The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
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i'm very glad that game is dead, it was extremely problematic
I don't think you guys actually miss vanilla wow. I think you miss the way your life was when you were playing vanilla wow.
delete this
>Ive turned into practically a normie
>keep running into previous WoW players from when WoW was good randomly in my work
We experienced something good together. But its time to let it go.
thats fucking stupid
because its true and makes me angry
i was abused psychologically and beaten often when i was playing wow and it served as my only escape
so no, fuck off
I used to believe this.
Then I played Nostralius.
I just miss the old warcraft series, before the memes took over.
Succeeding you, father
>havent played WoW since Wrath
>have Argent Dawn Tabard from vanilla invasion event
>have friend who still plays
>randomly mention that fact every time, knowing he can never get it
that's why you remember it so fondly. not that it was good but it was your escape from pain
currently playing on that weird ass classless private server
pretty cool concept, okay-ish execution, but shit's empty on lower levels, and feels like the devs/people in charge have lost all connection to reality, just like everyone heavily involved with wow private server shit it seems
might stick up for a while
I want to surgically attach my mouth to her anus
>never entering ashenvale from darkshore ever again
>it got the JUST treatment with cata and will never be comfy again
Father.... Is it over?
Shame really, that i never could get into wow - Otherwise i'd have the feelings you have. I remember when wow came out and i tried playing it, but i could only get to lvl 11 before i stopped. I was a lot younger back then, think i got the BC expansion but i barely played it as well. This year i finally decided to try starting on wow, started properly a few weeks ago and now i'm only lvl 47.
I saw some videoes of the world pre cata and i wonder if maybe one day they will reverse it to that time. Blizzard could always come up with a reason for it, and it sure looked comfy.
I miss when online games encouraged communication with other human beings, nowadays every single game feels like I'm playing with bots.
>gnomes cartoonishly thrown on the left hand of the splash
it looks so out of place in that picture. they couldn't of done a drawing of a small man with goggles?
That always bugged me too, in game gnome on a mount no less.
Gnomes had almost no art at the time because they were the last race added to alliance.
The OG race roster was supposed to be humans, high elves, night elves, dwarves for alliance, and orcs, trolls, tauren, and goblins for horde.
it should've been, gnomes are cancer
If you wanted to play the old warcraft series you'd play wc1-3.
Really? I think I recall seeing undead PCs in PC Gamer long before release. I also have a memory of them being skeletons and not zombies but maybe I'm just high.
that makes sense.
Gnomes are fine.
They did the changes for various reasons, mainly they wanted undead to be a race since they were extremely popular in WC3, they needed a horde city on kalimdor and gurubashi was originally going to be the troll city but it was too close to stormwind for comfort (Despite elf starting zones being 1 zone away from fucking ogrimmar) and they decided not to have 2 elf races for alliance.
What have I become my sweetest friend
WOW had a very very long dev cycle, longer then most MMOs today.
It started in 1999 but didn't really become remotely like what we know as vanilla until about 2002
And again, they just didn't have enough art for gnomes at the time.
>tfw when rp like a fag with a friend and have the best comfy feelings
I was lucky
Then why did I drop official servers to play Vanilla on private, and having more fun than ever?
vanilla wow is full of memes and references, but they weren't blown out of proportion back then
You think you do, but you don't.
Thats the point, there were easter eggs sure, but you didn't get meme quests and meme bosses back then, at most you'd get memes that spawned from bosses and quests, like this asshole
But I do
So for a first time proper wow player. I tried doing quests but when i out level them by doing dungeons i found doing dungeons being way better XP wise. How long can i continue doing dungeons before quests being just as viable or more.
>muh "sense of danger" shit
Error 404 argument not found.
>vanilla wow is full of memes and references
most shit has always had, specially Blizzard's, and I don't know if it's because I was younger but it never seemed that offensive compared to nowadays "HEY DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS?? REMEMBER THAT?? WINK WINK ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)"
lots of quests were just reference names to songs, movies etc and you have characters like Linkeln (or so) in the Crater. I don't know about any modern bosses but Patchwerk and Stitches are prolly the most "memed" bosses
You can do dungeon queues till max level.
But once you hit wrath, its better exp to just do quests since most of the EXP from vanilla dungeons came from bonus bosses and BC questing is shit.
