How the fuck is this a Pokemon holy shit

How the fuck is this a Pokemon holy shit

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How the fuck is a magnet a Pokemon?

Fuck off Gen 1 was great

Not the same and you know it

It is the same. In Hawaii a flower veil is very popular thing to see and it's a fairy Pokemon. So it's supposed to be cute. I

Why do people try to make this retarded claim? One is clearly better than the other. Fuck off with your " Durr nostalgia" not everyone is as blind as you.

How the fuck is this a Pokemon holy shit

Except it's not a magnet. It's a ball with an eye, 3 screws and 2 magnets attached to it, forming some kind of a creature.

Op's pic is literally a fucking flower veil with a anime uguu face.

You're not even from Hawaii

Magnemite has a charming original design, OP mon is a lei with a face on it

It's not, it's overdesigned, features dozens of little marks, is hard to look at, has no subtley in color pallet, and is overall dogshit. You're a monstrous fool running on nothing but the hope that people are old and cranky about the new games.

That's just someones DeviantArt fanfic.

>Fuck off!!! i-it's not the same!!!
genwunners, folks



man, i love pokemon as much as the next guy and i try and appreciate all designs
but you gotta admit, a seal called seel and a crab called crabby is probably not the epitome of good design.

What's not original about the picture in op?

Both are objects. People like to be hypocritical and find there own narratives things. When the things they praise are the same things

Don't need to be from Hawaii to know comfey takes inspertion from a haku

That's actually cute and creative. I don't play pokemon, but that's a cool design. I've seen you Poke-fucks complain about some truly horrible designs. This isn't one of them.

It's cute

It really pisses me off when people compare Electrode and Magnemite to retarded ice cream cone style Pokemon. I don't know the "lore" but it's obvious Pokemon like magnemite are human creations because they're machines. How did a sentient ice cream cone come to exist?

Is Sup Forums the only place where genwunners still exist in droves?

You guys are stupid

Actually it's a tiny fey creature carrying a lei, not a lei

>it's obvious Pokemon like magnemite are human creations
did the anime say that or something?


Look at them. It's a machine. We know Mewtwo was a human creation and he's biological, no reason they couldn't make robot Pokemon if they can create biological Pokemon.

not terribly different from the oddish and hoppip lines

some nondescript cute thing with a plant slapped on it

>anime uguu face
You people just spew whatever bullshit you want for no reason, right?

Exeggcute was kind of stupid for sure, completely unmemorable Pokemon.

one is clearly better than the other to you because of nostalgia you literal retard

Obviously humans came up with screws and shit after seeing magnemite have them on it's body.
Checkmate Creationists

Okay but where does it actually say that?

Pokémon babbies will defend this shit mon. Whew

Or maybe people are aware of the meme, try and do an objective comparison, and consider, hey, what has changed in the development of Pokemon over the years? Too much overdesign, too loud of designs , random spikes everywhere, fifteen different colors on one Pokemon,


I think one of the nine circles of hell is lack of reason.

I wanna fuck this Pokemon holy shit

>I don't know the "lore"
No, he's speculating but I'm fairly sure literally no one ever says that. Certainly, the Pokédex entries make no mention of it and no one in the anime (at least up to like the Hoenn series) says anything of the sort. The only Pokémon who can I say is man made is Porygon.

The only designs I objectively hate are the faceless/eyeless/headless UBs. By far the most boring and uninspired designs I've seen even the name "ultra beast" is non-descript and boring.

>pokemon like magnemite are human creations
lol no, and for the ice cream pokemon it isn't actually ice cream, just a creature hiding under a pile of snow in the shape of an ice cream cone


You're fucking braindead. Read the thread if you can't figure out why one is different than the other, keep holding onto your nostalgia goggles meme, fucktard.

>it's old so it must be dated and shit

except mew created every pokemon except for like five, mewtwo, arceus, genesect porygon and silvally

gen 4 designs are pure kino
the fact that gen 4 was my first one has nothing to do with that opinion

thats a bell

THIS is the Pokemon. It collects flowers and attaches them to its blue tail thing. Explain exactly what's wrong with it?

As far as I recall, the six man-made Pokemon are Porygon, Mewtwo, Golett, Genesect, Magearna, Type: Null, and evolutions of those above when applicable.

Were the creation trio also made by arceus? I can't remember.


it's funny how people keep bringing magnemite up when it's actually one of the best designed pokemon out there
>it's simple therefore it's bad


Artificial selection is a thing.

