What are some games that genuinely make you happy?

What are some games that genuinely make you happy?

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I'll never understand how people don't like this game.

I dunno about games but I do know facebook is really slow!

>pic related

I got FE Path of Radiance, played like an hour but the pacing is soooooo slow.
Please convince me to give it another shot

Turn movement speed to fast and turn off combat animations. I started enjoying it much more after doing that.

Alright, thanks alot bro!
I'll give it another shot later


Right now. For some reason I find it comfy and get pretty happy when i discover or make something. The obly exception is when i find a leviathan. Fuck them.

>metal gear rising
>just cause 2/3

LiS, BtS, persona 2-4

Because i never had social life

I was playing Disgaea 5 and doing the Item World to get my squad up to lv.100 and I had to take a step back a moment and acknowledge how much genuine fun I was having just killing shit and using all this wacky units.
The best part is this happened like, 2 days ago. I love Disgaea.
user FE is slow as fuck, if you have a Switch, try Disgaea 5's demo. One great thing about Disgaea is you can make entire turns go by in under a minute and everything can be sped up, whether it's moving a character, executing an attack, watching attack animations, everything can be made to go fast as shit just by holding the B button, and it's great to keep an exciting pace in a turn based SRPG.
When I played FE 7 after Disgaea, FE nearly put me to sleep, holy hell.


Yakuza, been playing it for so long the familiarity with the characters and place is very nice.

Monster Hunter because it's simple and good.

Suikoden II

Lord of the rings online
Super comfy, especially the bleak areas like Angmar

Bravely Default cause of music.

But doesn't monster hunter stress you out?


Fix the fucking mug already, Jesus Christ

Not at all. You hit a point with the combat that it becomes natural, similar to a fighting games. Prepping for a hunt in town, coming back after victory or loss is comforting. The town lobby music is always very pleasant.

The harder hunts are more intense than stressful. Overall it's very fun and always a good time.

Was that game on PS4 aswell ?
Think I played the demo quite some time ago, but I hardly remember, so I'll download it again
Thanks man

what did you mean with rain user-kun

Honestly? Skylanders imaginators and halo 5. Weird selection I know.

After all of these years it still lightens up my day with ease.

Games from my childhood

And it's so good to play with your bros. Only downside is when they want to do everything quick and chain hunts like you're at a factory.

Mafia 2 because Joe is based

100% Orange Juice


Journey, Abzu, Reading quest text and questing in MMOs

The one and only

kirby epic yarn

>Metal Gear Rising makes you happy

I wasn't very happy trying to get those fucking Jetstream Sam DLC achievements. Not very happy at all.

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.

EU4 and Mound and Blade are games when I just kind of want zone and chill.

nice graphics man.

Persona 5

Ace Combat.
I really like the dead moments after a hectic mission sometimes where you can just cruise.
I can't wait for 7 so I can see raindrops on the canopy.
It also reminds me of better times when my dad still gave a fuck.

Jet Set Radio

Suikoden II
I will never experience joy in a video game like I did the first time I came back to my castle after a long journey to find my bros had built an entire armory and library while I was gone

I don't know what it is about the hub areas in Psychonauts,

But they personify a childlike sense of wonder and nostalgic sense of exploration for me.

Mainly old shitty movie tie in games cuz nostalgia.

Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune.
I know that game like the back of my hand. The predictability is comfy.

Will we ever have a new Final Fantasy cast even half as memorable or charming?

What's wrong with it sitting against the wall?

Octopath Traveler seems to be as good as we're gonna get at this point since XV was so godawfully bad. The only reason I want a Switch is for that one game

Sleeping Dogs did for awhile until I exhausted everything you can do. If I get a PS4 I'll probably get it again. Need for Speed: Rivals was really fun too just wish it had Hot Pursuit's car selection.

Link Between Worlds was an oddly comforting game that caught me slightly off guard.

MGS2: Substance. It's partly nostalgia but that nostalgia is still rooted in the genuine fun I had when I played it.

Shinobi 3. It plays too smooth and fluid and the soundtrack is too memorable for me to have no smile on my face when I'm doing another runthrough.

