 models
>paragraphs described how next gen is right around the corner

I was so fucking hyped for video games back then.

Anyone know how many Mega Flops the E3 computers had?

Goo goo gaga

Probably a Radeon 9800 pro or something.

Here's something that was never showcased and also did not function in the HL2 leak without fixing a considerable amount of code and compiling your own leak binaries, pilotable missiles.

Back then games actually lived up to the hype, I remember perfectly well how HL2 blew everybody's minds when it came out. The physics tech was absolutely astonishing.


*Baby noise

I had a 9800 Pro. Softmodded it to a 9800 XT. Even before the softmod it was a shit card, so many fucking problems that lasted for months before ATI updated their drivers. Still don't evenr want to buy one of their cards again.

i like how HL2's facial animations are all done by hand

they have a cartoony quality to them

>laughing like an idiot throughout the whole presentation
Why would you do that? Why would you do that?

but they're impressed user


Wow! Did anyone else see that breathtaking New Mombasa demo they showed off? You can literally steal someone's car like in Vice City!

it was a different time

Because they're absolute amazed and joyful due to how great it looks?

wait, did the destruction actually function like that in the game?


weird, all this cool technology and yet they barely take any advantage of it. Seems like they could've done a lot more with Source than what they ended up doing.

Every time Valve buckles down and makes an actual video game by themselves it's an undisputed paragon of gaming.

Half Life. Portal. Team Fortress. Left 4 Dead. Counter Strike.

You might not like any of these games but you cannot deny they are amazing games. (Okay, maybe not Ricochet.) Why won't Valve make games anymore? It can't be about money. They've ALWAYS had money. There have been too many people genuinely passionate about games making them to have it all have been for money.

Where did it all go so wrong? When did Valve go from top of the industry to lazily sliding out new micro-transactions made from player-submitted content every other year? Why is my childhood gone? Why is there so little hope for the things we love to return?

I just wanted one last turn as Gordon Freeman.

Fuck you IGN, Pac Man VS was a good game. does anyone even remember that the context of this image was them watching Pac Man VS?

They made very little use of it in actual level design, it's not like battlefield where you just get to blow up random buildings because lol

Also I'm not sure it actually functions as nicely as it does there, it has a nice springy effect to it in the video, but I'm rather sure in-game it doesn't do that

I suppose the artistic side of Gabe Newell was corrupted by his greed and he started making every decision with immediate profits in mind. Can't say he hasn't been successful in accumulating wealth.

I'm genuinely curious, would Gabe Newell rather be worth a couple of billion dollars more, instead of making masterpieces that would be remembered for decades to come? Is he happy now that he's fucking rich? (He would still be rich, even if Valve had kept making games)

The demo for Halo 2 got me hyped as fuck, can't wait to play this mission when the game comes out.

It's a real shame that this tech demo is far more impressive than what was released.

what are you talking about you blind cunt?

In what way this is better?

>this is considered groundbreaking by peasants

this mission seriously looked like ass

It's funny, all of the technology they presented is in the engine and completely functional. They just didn't take advantage of it in their level design much.

Especially the AI of Combine infantry, it was much worse than what it could be.

Imagine being THIS fucking contrarian and underage.

You want to name anything in that trailer that was removed and would have made the game better? Almost all of this stuff is in the game. What you don't see in retail was removed for good reason.

>hydra arm
It's impressive to look at but was too confusing in close quarters to have fun fighting.

>the lab sequence with Alyx and Kleiner
It got clipped a little because it was genuinely too long. People already complain about the story sequences, you really think anyone will agree that making them longer would have improved anything?

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just spewing out what will make you look smart and above it all.

"Look at me guys, I don't like this 15 year old E3 demo of a video game that is nearly identical to the final product! Aren't I just a smarmy cunt?"

You're a stupid sack of shit and I hope you get hit by a car. Asshole.

>just bought a CD copy of R6 Ravne shield
>install it form the CDs
>run as admin on the exe
>nothing happens
>level editior works fine
>this happended with some other CD games
how do i into old ass games vros? am i just too dumb?

lol imagine being this much of a cocksucker

i would call you autistic but you're right

What the fuck is an E3 and why do you lame-os even care. It won't be around 5 years from now. Screen print this.

>It won't be around 5 years from now

People have been saying this for a decade

I work for Nintendo.

where the fuck is the kingdom hearts 2 trailer?

>americans think gaming should be channel flipping
this fake is lazier than your fat ass

What a nice comeback.

>console is even tinier than the gamecube

sure thing user, really believable

that "controller" looks like a dildo