>in the case of the samurai crab a 100,000 year old superstition caused fishermen to throw back any crabs that had markings resembling a human face, over time the crabs shells evolved to look more and more like human samurai faces until the resemblance became uncanny

>posting this on Facebook of all places


Yeah it has zero reason to do it

What does collecting flowers have to do with surviving in the wild?

I want it wrapped around my dick

Peacock theory, self-burdening can be a display of strength.

It's a fucking fairy, are you seriously going to nitpick that? There's plenty of animals that collect flowers and plants, for food, for nests, it might even be something to find a partner and breed, it might be for camouflage, it's easy to find an explanation.

having the flowers lets it give off a calming aroma to lull enemies away

What's the appeal of facesitting? That guy has obviously never had a GF and when my GF did that to me it just got suffocating after a while of eating her out

>collection of eggs
>evolution is a palm tree

But how did their shells know to evolve to look like a human's face? To the crabs they were just getting caught and then thrown back.

Why is she so perfect?

According to BW, Magnemite's Unovan cousin, Klink, was only discovered 100 years ago, during the industrialization period. I think it's reasonable to assume Magnemite was created in a similar fashion.

I'd actually forgotten about Mewtwo. I looked into it more and there's also Castform, not that anyone uses him. He was cool though. Here's the list from the wiki.

To make itself more attractive to humans? Pokémon are quite linked with humans in the world, so it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility. The Pokédex entry mentions that they're popular with humans because of their fragrant flowers which in the other Pokédex entry it's mentioned that it revitalizes the flowers with it's blue vine thing.

Have you tried not being gay? Or not dating an obese whale?

>a cranial parasite that resembles both a wig and a jellyfish
>a mosquito that drains its enemies to pump up its pecs
>a supermodel cockroach that detests filth
>an electric tree that plugs itself into the ground
>a bamboo princess rocketship
>a stern, paper-fortune teller samurai
>a double-headed dragon whose mouth contains a black hole

these guys are boring and uninspired to you?

crabs are pretty smart you know?

Your miserable existence has zero reason to continue, and yet here you are questioning the reason for which a fictional character does a thing. Fuck off.


You never explained the appeal you cocksucker and my ex wasn't fat

Most likely its welcoming behavior including having a signature ability that makes it so its healing moves always go first make it so other Pokemon don't hunt them for food as it is more beneficial to have a ready healer around their habitat when they fall ill or become injured

Crabs that didn't have a human looking shell got eaten, meaning only the human shaped shelled crabs got to reproduce

bamboo princess rocket is actually extremely cliche

it's like making an apple princess Pokemon with seven little helpers that swarm around it

>bamboo princess rocket is actually extremely cliche
Name 5 games that do this

What a faggot

I like the idea that it strangles it's prey and enemies with the lei

It's a cute fairy with a long tail who likes collecting flowers.

Better to ask how Electrode or Snubbul are a Pokemon.

You did exactly what I said you'd do. Try again.

bamboo princess yes and I know that spacecraft had the nickname but I'd never seen them combined before celesteela

I wanna hatefuck the farts out of her shithole

Snubbul is a dog, how is that hard to understand

>dude lmao let's just make every furrys wet dream a pokemon
What's their end goal

A minority and pathetic, since you abuse a real life animals trust for personal gain you sick fuck

That's a fox not a dog my friend

>Viridi is a genwunner
not surprises here

It's a fairy designed to look like it's holding a haku/lei, what's the issue?
Gen 7 had a shitload of issues but the Pokemon designs weren't one of them. It's one of the main reasons to bother with them in the first place.


Here's a code, no puzzle

Gotta let the people know.

Duplicate or I'm a snail

you can tell that people haven't actually played the games because they are moaning about the designs and not the gameplay being hot trash

This has to be the least memorable Pokemon ever. I've played through every generation and don't recall seeing this fuck once, then when browsing through a Sup Forums thread about Pokemon someone posted this faggot. Try and post a less memorable Pokemon.

I always laugh at "my wife, Reshiram", not that I can judge him.

I like Maractus, it's cute.

You'll never be as autistic as Justin it's not possible

>not that I can judge
You're a brony aren't you?
Is that code for I want to fuck it? Sick fuck

That doesn't make it any more memorable.

What does carrying around a free side dish for roast duck have to do with surviving in the wild?

Well, of course. I am in love with a fictional character, but I hide my powerlevel really well.

>You're a brony aren't you?
No, my waifu is a robot.


To defend itself from predators.

I actually never seen the hyperbeast beside muscle mosquito and super glam cockroach

Use a regular stick.