I have GTX 960 2GB, and was thinking and upgrade. What Card should i get?
I have GTX 960 2GB, and was thinking and upgrade. What Card should i get?
1060 or if u got the monies, 1070
1080 TI
If you're still on 1080p get 1070. It will last you for quite some time. Ignore people saying 1060, it will be unable to hit ultra the moment Volta drops.
Yeah im pretty red pilled for 1070 now. I already have 50-60fps with GTX 960 so 1060 is no go.
Go for it. I love it (Zotac AMP!, hits 69C at max load). Gonna skip Volta and than go for 4K the gen after. Post that Fallout 4 mod while you're here. And some more pics.
good luck finding a 1070 for less than $400+.
I have like 600$ savings.
I still have a 2gb 750Ti, I am the one in need of an upgrade, but video card prices are ridiculous now, so I have to suffer like G did.
While I am here, is it true that the more VRAM you have the better your texture loading will be with Fallout 4 and Skyrim? Should I aim for 8GB VRAM?
I would stick my pee pee in and out of that girls butt and if she asked me to stop i don't think i would!
It's GITS armor from nexus.
wait for volta my dude the 1000 series is nearing 2 years old
I also have an i5 2500k, should I upgrade that first?
then get an aftermarket 1080/vega 56 or wait for volta
400-600$ is max*
>hot realistic latex bodysuit ruined by joke breasts
They could at least look like low quality 80s implants instead of rounded cones.
Definitely get a card with 8GB VRAM.
That's propably a preset.
g1 1080 is $530, best price/perf right now thanks to cryptofags.
Have low-profile 300w GPU cards hit a limitation wall or will there be something better than a 1050 ti in the future?
Thanks amigo, I know what I'll be playing for next few days.
Wait for the next gen
Same as op, I have a GTX 960 4gb. Any upgrade I could get for around the same price, maybe $100 more at most? I'm a poorfag so I don't have much to work with
If I am on a budget for a processor would an i5 7600k be more efficient than a Ryzen 5?
Theres few reskins for it too.
If we're talking 1080p go for GTX 1070 or 1080. Since 1070 is currently very sought after becuase miners use them its price approached very close to that of 1080 which is a MUCH better card.
So check prices, if 1080 is 50-60$ more than 1070 definitely go with 1080.
no, z270 boards are more expensive than b350. Don't need an aftermarket cooler with the r5 1600, the wraith spire that comes with it can easily hit 3.8/3.9ghz depending on how lucky you get with your chip.
The body is probably preference based on the user since the body mod and suit are two different things. At least when I modded my waifu the suit always conformed to the body shape
is nvidia still the go-to or did amd shake things up with vega?
As someone with an 6700K absolutely not. Either go with i7 or Ryzen 5 if on budget.
Vega is delayed.
Does the ass automatically look that good in F4 or do you need a body mod running too?
how long?
Yes you need CBBE for butts. FO4 has awfully ugly vanilla shapes and faces.
do not buy i7 right now, coffee lake is out in ~3 weeks
Realistically, prob late November.
vega is pretty garbo right now thanks to etherium miners. Vega 64 is pointless when the 1080 ti is similarly priced, vega 56 was ok before it was inflated to $150 over msrp. If you undervolted it and overclocked it could reach FE 1080 performance.
F4 default ass is a crime against humanity, it's fucking awful, all asses you see on Sup Forums are modded, nobody uses default bodies and if they do it's because they are brain damaged.
>is nvidia still the go-to or did amd shake things up with vega
Vega 56 is better at $400 vs the gtx 1070. But I will say it released a year after the 1000 series so it's expected.
Vega also has HBM2 vs the GDDR5 vram garbage on nvidia. The other choice is wait for volta next year.
Asus strix 1070 or XFX R9 390x are the two best mid range cards on the market right now.
>mfw atomic beauty mod
So just like Skyrim. Fucking Bethesda
vega turned out to be trash, basically the bulldozer of gpus.
I would use atomic if they made a less muscular variant, abs and thighs specifically.
Body mod does all. They have presets but I messed around with sliders until I got it the way I like it. The bodysuit mods have to be compatible I think but the popular shit is always compatible and that body in that pic is similar to the shape I preferred except I made the tits sag a bit and the nips weren't huge.
1070 and 390x are not even in the same ballpark user. Maybe if you double 390x's value as space heater since winter is coming.
The GTX 1080 is pretty much golden for whatever you need it to work for.
That said, what processor do you have in your rig?
480GTR* sorry brain was melting.
use bodyslide for that
i muscled down everyone but kept my player just a little bit muslced
end result was everyone was thicc as fuck but not some weird bodybuilder shit either
I meant the 480GTR. Also, fuck off price to performance is at least comparable, and should be the most important thing you look at in parts unless you're a 15 year old retard.
If you're still good with your framerates, wait for Volta. If not, wait for the 1070ti to drop. Then get either that or the regular 1070 after the price drop, whichever your budget permits.
1070, Find a brand that has good local customer support and warranty.
No, you meant 480. And they are not comparable. Unless money is an issue you will go with 1070.
waste of money, just keep your 960 for more 2 years and buy bitcoin right now instead
>mfw bought $240 r9 fury last year
>95% performance of a 1070
>Vega, Volta, and 1070ti all shrouded by mysterious and rumors to when they are going to be released.
There was supposed to be big price drop by then end, but nothing has not really happened.
% performance of a 1070
mining hapened
Fuck off virgin
Post yfw you didn't fall for the 9xx series meme.
>red pilled
Fuck off.
True but i would still guess developers are waiting each other for the first strike.
I still use my 280x from 2013 there's no reason you should upgrade.
it certainly does at 1440p, finewine kicked in.
9xx? I almost got a R9 390. Thank god I somehow forced myself to wait for 1070.
1070 will do anything at 1080/60fps. 4k and VR will need something bigger.
You can go cheap like zotac to save money or go EVGA if you want to hedge your bets for the upgrade.
I really want that over 60fp on ultras.
1060 or RX580
Vega is good if you manage to get it at a good price
IIRC an undervolted (because power and temp limit lowering clocks) Vega56 is about on par with a 1080
wait for the next Nvidia series to drop, 2000 maybe? then buy 2060 or 2070, 2080 if you don't want to bother upgrading even after a possible PS5 is out
the go to
my nigga, i got a r9 too and i am still satisfied with it. great card.
I'm in the same boat. I have a 970. Considering upgrading to a 1070 or 1080, but I'm hoping for a price drop in the next few months.
Wait for Nvidia Volta GV106 GTX 2060
Damn Fallout 4 looks like THAT?
>all these pics
any place where i can find them ALL? shit looks hot, cant even run fallout 4 lmao
Yeah but its very shallow game.