Daily fucking reminder:

Daily fucking reminder:

Consoles are the reason we:
>cut content up the ass, see skyrim's cut features, all that content was removed thanks to consoles
>see new games getting downgrades, remember watch dogs, siege, ghost recon, witcher 3..etc.
>get dumbed down AI and simulations/physics (thanks to shitty consoles CPUs) and controls (thanks to controllers)

Pic related, dual rendered scopes don't exist because they apparently tank the performance in consoles.

It's because of shitty developers, fuck off

Do you have any evidence linking cut content, downgrades, and dumbed down AI to consoles? Do you have a SINGLE fact to back that up?

why did white wold kill himself?

>pic related, it's a feature that i claim doesn't exist because of consoles, clearly existing

How old are you seriously.

fucked up throwing a grenade, by the look of it

Hourly reminder that Bungie made a shitton of features for the covanent and flood AI to use against you, but had to scrap most of them because the hardware of the 360 couldn't handle ai that complex and the number of enemies intended to be present in each fight at the same time


the best argument against this shit is the steam top 10 most played games

I think charlie just fucked with his head too much and he snapped.

Literally check todd's video talking about skyrim's cut content

It only exists on non-popular PC only FPS games

games would still be cut down even if consoles didn't exist, because not everyone has a $3k gaming rig

At least he took one of em with him. He's getting a heart for that one

Without consoles none of those large AAA games would exist at all

Doesn't matter, scopes in RS2 are broken for the Americans and will shoot off mark even when correctly zero'd

Not them but not an argument

And yet Bungie keeps shitting out console shit. If they wanted to do anything different they would have gone their own way after Reach came out, instead they decided to get rid of everything that gave their games a soul and move on to the production-line mentally of churning out yet another AAA console shooter franchise for yet another big publisher. Gee.

>believing anything Todd says
They weren't competent enough to do a proper PC release to begin with. When Skyrim came out, back when 4gb of ram was common, it couldn't even fucking use more than 2gb of ram at a time. Not to mention that if you run it well enough to get 60fps, the physics start to freak the fuck out and shit flies everywhere nonstop because the game physics were programmed based on framerate. This isn't 1990 anymore, any sort of game logic should never be tied to framerate.

i'm sure that if you keep posting this every day, developers will see the light and throw away 80% of their sales just to make you feel better about wasting your money on a PC

consoles are the reason we still have a video game industry

gaming on PC was still a niche until this last decade when MMOs and MOBAs generated large player bases