I enjoy questing, but not so much when it gives so little XP because it becomes tedious.
People just like bullying Gnomes.
I do that with my swift zulian tiger from the old ZG
Again, easter eggs.
Its not like having an entire quest thats fucking katamari damacy
Or an entire boss thats just James Brown jokes
Go back to the discord
I'm almost certain these threads are made by blizzshills so they can talk about 'moving on'. Friendly reminder that you think you do but you don't is a meme argument, and no amount of moral posturing or strawmanning can change the fact there's a niche out there for vanilla WC and old Blizzard games.
I still link to my Head of Onyxia sitting in my bags.
There is. BUT. You will never ever ever have your vanilla/bc/horsecock servers for one reason: When people decide to play older versions instead, it shows Blizzshit's management and design decisions as horrible.
For every manager horsefucker, this is worse than death.
just because you were too young to notice them doesn't mean they weren't there and noticed by other players, wow was always the "cartoonish" mmorpg
>people really want this back
>every boss is a literal auto-attack afk fest
>little to no mechanics on every boss
>people literally so bored they're whispering eachother during the final boss of an endgame raid
>every boss is just a stat dump of "who has the higher number total" and every potion/food item being +5 agility and solid stat boosts rather than mechanically interesting fights where stats dont mean as much (to a larger degree than current WoW. Current WoW still has solid stat boosts on food and flasks, but aren't nearly required in the bulk of Vanilla, nor a requirement. Even now, +400 Int flasks are nice, but nowhere near a requirement to fight an end-game boss.)
>quite literally everything is a straight grind for little to no reward (hit exalted with Gurubashi Tribe for --- an expensive recipe for an expensive cloak thats a +2 stamina upgrade. And as I said, that +2 stamina is a near requirement for end-game raiding, since bosses are stat dumps)
>every boss, once the stat requirement is met, is near trivial and requires no input from anyone
>people really want this back
Im not dissing the people who want this back, but did you REALLY find the sheer number of nothing to do enjoyable? The entire thing was a community driven game, not the game itself. Name one person that liked collecting books for Shendralar rep for a stupid recipe for a proff you might not even be a part of. The fun came from exploring the game with friends who also were exploring the game.
We have to go back
>don't stand in the fire = mechanical depth
You mean playing your class good isn't a valid mechanic anymore? yeah sorry look out for the red death zones, really epic fight when you have to move left and right occasionally.
The difference is that the game then was more of a journey, Ragnaros is also a shit example of a boss, you just needed everyone in the raid to have a stable internet connection and enough fire resistance gear.
Opposed to now where every boss is killable by facerolling and doesn't get hard until you enable some arbitrary hard mode that you can only beat by farming that same boss on an easier difficulty.
>every boss is a literal auto-attack afk fest
In MC, yes. I remember BWL being a bit less shit. And the pinnacle of vanilla raiding (four horsemen) apparently was awesome.
Meanwhile, in non raid content WOW.
I wish raid cucks would die, the entire game suffers for your shitty boring grindfest.
Reminder that everyone also clicked their spells and turned with the keyboard and were considered good players
>I wish raid cucks would die, the entire game suffers for your shitty boring grindfest.
I will give you that raider in WoW did a lot to completely damage the mindset of a lot of MMO after it with this retarded "raiding=only true endgame lolz" mindset.
wew lad, that boring ass paladin gameplay.
>You're just remembering wrong, haha!
There were memes but they tactfully handled, they weren't the driving point of an entire questline or story. There were occasional, tastefully used and often out of the way. Cataclysm literally turned Westfall in to one long CSI meme quest line, for example. Westfall before that was about an overarching plot of corruption affecting a Kingdom thats slowly being run in to the ground by greedy and corrupt nobles. You didn't have them constantly saying one liners that were jarring, or unfunny, or stopping to pull out their gnomo-matic-camera to take pictures of places.
Modern WoW devs seem to be forgetting, or rather, they don't give a rats ass, that originally WoW took more of a DnD approach to storystelling and while there was humour it still took itself seriously. There was a sense of lore, history and even a little depth occasionally. I'll never forget my first time seeing the glowing plague silo's in the plaguelands, or my time spent in a great deal of many other areas that weren't filled the literal brim with bullshit memes.