Harvest Moon

Animal Crossing gc, specifically around 8 am or 5pm

Kingdom Hearts 2

I love Megaman X. When it went to 3d it crushed me. I felt so betrayed and Axl is such a shit character. X getting announced for MvCI got me hype until I saw his moveset and how bad MvCI is in general.

I have so many memories from that game. Put more than 2000 hours into it. But I am not sure I can go back and still enjoy it anymore. Last time i played it was around 2009.

When I'm playing a good doom wad for the first time. Comfy as hell.

>specifically around 8 am or 5pm

Not being at work during that time. Fucking neets man

Any video game that allows me to build houses or manage communities like Cities Skyline. I like to play Minecraft but I don't play it anymore because of the social stigma that comes with an 18 year old playing a game designed for kids.

The only games I like now are the ones that give me nostalgia. I've been playing through the campaigns of starcraft, warcraft 3, and age of empires.

FF9 and NVN are the only games, to date, that i actually loved. And i mean really loved. Played it as a kid in 2002, liked many games after them, none of which made me actually FEEL good playing it

I'd be more worried about the stigma that assumes you are an autistic retard. Tons of people play Nintendo games, kid.


Yeah, I adored Oblivion, but can't help but feel like a replay wouldn't capture the same thrills I got when I was younger.

Something it had that Skyrim lacked was the way that you sort of bumble into a lot of memorable side-quests by chance. Like renting a room at the boat inn will have you wake up at sea. Or bumping into that paranoid guy has him try to get you involved in his search for conspiracies.

It actually made exploration feel more worthwhile and surprising than receiving a laundry list of fetch quests from the leader of every city.


If you don't feel happy listening to this I don't think anything will do it. Dark Cloud 2 was so comfy

this game

I have played this game too much.
a3 when?


I really feel like skyrim killed eplayability . Oblivion had certain star signs for replayability but in skyrim all classes just end up being the same

not to mention all the guild quests in skyrim being boring AF. oblivion did darkbros so well. i loved that house slaying quest.


Even though the game has a shitload of problems right now it is still pretty fucking fun and decent matches always make me happy.

Killed me finishing the game the first time too.

I want to go back to 2007. I had so much fun with TF2

desu nothing makes me happy anymore

Guitar Hero. Especially 1-3 (and I guess Aerosmith) where the brisk humour and patchwork style really worked. There's just something about this series that keeps drawing me back in.

Running around in Rust without being in a VoIP and chat disabled, enjoying the quality ambience/sounds, it relaxes me.

Depression Quest



TF2 beta master race

Especially the first game with the comfy lonely atmosphere

>no doom
Who doesn't like to rip and tear huge guys?

Private server Vanilla WoW.

Ninja gaiden 2/Sigma 2.

Cutting limbs away and decapitating enemies gives me such a massive boner. I can't get tired of violently cutting them apart.

Skyrim was garbage.

this game makes the the opposite of happy

It's hard to get into deep RPG like I used to. Life demands too much of me so it's difficult to enjoy anything.

Risk of Rain, helps with the depression.

I haven't participated on the beta but i used to play on a friends house.

Shit was cash.

It's about the only one these days.

Ridge racer 4
And sonic adventure

P4 has such a nice atmosphere.

anyone who preordered orange box was in.

Later on you got a special badge too.

There was no reason not to preorder OB either.

TF2 beta was the only reason to preorder.

It wasn't originally designed for kids, you know, that's just how it wound up after it became massively popular with kids. the stigma still applies, but..it didn't have to


i like gravity rush! playing as a hobo is really comfy!

Every saturday morning I used to wake and bake while beating Punch-Out and listening to Stankonia. Those were some happy times.

Happy? What is that?

Animal Crossing and GTA. Playing Mario Kart/Party/3D World with friends.

I used to love playing Knytt and Knytt stories to relax. I haven't checked in on what Nifflas is up to in years, but I like his simple ambient platformers more than the puzzlers.

The only way a videogame can bring actual happines it's if you play with your friends on the same room.

Some kind of thing people say they so others don't bother them. Besides that? Who knows, some kinda new age slang.

VA-11 Hall-A and ArmA 3.

Did you wait 6 years for The Hunted only to have that fatass finally state that the Payload maps were TF2's version of The Hunted ?

Solitaire on XP

Steamworld Dig

Pic unrelated