What is Sup Forums's reaction to Mario having nipples??
Mario's Nipples!!
Nothing. If he didn't have nipples i would have a reaction.
Does this mean you can milk him?
He doesn't look Italian to me.
What is your reaction to his lack of a navel?
oh wow he has nipples oh my god jesus chirst how could this be oh no
This means that Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina have nipples
>mfw i see the nip
It looks better like this.
And if they have nipples, they have vaginas.
>nipples but no navel
>Mario came from the stork so he never went through a natural birth to give him a navel
Fucking nips!
now he looks less like a little boy and more like a man
I wish you could mod nintendo games
They really ahould have made him hairy
Park the car in the yard.
Honestly It's not that big of a deal.
we need to release the nipple on more male vidya characters.
I have nipples too. Mario is more relatable now.
My nipples are augmented