Found the cuck who never did anything outside of leveling.
>they weren't the driving point of an entire questline or story.
did you even fucking quest in un'goro crater retard? don't ever speak again about something of which you know nothing.
>there are still fags that didn't swim down until the map said you were in Dun Morogh, drown, and then spirit res in the Kharanos GY
But why?
Exactly, and thats what people miss most about MMOs.
When you play WOW today, the game doesn't 'start' till end game, thats been the main mindset of the new developers since late wrath when Watcher took over, cataclysm was a revamp to bring the game's 'rush to end game' quest system developed in Wrath with its linear, piss easy questing to vanilla so people can grind through it in hours, and get to the end game treadmill.
I had travel form at level 20 so why would I do that?
>Spirit rezzing in dun morogh when you're ultimately trying to get to elwynn/westfall
cherrypick harder faggot
the LoZ shit in un goro was a million times better then CSI Westfall or Redridge Rambo
Just play XIV, it's like a better WoW
Because we don't want to go to shitty dwarf land, we want to level in superior human land.
Right, so you could use the tram in IF to get to SW. Idiot.
retards, you take the train from Ironforge and save yourself an extra hour of swimming
Nowhere in recent events has a meme overtaken the whole plot/story of an entire zone. MAYBE "TIRANDUH". Your cherrypicking is awful.
Westfall was never about a stupid gnome taking pictures of a dead corpse or the CSI meme. It was about an underground criminal organizations leader dying and being taken reorganized by his much better daughter, and the overpopulation of Stormwind causing Wrynn to deny people homes and cause a population of his own race to become homeless? Sure, the stupid one liner happened, but it never didn't take itself seriously.
Un'goro's storyline did not revolve around link, it was about a lost expedition. He was a side character, and one of the very few that existed. Great job ignoring my entire post so you can cherry pick something, retard.
Or indiana jones uldum, or the entire old gods storylines devolving into sterotypical lovecraftian wank.
>Hour of swimming
Nigga, it takes an extra 10-20 minutes
You'd be spending the same ammount of time running to ironforge, waiting for the train, and running to westfall
>Westfall's entire questline revolves around an investigator making constant references to CSI miami
>The daughter a sixteen year old super assassin mary sue cunt
>Random quests involving some homeless people with the occasional cheap joke
jesus, after a 5 years teasing about whats beyond the gates of uldum only to see that fucking meme bullshit
makes me remember why people shit on cataclysm so much
>being this stupid
You didn't play until Cataclysm, did you?
You're going to be going to Dun Morogh to get to the Tram anyways you dumb fucks. Unless for some reason you want to go through badlands, searing gorge, burning steppes, and redridge to get to elwynn.
There were plenty of people doing endgame stuff and leveling stuff, wow has gotten old in 10 years. You need influx of new players to keep lowbie zones populated. As the game ages you lose out on that and more of your players are endgame only. The good thing about old wow is it had plenty of both. I could go level my alts and then hop on later to do scholo/ubrs/strath runs
Exactly, my problem was the raid or die mentality of modern WOW ruined any sense of fun of leveling alts because you can faceroll everything until end game.
Oh god I just remembered that but I'm going to roll on a fresh cataclysm server in november because there's nothing else to do
>I'll just spam dungeons instead of questing it'll be oka-
>The CSI memelord is in Deadmines too
>repeating the same irrelevant content is fun
Whatever floats your boat, buddy.
>goblin with four fingers
>gnome with five
Whenever I hit level cap in vanilla wow, I would roll a new character. What does modern WoW offer a player with my playstyle?
>gnome has five fingers when they actually only have four
>the goblin is drawn with the correct amount of digits
really sparks my neurons
For one, we used to have different zones to progress through
And two, classes used to actually play differently, and with world content not being faceroll back then, there was a satisfaction as your character got stronger, like the first time you hit at 1k mortal strike or aimed shot.
2.0 was, Literally as soon as it got an expansion there was an immediate content drought. You really can't make this shit up, post-activision blizzard has ruined mmos. forever.
Just stop playing WOW clones.
EVE always has shit to do
Same with indie MMOs like Haven and Hearth, or grindfests like Runescape.
Yes they're not as polished as WOW or big AAA MMOs that copy WOW, but they're still fun.
but legion has more content that wow ever had ever, user